Chapter 552 Legacy Issues ([-])

The celebration in Jiangling City seems to be going smoothly.

Liu Chan then went boating with the residents of Nanjun in Long Lake for several days, and felt that his political task was almost completed.

The economy is also slowly improving, and the morale of the military and civilians is also gradually improving. I have fulfilled my responsibility as a public figure conscientiously.Then for the celebrations of the next thing, Mi Fang, who is the prefect, can lead everyone to continue the fun.After all, this is Jiangling where Mi Fang is in charge, and it is also a political task that must be completed.

In fact, Liu Chan is indeed tired of eating, drinking and having fun all day long.Although he did have a lot of fun with everyone in the past few days, he also felt that he was leading a crowd of people in parades around the city every day, or hosting a boating competition in the Long Lake, which is really very beautiful.

However, with the development of such high-intensity activities, he has begun to feel very tired physically and mentally.

It was only at this time that he could understand why many elite women in Europe rejected marriage proposals from royal families of various countries many times.And such a thing, in the kitsch oriental society, sounds like a fantasy.

In fact, after they marry into the royal family, they will be forced to participate in various social activities at a high density, serve as an example for the country, and show the image of the royal family as close to the people. Private life is almost replaced by public life.Behind its seemingly beautiful scenery, the pressure on the body and mind is indeed beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

Therefore, those Western elite women who are favored by the royal family are willing to work on their own and gain a more independent and free life.After all, they are the most well-educated group of people. It is not difficult to be talented, good-looking, and find a job, and it is not a problem to live a prosperous life.Then, why do they have to be bound by the rules of the royal family and live in the royal family so hard?
At this time, Liu Chan was sitting alone behind his desk. He had already taken off his black official uniform and changed into a white one.

All the windows were wide open, and the sunlight in the courtyard outside was bright and dazzling.It wasn't very hot in the study room, but it was empty, only Liu Chan was alone.There was only the sound of his fingers flipping the tabletop, which swirled gently in the room, making the sound very hollow and without any sense of rhythm.

Liu Chan participates in activities every day, while Zhuge Qiao is behind the scenes, working diligently every day.Therefore, Liu Chan gave him and Xia Houyun three days off.The two of them should be out to play by now.

Liu Chan stretched out his hand and pulled out a document from the stack of books stacked high above the desk case.Some bamboo slips sent by various parties placed next to them almost fell to the ground because of this, but fortunately they were caught by Liu Chan in time, so they did not fall.

This document was sent from Guan Xing in Xiangyang City.In fact, fundamentally speaking, this is a seal drawn up by Guan Xing and wanted to be sent to Chengdu.

Regarding the content of Guan Xing's seal, we actually need to start with the negotiation between Liu Chan and Jia Xu because of the prisoners of war on both sides.

At that time, after Jia Xu left Xiangyang City, Liu Chan began to release most of Cao Wei's soldiers in order to reduce the food loss in Xiangyang City, but continued to detain those Cao Wei officers.Then, Liu Chan sent people across Xiangshui to investigate the prisoners of war on his side.

Things actually went smoothly, although not many Jingzhou soldiers were found to have been killed.But out of the 450 and 530 soldiers on the list, [-] and [-] were rescued.Guan Xing also put all the generals of Cao Wei back, and they continued to eat rice.

This matter has come to this, and it is finally a peaceful ending.

At that time, Liu Chan had already left Xiangyang City.In the end, Guan Xing and Mr. Ma Liang worked together to handle this matter.

However, the problem is far from over.In the matter of taking back those captured Jingzhou soldiers, there was an unavoidable problem after all.

In this magical country where "defeat is shame", the capture of soldiers can be regarded as a crime.Therefore, from ancient times to the present in history, there are indeed many examples of prisoners of one's own side who were sentenced to prison after they were released.

Therefore, after those people were crossed by the Xiangshui River, Guan Xing was actually very unwilling to accept them into his army.So what to do?
At the beginning, Guan Xing simply pushed and acted five times. He didn't let them enter Xiangyang City at all, but sent them into Jingshan Mountain.Let them build a camp in Jingshan by themselves, and send a school lieutenant to guard it, so they don't want to ask about their life or death.

In doing this, Guan Xing did not discuss it with Mr. Ma Liang, but decided to do it himself.At that time, Mr. Ma Liang was already overwhelmed by the complicated government affairs in Xiangyang City, and he had to prepare food and grass for the war in Nanjun at that time, so he couldn't control the situation of the soldiers who escaped from death at all.

Later, as the situation in Xiangyang City gradually stabilized, Ma Liang finally remembered this matter.At this time, Guan Xing had no choice but to tell Guan Xing what he had done.

Ma Liang was actually a little angry.When the son left Xiangyang City, he had paid special attention to this matter to the two of them, but this Guan Xing actually dealt with this matter hastily out of his own prejudice.

Ma Liang couldn't be more clear about the prince's attitude towards those captured people.Otherwise, the son would not have to spend so much trouble, and sent someone to cross Xiangshui in person and enter the camp of Cao Weijun to investigate the situation.

Therefore, if the crown prince finds out about Guan Xing's actions, the crown prince will definitely be furious, and maybe he will pursue the responsibility of the two of them.

In fact, Ma Liang was quite detached, the son had always been on good terms with him, and would not do anything to him, at most he would just complain.But Guan Xing felt very uneasy in his heart, and immediately remembered how Shizi and his brothers were furious when they were in Wancheng.

Therefore, after Guan Xing asked Ma Liang for help, he immediately sent a document to the prince according to Ma Liang's suggestion, saying that he had realized his mistake and would plead guilty to Chengdu because of this matter.

At that time, because of the war in Nanjun, Xiangyang City had to rely on the power of the Guan brothers, so he was indeed a little annoyed, but he didn't do anything to Guan Xing. In addition, he knew that Guan Xing's document was of course impossible. What was sent to Chengdu was just a gesture of admitting mistakes.

Therefore, Liu Chan sent a letter to Xiangyang at that time, calming Guan Xing's emotions with good words, just asking him to take care of the soldiers who were released.

Therefore, this matter has been shelved by Liu Chan until now, and no proper arrangements have been made for those soldiers.In addition, the day before yesterday, news suddenly came out from Jingshan that someone had committed suicide because he couldn't stand being discriminated against like this.

Liu Chan felt that it was time for this matter to be resolved.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Chan personally wrote a letter to Guan Xing and Wang Fu, who was in charge of the civil affairs of Xiangyang City.

In the letter, Liu Chan unexpectedly asked the two to destroy all the materials of the captured soldiers.In this case, even if someone wants to track it down in the future, they will not be able to track it down.

Moreover, a call for transfer was attached to the letter.But this requisition order is not for Guan Xing, but for the soldiers in Jingshan.Liu Chan wanted to conscript them into Hanzhong.Because after they got there, no one would recognize them, let alone their past.

Then, Liu Chan sent letters to Wei Yan and Chengdu, the prefects of Hanzhong, asking them to agree to the action of this army.

However, Liu Chan still lied to Wei Yan and Chengdu in the letter.He did not disclose that these soldiers had been captured by Cao Wei, but only said that the family members of those soldiers died in battle, and now they are all the only sons of the family.In order to keep the flesh and blood of their family, he himself is unwilling to send them to the battlefield again.That's why Liu Chan invited Hanzhong to accept them.

Of course, Liu Chan did it with good intentions.Because even Guan Xing rejected these people, let alone a brave person like Wei Yan.Therefore, it is useless to persuade such things, and the world is like this, so it is better to come up with a kind lie.

(End of this chapter)

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