Chapter 548
At noon the next day, Mr. Ma Liang's convoy finally arrived at Jiangling City.

At this time Liu Chan had brought Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun, and had been waiting at the gate of the city for a long time.Liu Chan and Mr. Ma Liang have been separated for some time, and now they are very happy after meeting each other.

As for the other officials of Jiangling City, Liu Chan had already informed them that they did not need to come here.There are really a lot of miscellaneous things to deal with in Jiangling City now, and they don't have to delay the time to deal with the affairs just to welcome Mr. Ma Liang alone.

Liu Chan then entered the city in a carriage with Mr. Ma Liang.

However, they didn't go to the Jingzhou government office or Liu Chan's Shizi's mansion anymore, they went directly to Mr. Ma Liang's original mansion.

This is mainly due to Liu Chan's carefulness.Ma Liang rushed over from Xiangyang City to Jiangling City. He probably didn't have a good rest on the way. Looking at Ma Liang's current appearance, his eye bags and face were a little swollen. up.

Therefore, for a realistic person like Liu Chan, first of all, he was not very moved or sensational because of this, but naturally immediately thought of letting Mr. Ma Liang rest as soon as possible.Without good rest, or overloaded work, it can only lead to low efficiency of work forever.

However, on the way into the city, Ma Liang may have been too responsible, so he couldn't help but discuss with Liu Chan about the reconstruction of Jiangling City.

Liu Chan quickly waved his hand to Ma Liang, and said with a smile: "My husband, you see that you are so tired now, how do you have the brain power to discuss these things again? I see, I'd better send you home to rest now , after you have rested, it will not be too late for the two of us to have a good discussion. In fact, to tell you the truth, we have almost drawn up a reconstruction plan here. This time you are recruited to come back to Jiangling City, just to ask you to preside over it. It's about government affairs. So, you don't have to worry about reconstruction now, just take a good rest first."

Hearing what Liu Chan said, Ma Liang realized that he was really tired and dizzy just now, and he seemed too anxious.He could only smile and said: "Okay, it seems that it will be easier for me to go back to Jiangling City than to stay in Xiangyang City."

Liu Chan also said with a smile: "Sir, in fact, you have so many people under your command who want to share the responsibility for you. If you have something to do, you should trust them to do it boldly! Look at me, every day besides thinking big Except for the direction, all other government affairs are left to Zhuge Qiao and Pan Zhizhong. As for the war, I only formulate the battle plan, and the frontline affairs are left to the generals. gone."

Ma Liang smiled and said: "I am no match for you in this regard. I am not as bold as you. But, my son, what you said is actually right. The affairs we have to deal with every day There are too many, and it is impossible to do everything by yourself.”

Then, Ma Liang took out a seal from his sleeve pocket, handed it to Liu Chan, and said, "Your Majesty, General Guan Xing asked me to bring this seal, and it should be for the last time Master Sima The brother raided Nanxiang and killed the prefect Hu Xiu, and the plan of revenge was drawn up."

Liu Chan nodded, really curious about what Guan Xing and Guan Suo would do.However, he didn't open it to read it on the spot, but put it in his sleeve pocket.

Seeing that Liu Chan didn't look at it, Ma Liang knew that he immediately put away the battle plan because he was afraid that he would have to bother to discuss the matter with him again.

Ma Liang was still a little moved in his heart, and said, "My lord, it's okay for you to read that seal now."

Liu Chan smiled and said, "There's no rush. Cao Wei is right there. He can't escape. We have plenty of time to think about how to retaliate against them. This is the most appropriate way."

Ma Liang nodded, and didn't say anything about this matter.

After Liu Chan sent Ma Liang home, in order to let Mr. Ma Liang have a good rest, he did not enter his mansion, and immediately turned around and went home.

On the way, Liu Chan read Guan Xing's battle plan.

The two brothers Guan Xing and Guan Suo suggested in the chapter that they can use a surprise attack like the Sima brothers to fight a tooth for a tooth.The two of them will lead the army across the Xiangshui River suddenly, and capture one or two cities of Cao Wei in Nanyang County as quickly as possible.

The targets they selected to attack were tentatively set at Rang County, Champion, Anzhong, and Jiaxia.However, if you want to succeed in the surprise attack and retreat completely, it is impossible to lead too many troops across the river, so you can only choose one or two of these four places.

Liu Chan thought for a while, and felt that this battle plan was still feasible.But this is not without problems, he needs to find someone who is familiar with Cao Wei's situation to consult.

So, on the way home, Liu Chan ordered the coachman to turn around and came to the Jingzhou government office.

Of course Liu Chan came to find Yu Jin.In the territory of Jingzhou now, it should be the Ban General who is the person who is most familiar with Cao Wei's affairs. After all, he has served Cao Cao for decades.

After Liu Chan found Yu Jin, he handed over the battle plan to Yu Jin and asked, "General Yu, if the surprise attack plan of the two generals Guan is successful, will Le Jin become angry and launch a large army to attack the front line of Xiangyang City?" Woolen cloth?"

Yu Jin returned the seal to Liu Chan.He knew Liu Chan's intention in asking him this way.

Today, there is no place in Jingzhou that has not experienced war.

Xiangyang City was captured by Guan Yu from Cao Ren; the battle in Nanjun has just ended; in the south of Jingzhou, it is now fighting with Jiangdong people, and it is not known when the winner will be determined.Jingzhou really doesn't have that ability now, and there will be another big battle with Cao Wei's army.

Therefore, Liu Chan clearly meant to ask Yu Jin whether the situation after the Guan brothers launched a surprise attack on Nanyang County could be controlled.

Yu Jin frowned, and after thinking about it for a while, he told Liu Chan: "My lord, it's hard to say. According to information, most of Le Jin's army has entered Tuntian Xiaowei and is engaged in grain production. However, the farming season is already over. It’s about to pass, and this person has always been brave, so it’s hard to guarantee that he won’t suddenly go crazy and launch an army to attack Xiangyang.”

Liu Chan sighed, it seems that this matter still needs to be considered carefully.

Liu Chan then bid farewell to Yu Jin.

Before leaving the house, Yu Jin suddenly said, "My lord, maybe the two generals Guan can set the date of attack in autumn."

Liu Chan nodded, not feeling much about Yu Jin's proposal.

When Liu Chan boarded his carriage and walked halfway, he suddenly let out an ah.Zhao Feng thought something was wrong with the son, so he quickly jumped into the carriage and opened the door curtain, only to find that the son was fine, but his expression was a little excited, he was relieved.

At this time, Liu Chan was inspired by Yu Jin's words.He immediately told the coachman to speed up and go home.Then, Liu Chan wrote a letter to the Guan brothers in person.

The content of Liu Chan's letter is that they are asked to postpone the date of the surprise attack to the beginning of autumn.At that time, it was the time when the grain of Cao Wei Tuntian Xiaowei was ripe. Once they made a surprise attack, they immediately organized the soldiers and civilians in Xiangyang to collect Cao Wei's grain and transport it back to Xiangyang City.

Anyway, Xiangyang City accepted 30 million residents of Nanyang County this year, and they are most familiar with the situation in Nanyang County.Let them do this, they must be very happy.

Then, after Jingzhou has these grains, the food shortage situation this year must be greatly reduced.Moreover, Cao Wei's Colonel Tuntian was originally preparing for a future war with the Jingzhou Army, and it happened to disrupt their plans.

After Liu Chan finished writing the letter, because he was so proud of himself and imagining the beautiful scene of the huge pile of grain, he burst out laughing in the study.

(End of this chapter)

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