The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 550 The whole city carnival

Chapter 550 The whole city carnival
After careful preparation by Ma Liang, Pan Jun and others, it was finally time for the whole city of Jiangling to celebrate.

Before the celebration, Mr. Ma Liang had sent people to do a lot of publicity for the event, so the streets and alleys already knew about it.Moreover, the main celebration areas are all arranged in the square area of ​​the city, and the news that various parades and performances will be held around the city every day has already spread to the streets and alleys.

In fact, even in the villages and towns outside the city, Mr. Ma Liang has already dispatched people to post lists everywhere.Therefore, almost no one in Nanjun is ignorant of this matter.

As for holding a parade around the city, this event was Liu Chan's idea. Of course, this is based on the reference of later carnivals.

What's more, Liu Chan has long grasped the psychology that Chinese people like to watch the excitement: even if you let a group of people beat drums along the street, you can attract many people to follow and watch, let alone a group of singing and dancing people parading the street.At that time, if there is no effect of crowding out people, Liu Chan thinks it is absolutely impossible.

Of course, the purpose of creating such a sensational effect is not to satisfy Liu Chan's own personal desire for expansion.What he needs is to let these people who come out to have fun take out all the money in their own pockets, so as to stimulate the development of commercial activities in Jiangling City.

Therefore, in order to provide tourists with better entertainment conditions, when the plan was finalized, Liu Chan asked Mi Fang to come out on the list and urge all the merchants in the square area to purchase goods in advance, so as not to have no goods to sell when they arrive.

Therefore, in fact, the celebration has not yet started, and the stimulus to suppliers in various industries has already been secretly launched, and it is waiting for the celebration to start.

Then, Liu Chan led people to clean up the street.Mr. Ma Liang then sent people to set up frames on both sides of the street to hang various lanterns and ribbons for celebration.Therefore, a few days before the event started, the street had already become colorful and festive, and many people couldn't help but come to watch it.

This can be regarded as an advertisement for this large-scale celebration in advance.

However, the most troublesome thing is to organize the small vendors who are going to do business on the street.Liu Chan originally wanted to issue licenses to them. After all, most of what these people sell are food and the like.In addition, it is already summer, if it is unhygienic, it is very easy to get sick.

What's more, the flood in Jiangling City has just passed away not long ago.They have done a lot of work a while ago to ensure that there is no large-scale epidemic, but Liu Chan is still very vigilant against the outbreak of the epidemic.Therefore, once an unhygienic situation occurs, he can immediately revoke the person's stall license and not allow the person to continue doing business on the streets of the Fang District.

However, Liu Chan's approach was boycotted by Mr. Ma Liang.Because there are too many small vendors, he simply doesn't have enough manpower and enough time to verify their identities one by one, and then issue any licenses to them.

Of course, Mi Fang, who was the prefect, didn't quite agree with Liu Chan's approach.Because of these licenses, his prefect still needs to stamp them in the end.Of course, he could use a trick and hand over his seal to his subordinates to seal it for him.However, he didn't really want to use his seal for those common people.

Therefore, Liu Chan had no choice but to take a compromise method, and let those small vendors settle in the square area three days before the celebration.Liu Chan's original intention of doing this is to see what problems will arise first.

Sure enough, these vendors immediately exposed many problems, especially the problem of not following the regulations and setting up stalls everywhere.Moreover, most of these people are old and weak women and children, and it is difficult to do anything to them.

Therefore, Liu Chan had no choice but to adopt the method of demarcating areas, and made strict regulations on the stalls of small vendors.If anyone dares to set up stalls everywhere again, they will be driven out of the square area immediately, and they will not be allowed to set up stalls again.

Then, the health problem was exposed as expected.

After the small vendors set up their stalls, a lot of rubbish was just thrown on the street like that. It never occurred to them that the rubbish they generated had to be taken away by themselves, so as not to affect the lives of others.

In fact, this question knows that the Celestial Dynasty in the 21st century is still going on prosperously every day.The life of small vendors is hard, but they must be kept clean, so that people can feel their respect and understand their hardships better. Unfortunately, they are not...

According to Liu Chan's order, Pan Jun organized some people to supervise the behavior of bullying the market.

Therefore, in order to supervise the sanitation, Liu Chan had to ask Pan Jun to organize some more people, not only to supervise the vendors, but also to supervise and punish the tourists who came to play.Anyone who dares to throw rubbish in the street will be punished severely.

Then, Liu Chan asked Mr. Ma Liang to go to the wooden barrel shop to order a large number of wooden barrels, which were placed everywhere on the street as trash cans.If there is no place for tourists to throw rubbish, if they are punished by Pan Jun's people, it will be the government that is unreasonable.

Moreover, in order for these wooden barrels to be stolen privately, in addition to the necessary fixing, these wooden barrels were also engraved with corresponding numbers.And issued an order to allow residents to report thieves, and they can get corresponding rewards.However, the punishment for thieves is really heavier, a month of hard labor or street cleaning!

With such an institutional arrangement, the order and sanitation conditions in the city are finally relatively guaranteed.

The civil servants in the Jiangzhou Government Office, except for the necessary manpower to maintain administrative operations, the rest are all on seven-day leave.The fun should be given to them, and the economic stimulus also needs their contribution!
Shi Guangyuan, Liao Sheng, Xiong Ping, Meng Xi, and Zhang Bao were the first batch of high-ranking officials to come from outside the city.They arrived on the afternoon of the day before the festivities, and they were accompanied by 4000 soldiers.

Liu Chan personally went to meet them outside the city.But Liu Chan did not allow the army to enter the city, but asked them to set up camp outside the city, so as not to cause chaos in the city when time came.

Moreover, Liu Chan also requested that all sergeants must take a bath that day.Moreover, when they entered the city the next day, they were not allowed to wear the uniforms of the Jingzhou Army, and they were all changed into civilian attire.

He really didn't want to see a group of soldiers wearing Jingzhou Army uniforms walking around the city, looking like a group of stragglers.Vacations should be taken, but the image of the army still needs to be taken into account.

At nightfall that day, Guan Suo also came from Xiangyang City.

In the early morning of the next day, the celebration finally started with the sound of gongs and drums, and the parade set off amidst cheers.

Liu Chan, Mi Fang, Shi Guangyuan, Yu Jin, Liao Sheng and others are destined to be the protagonists of today's parade around the city.

They all removed the top cover of their carriages, and arranged various ribbons and decorations on them. Two people rode in the same carriage and walked at the front of the parade. It was really like a float parade, attracting everyone cheered.

For a time, the audience was like a tide!
Liu Chan saw that the effect of doing this is very good, and it can also satisfy people's vanity. It should be a very attractive activity.He issued a notice on the same day, allowing ordinary people to bring their own decorated carriages to participate in the parade around the city.

In fact, Liu Chan's intentions are obvious.Of course, it is impossible for ordinary people to have carriages, only those wealthy families have them.In this way, it is even more possible to attract them to come out to play.

Sure enough, on the second day, the number of carriages participating in the parade increased a lot, and most of them belonged to wealthy families.

And because of the mentality of comparison, on the third day, the number of carriages in the parade continued to increase.On the sixth day, even people from outside the city came to participate in a carriage.

The parade around the city reached its climax in the next few days, and the economic vitality in the city finally became active.

(End of this chapter)

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