The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 551 Assassinate Zhang Fei

Chapter 551 Assassinate Zhang Fei
Deng Ai arrived at Jiangling City on the sixth day, and his army would enter the water village of Changhu for repairs in the afternoon one day later.

Then the festivities there will start the next day.The parade of the horse-drawn caravan will go all the way around the city to stimulate the activities there.

In fact, Liu Chan had already issued a call-up order to Deng Ai, asking him to leave Public Security City with half of the senior officers and set off for Jiangling City to participate in the celebration.Then, Deng Ai will re-board the boat at Changhu Lake and sail to the Dongting Lake area with his army.

Such a deliberate arrangement is enough to show that Liu Chan, the prince of Hanzhong, values ​​and gives preferential treatment to Deng Ai.Indeed, Liu Chan and Deng Ai have been separated for nearly a year, and they really miss Deng Ai in their hearts.

But Deng Ai rejected Liu Chan's kindness.He wrote to Liu Chan, requesting a postponement of his call-up date, since he needed to board the ship with his own soldiers.Then, he himself would land in Jiangling City with half of the senior officers.

When Liu Chan received Deng Ai's letter, many days had passed. It is estimated that Zhang Da's fleet had already loaded people at the mouth of the Youjiang River.Therefore, Liu Chan had no choice but to give up.

This also reflects the great difference between Liu Chan and Deng Ai.

Deng Ai has an excellent advantage.He was born in poverty, and before arriving in Jingzhou, he worked at the lowest level in Cao Wei.Therefore, he knows the sufferings of the soldiers very well, and is very willing to share the joys and sorrows with them.Of course, this does not rule out Deng Ai's eagerness to make contributions in the army.

But Liu Chan is different.Although his previous life, Yang Hansheng, came from a rural area, he was considered a well-to-do family, and he didn't suffer much.In the era of the Three Kingdoms, he became Liu Bei's son again, and he was pampered since he was a child.

Out of his own conscience, Liu Chan can indeed understand the sufferings of the people.But this does not mean that he can also share joys and sorrows with the soldiers of the army. He seems to be more willing to be with ordinary scribes.

On the other hand, Liu Chan also has his own opinions.For a person of his stature, in such an era, it is almost impossible for him to lower his stature to share the joys and sorrows with ordinary soldiers.Because beside him, there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him, supervising his every word and deed.

Furthermore, Liu Chan actually believes that everyone should have their own division of responsibilities.With so many generals in the army, they should be the ones who know the plight of the soldiers best, and it is their job to mingle with the soldiers.It would be inappropriate for him to intervene in the past.

Therefore, Liu Chan led the soldiers to fight for a year, and apart from visiting the wounded and asking the soldiers for military regulations and other matters, he really did not see how he shared the joys and sorrows with the soldiers.

However, it can also be seen from this incident with Deng Ai that the relationship between Liu Chan and Deng Ai has gradually drifted away.

Liu Chan did have a feeling in his heart that Deng Ai was no longer suitable to stay by his side as a servant, and it seemed that it was time to let him go and let him serve as a general in the army to fight.

However, Liu Chan has always treated Deng Ai very politely.Therefore, he arranged Deng Ai to live in his mansion.Then, the next day, I took the same car with him to the streets to participate in a parade around the city.

There is no way, this has become a political task that he and the senior officials of Jiangling City must complete every day.

Three days later, Liu Chan sent Deng Ai and his army to board Zhang Da's fleet at Changhu Water Village, and set off for Dongting Lake.

At this time, because the weather was getting hotter, and because of the vast water area on the Changhu Lake, Yu Jin also decorated a lot of small boats here for lake tour activities, which made the bustle here begin to exceed that of Jiangling City.

But when Jiangling City became very lively, the situation with Zhang Fei's army was actually not so easy.

Although Zhang Fei's army launched a fierce attack on Yuannan City, firstly, Lu Xun defended the city well, and secondly, the hot weather during the day made little progress in the progress of the siege.

Facing such a small Yuannan City, Zhang Fei could only do nothing.

However, news came that made Zhang Fei feel a little relieved.That is, Shizi has sent Zhang Da's fleet, carrying Deng Ai's 6000 men and horses, to encircle Lu Xun's back route by way of Dongting Lake.

This is a very wonderful, very deterrent move.

Lu Xun knew in his heart that Zhang Da and Deng Ai's army didn't really want to fight him, but he couldn't ignore his retreat.Therefore, Lu Xun must abandon the city and withdraw his troops out of safety.

But it may be because of the unbearable hot weather. In fact, Zhang Fei's temper has become more and more irritable unconsciously, and he would yell at his subordinates at every turn.What's worse is that sometimes they beat people indiscriminately with a whip.Even Zhang Da, Zhang Fei's trusted lieutenant, was not spared.

Zhang Fei, the chief general, is so inconsiderate of his subordinates, it will definitely hurt the morale of the soldiers, and it may also arouse the resentment of his subordinates.

In addition, when Zhang Fei was in Jingmen Mountain, Zhang Fei didn't dissuade him in time, which caused Zhang Da to be almost burned to death in the valley, which already caused Zhang Da's dissatisfaction.Now being treated rudely by Zhang Fei like this makes him even more embarrassing.

Then, the next major event that shocked the entire army happened.

Zhang Da actually took a few of his cronies to sneak into Zhang Fei's handsome tent and assassinate Zhang Fei in the middle of the night when everyone was already asleep.

Of course, before Zhang Da decided to take action, he had already thought about the way out.After he took off Zhang Fei's head, he would immediately seek refuge in Jiangdong.After all, he is now on the front line, and Lu Xun's Yuannan City is only a stone's throw away.

But Zhang Da's matter was finally brought to light.

Liu Chan had already arranged for Jiang Hu Ranger to monitor Zhang Da and Fan Jiang's every move.Zhang Da wanted to assassinate Zhang Fei, of course he couldn't hide it from their eyes.

Those rangers immediately reported to their leader Zuo Fu.Zuo Fu has been personally protecting Zhang Fei's safety.

So, that night, when Zhang Da just got into Zhang Fei's camp, Zuo Fu's ready staff immediately rushed forward.In the end, Zhang Da was killed by Shi Liang and Zuo Fu with a single sword.

Zhang Fei was furious and wanted to chop off Zhang Da's head and hang it on the gate of the village, but Huang Quan stopped him in the end, otherwise the impact on the army would only be worse.

Although Zhang Da's assassination was unsuccessful, it had a very bad impact on the whole army.This incident even shocked Liu Bei later, and ordered Zhang Fei to be severely reprimanded for his recklessness, and almost removed him from the post of Jiangzhou prefect.

On Liu Chan's side, he must have known the news of Zhang Fei's assassination before Chengdu.When he heard it just now, his face turned pale with shock, and he was relieved when he knew that Zhang Fei was safe and sound.He was also secretly rejoicing that it was indeed a wise move for him to arrange Zuo Fu's people with Zhang Fei.

However, Liu Chan also wrote a letter to Zhang Fei immediately, expressing condolences in name, but he was persuading him between the lines to be sympathetic to the soldiers, so as to avoid any accidents.

In the end, Liu Chan recruited Zuo Fu to return to Jiangling City in the letter.He had previously told Zuo Fu that he was going to Jiangling City to meet Huang Quan, and now it happened to be done.However, for the sake of safety, the other rangers will continue to stay and protect Zhang Fei.

(End of this chapter)

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