The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 547 Mi Fang Bleeding

Chapter 547 Mi Fang Bleeding
Zhuge Qiao originally thought that judging from the son's strict attitude of enforcing the law, he might be furious today because of this.But what surprised him was that Shizi acted so calmly.

——The prince couldn't calm down because he was too angry, right?

Thinking of this, Zhuge Qiao felt uneasy again.

After he calmed down his heart, he asked Liu Chan softly: "My lord, how do you think this matter should be handled? Aren't you angry in your heart?"

Liu Chan looked up at Zhuge Qiao, smiled slightly and said, "I'm angry! However, because I can guess that this is the result, I have already been angry."

Zhuge Qiao finally breathed a sigh of relief, the expected storm did not come.

Zhuge Qiao quickly asked: "Then, son, how are you going to deal with this matter? After all..."

Liu Chan asked, "What happened after all?"

Zhuge Qiao pondered for a while before he said: "After all, General Mi Fang is your uncle, and he is also the prefect of Jiangling City. If you make any decision, you must consult my father in Chengdu and the King of Hanzhong before making any decisions." It is only appropriate to deal with it."

Hearing Zhuge Qiao's oblique words, the intention was clearly to persuade himself not to make decisions about dealing with Mi Fang, but it was really hard to appreciate his painstaking efforts.

Liu Chan nodded and said: "I understand what you mean. Mi Fang is at least a prefect with a rank of two thousand stones now. I am a special envoy of Jingzhou. To put it bluntly, I just came here to reward Jingzhou soldiers. It doesn't count as anything. I should have gone back to report after I finished what my father told me. Now that I have been delayed here for more than half a year, I have long been suspected of neglecting my duty."

Then, the fingers of Liu Chan's right hand tapped lightly on the table.Inside the study, there was a soft thumping sound.

Zhuge Qiao didn't say anything more.In fact, he already roughly understood what Shi Zi meant.

In Liu Chan's words, there should be two meanings: first, although he doesn't know the exact reason and the purpose of considering it, Shizi doesn't want to deal with Mi Fang's guilt immediately;

Second, the prince really does not have the right to punish Mi Fang for his crimes.In fact, even if the eldest son came out of Yizhou, he won any of the envoys, festivals, or fake festivals granted by the King of Hanzhong, but he couldn't handle a senior official with two thousand stones.What's more, Shizi didn't get any of the three "festivals" at all.

So Zhuge Qiao waited quietly, very patiently waiting for Liu Chan to finish thinking.

He himself is also using his brain now, thinking desperately why the son is not in a hurry to deal with Mi Fang.He even had a feeling in his heart, did Shi Zi absolutely spare Mi Fang because he was his uncle?
But Zhuge Qiao felt that Shi Zi would not do this.What's more, there is still Pan Zhizhong in Jiangling City, and even Mr. Ma Liang is coming back soon.Now that Mi Fang's matter has been exposed, it is absolutely impossible for these two people to let Mi Fang go.

After thinking for a while, Liu Chan said, "Aqiao, go out and ask Zhao Feng to prepare a carriage for me."

Seeing that the prince was about to go out, Zhuge Qiao asked, "Where is the prince going now?"

Liu Chan sighed and said, "It seems that I have to go to at least two or three places today."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, probably the three giants of Jingzhou today, the princes will meet each other today.The one who knows Liu Chan is indeed Zhuge Qiao.

After Zhuge Qiao bowed his hand to Liu Chan, he immediately walked out of Liu Chan's study.

But after Zhuge Qiao went out for a short while, he suddenly turned around again—almost rushed, and returned to Liu Chan's study.

Seeing Zhuge Qiao, Liu Chan's expression seemed a little strange.This is Liu Chan's mansion, why did Zhuge Qiao suddenly become like this?He felt very strange in his heart, and asked: "Have you finished explaining to Zhao Feng?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded and said anxiously: "My lord, General Mi Fang is waiting for your summoning in the living room!"

The news that Zhuge Qiao brought in was indeed so abrupt that Liu Chan didn't react for a while after hearing it.

After a while, Liu Chan frowned slightly and asked, "Ah Qiao, who do you think is waiting for me to summon you in the living room?"

