Chapter 549 Plagiarism
It was only on the third day after he came to Jiangling City that Mr. Ma Liang was allowed by Liu Chan to work in the Jingzhou government office.Then, everyone started a discussion on the reconstruction of Nanjun.

This time, Liu Chan really spared no effort to stimulate Jingzhou's economy.He actually made another suggestion: Because the Jingzhou Army and the Jiangzhou Army showed good combat effectiveness in the battle in Jingzhou, they should receive more awards.Therefore, in the next three months, Jingzhou should double the military pay for the soldiers.

Not only that, but when increasing the military pay for the soldiers, it is also necessary to give the soldiers as much vacation as possible.After all, the soldiers have just finished fighting, and most of them will be assigned to various parts of South County to engage in agricultural production. They should be properly given a vacation to rest or go home to visit relatives.

Then, these people have money on hand, and after the holiday, they will either spend it or send it home.This will promote social consumption and increase the vitality of the local economy.

However, as in the past, everyone once again started a debate on the question of whether it is necessary to double the increase in military pay.

Yu Jin obviously supported Liu Chan's proposal very much.After all, he is an authentic soldier, and whether it is out of public opinion or out of his own selfishness, he fully agrees with increasing the soldiers' salaries.

Mi Fang's attitude was ambiguous.Ever since the crown prince gave him a proposal to help the disaster victims in his own name, half of his property was lost in one fell swoop.Under such circumstances, if he still had the mind to consider the issue of military pay, then he would not be Mi Fang.

But Pan Jun once again showed his "awkward" character, this time it was replaced by an argument between him and Yu Jin.Because he has been very worried about Jingzhou's finances, and he simply cannot afford so much expenses.

In fact, Pan Jun's worries are very reasonable.Mr. Ma Liang is the clearest about this matter.Although he came here to take charge of civil affairs, he had to show his attitude when it came to financial issues.Therefore, Mr. Ma Liang unequivocally supported Pan Jun, thinking that it is obviously unrealistic to double the military pay.

However, Liu Chan supported Yu Jin.In a two-on-two situation, the result is that neither can convince the other.Because of the importance of this matter, after two days of arguing between the two parties, there was still no compromise.

In desperation, Liu Chan had no choice but to compromise temporarily, but he still had his own way.

Liu Chan proposed on the third day that the total increase in the military pay for the soldiers cannot be changed, but the money can be divided into six months to pay.That is to say, to increase the soldiers' salary for half a year, it only needs to increase the military salary by 50.00% every month.

In this way, the monthly expenditure of the Jingzhou government treasury will not be such a big burden.Moreover, Jingzhou also has enough time to collect it slowly, and it is easy to get the support of Yizhou for the various support funds sent from Yizhou.

After everyone discussed it again, the time of six months was finally changed to eight months by Ma Liang and Pan Jun.

Liu Chan didn't argue any more at this time, and the reconstruction of Nanjun didn't happen overnight, so let's take it slowly.

So, that's how it was settled.

Mi Fang, the prefect, also didn't say that he now has military power in the hands of Liu Chan, and administrative power in the hands of Ma Liang.Therefore, what he has to do every day is actually to listen to Ma Liang's report, and then sign and seal.

After Liu Chan returned to his mansion from the Jingzhou government office, he suddenly couldn't help raising his head to the sky, opened his arms, and exhaled a long breath.

Two and a half days of debate!It was even more difficult and longer than Kong Ming's verbal battle against the Confucians in Jiangdong!

Zhuge Qiao followed behind Liu Chan, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, are you exhausted? I, who has not spoken all this time, feel very tired just looking at it, let alone you?"

Liu Chan nodded, reached out and patted Zhuge Qiao on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Since we are all tired, let's go back and rest."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and immediately said goodbye to Liu Chan.

When Liu Chan returned to his bedroom, he found that Xia Houyun was already in there, and there was tea for drinking on the table.

Xia Houyun quickly welcomed Liu Chan in, with a bright smile on his face, he said, "My lord, is everyone's controversy today as intense as it was two days ago?"

Liu Chan smiled wryly and said, "A unified opinion has been reached today. Well, I have talked too much these two days, and now I don't want to talk anymore."

Xia Houyun smiled slightly, brought a cup of tea from the table, and said, "I got this tea from Jiangdong. I heard it's good for the throat. Please drink it, my lord."

Liu Chan nodded, very happy with Xia Houyun's carefulness.He took the tea, and after taking a few sips, he felt that it tasted really good.

Just when Liu Chan finished drinking tea and was about to take a rest, things came to him again.

Zhuge Qiao came here with information from Zhang Fei.Among them are:

One, the Wuxi barbarians broke their promises, unilaterally tore up the agreement between the two parties, and retreated from Wuling County without authorization, probably to return to their residence.What's even more hateful is that when the Wuxi Man was retreating, he took the opportunity to loot Yuanling City.The extent of the damage in the city is still unknown.

Second, Lu Xun's army had already retreated to Yuannan City, and was engaged in a fierce battle with Zhang Fei's army at this time.Since Lu Xun's army was protected by the city wall and seats, Zhang Fei's army might not be able to capture it for a while.

After listening to Zhuge Qiao's report, Liu Chan sighed inwardly, this Jiangdong is really tricky, and things happen one after another.

However, the most hateful thing is the Wuxi Man.After their retreat in this way, only Zhang Fei's army was left in the south of Jingzhou, and he also lost the help of the flanks.The pressure faced by the Jiangdong army was reduced a lot at once.However, Jingzhou is now unable to deal with Wuxi Man.This matter can only be settled in the future.

Liu Chan asked Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun to go down to rest, and he needed time to think about how to deal with it.

After Liu Chan thought for a long time, he issued a call-up order to Zhang Da's navy and the Public Security City.

Liu Chan's order to Zhang Da was for him and Zhou Cheng to lead the water army to the vicinity of Youjiang Estuary of the Public Security Bureau.

However, unexpectedly, in Liu Chan's call-up order to the Public Security City, he first asked all the senior generals in the Public Security City to take a vacation—to rest in Jiangling City for three days, because the celebrations in Jiangling City had already passed. It's time to start.

The soldiers of Jiangling City had to board Zhang Da's warship at the mouth of the Youjiang River.They will go down the river and enter Changhu Lake to rest for a day or two, and various recreational activities there will start soon.

Then, Deng Ai and others will lead this army to take a boat and enter Dongting Lake.At this time, Zhang Da wanted to leave some warships to block the mouth of Dongting Lake to prevent the Jiangdong water army in Lukou Port from pursuing.Most of the ships of Zhang Da's water army set out to reach the mouth of Yuanshui River.

Yuanshui finally flows into Dongting Lake, and Yuannan City is not very far from the mouth of the river.Therefore, Liu Chan's intention was to let Deng Aijun copy the rear of Yuannan City and cut off the retreat of Lu Xun's army through such a large-scale detour.

At that time, if Lu Xun doesn't hand over Yuannan City obediently and retreats in time, he can only stay in the city and wait to die.

Then, Liu Chan issued a third call-up order to Liao Hua and Shi Guangyuan, asking them to organize officers at all levels to go to Jiangling City for vacation.Because they have a large number of officers there, and the distance from Jiangling City is not very far, they can take multiple batches of vacations in rotation.

With the arrival of so many military officers, as well as the existence and successive return of those rich families, Jiangling City will not only become more lively, but also all kinds of consumption will definitely increase.

(End of this chapter)

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