Zhuge Qiao said anxiously: "Of course it's General Mi Fang! I can see that he looks quite anxious, and his complexion is not very good. He is the prefect of Jiangling City and he is very well informed. He probably already knows about us. The treasury has been liquidated, so I am in a hurry to come to see the prince."

Liu Chan nodded, stood up from his seat, straightened his clothes a little, and said, "Let's go, let's meet my unworthy uncle together."

Zhuge Qiao looked at Liu Chan and knew that he had to go to see Mi Fang today, the son was really decisive in doing things, so he walked out of the study together behind the son.

When the two came to the entrance of the living room, they saw that Mi Fang looked a little haggard, and the bags under her eyes were a little bulging, obviously because she didn't have a good rest.

Liu Chan sneered in his heart, but a smile appeared on his face, he walked in and saluted Mi Fang, "Uncle, why are you free to come to my nephew today?"

Seeing Liu Chan coming, Mi Fang suddenly looked mournful, her eyes turned red, she knelt down to Liu Chan with a plop, and said, "Nephew Ah Dou, you must save your uncle this time!"

Liu Chan knew that Mi Fang was [-]% to [-]% acting, but he still reached out to help her up from the ground.

But Mi Fang just couldn't stand up, and continued: "Nephew A Dou, you must save your uncle this time!"

Liu Chan withdrew his hands and said, "Uncle, get up first, let's talk slowly if we have something to say. If my nephew can do it for you, I will never shirk it."

After Mi Fang forced a few tears out of her eyes, she got up from the ground.Then, he told Liu Chan what he wanted to do today.Sure enough, he came to beg Liu Chan to forgive him for embezzling the treasury.

Hearing this, Liu Chan sighed loudly: "Uncle, you are so confused! You are already rich, why are you greedy for the money in Mo's treasury!"

Mi Fang cried and said with a sad face: "It's all my fault for being obsessed with money, it's all my fault for not living up to expectations!"

Liu Chan waved his hand to tell Mi Fang not to blame herself too much, and continued: "The list is in my hands now, but fortunately Mr. Ma Liang hasn't come back, otherwise it would have been sent to him by now. For uncle , I will temporarily withhold it and will not hand it over to Mr. Ma."

Mi Fang was overjoyed when she heard the words, and immediately thanked Liu Chan, and even knelt down for Liu Chan, but was finally supported by Liu Chan.

Zhuge Qiao's face turned livid, and he looked at Liu Chan with strange eyes.

Liu Chan nodded, but of course Mi Fang wouldn't be taken advantage of like this.Of course, he had to pay a higher price for doing such a thing.

Liu Chan immediately pretended to be solemn, and said to Mi Fang with a frown: "But uncle, it is absolutely difficult to hide this matter for a long time. The treasury is always recorded in the ledger, not to mention that you have not made up for the shortage of property in the treasury until now." what!"

Mi Fang immediately said: "Actually, your uncle doesn't have that much money on hand now! However, there is no problem with this. Your uncle will make up for it even if he sells everything."

A bright light flashed in Liu Chan's eyes, and he felt that Mi Fang couldn't be so cheap, and said: "But in the future, if something happens, the situation will still be unmanageable! Uncle, I think the only way you can reduce your guilt is by seeking fame and letting go."

Mi Fang wondered, "How do you say it?"

Liu Chan stood up from his seat, walked to Mi Fang's side and whispered a phone call.Mi Fang's complexion immediately became ugly, but she reluctantly nodded.

On that day, Mi Fang started to run around, asking those who were in cahoots with him to voluntarily spit out all their greedy money.

Then, Mi Fang began to sell the land property.

Then, Mi Fang returned the money raised to the treasury of Jingzhou.Then, he took advantage of his acquaintance in Jiangling City, and used the remaining money to buy a lot of grain from grain merchants.

Immediately, Mi Fang and his accomplices announced that they would set up porridge factories on various roads outside the city to provide free food to the refugees who had fled and returned to their hometowns safely.

These people are definitely going to bleed a lot this time.

After Zhuge Qiao heard the news, he couldn't help but praise the prince for his wisdom.Although Mi Fang was not punished, it made people feel uncomfortable, but in this way, the victims would not be afraid of starving to death on the way home.It is cost-effective to save thousands of people by letting go of one villain.

(End of this chapter)

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