Chapter 553 Legacy Issues ([-])

The fate of those soldiers who were abandoned by Guan Xing to fend for themselves in Jingshan Mountain finally took a turn for the better after a month.

In fact, when Liu Chan's letter was first received, General Zuo's Mansion in Chengdu did not approve it.At this time in history, Dong He, the general in charge of the army, had already passed away.But history has deviated, and historical events have been delayed by four years accordingly.As a result, General Zuo's Mansion in Chengdu is still in charge of the military power jointly by Dong He, the general in charge of the army, and Zhuge Liang, the general of the army.

In addition, Yizhou's territory is small, and it is impossible to set up too many government agencies, so the General Zuo's Office was actually merged with Yizhou's Mufu Office.At this time, Dong He was also in charge of the affairs of General Zuo's mansion.

Therefore, the letter sent by Liu Chan to Chengdu fell into the hands of Dong He first.Dong He's rich experience and rigorous handling of affairs naturally cast doubt on the content of Liu Chan's letter.

Since this matter seemed to have little to do with it, Dong He gave a non-approval reply.As for Wei Yan, since Liu Chan's letter greeted him, of course everything was easy to talk about.

Therefore, Liu Chan had no choice but to formally send an official letter to General Zuo's Mansion.This time, he directly issued an order to Guan Xing, asking him to sign the official letter together with him, and to ask General Zuo's mansion for approval.

Of course, in private, Liu Chan also wrote to Zhuge Liang to tell the truth and asked him for help.Kong Ming immediately told Dong He the truth.Dong He felt that although Liu Chan's move was cunning, it was also out of benevolence and compassion for those soldiers.So, he finally gave approval after all.

It has been nearly a month since such repeated communications.

However, the matter was resolved smoothly in the end.It's okay after all.

In fact, Liu Chan did not cover up the affairs of these captured soldiers in the end.However, that was many years later.

The reason why this incident was detonated was that when Liu Chan and Jia Xu were negotiating, they issued a lot of information about the prisoners of war on both sides to Jia Xu.Those materials were later brought back to Cao Wei by Jia Xu.Later, when the two sides were engaged in a unification war, those materials were discovered, and a small disturbance was involved.

Of course, while dealing with the matter of the captured soldiers, Liu Chan actually had another matter left over from the past to deal with in Jiangling City.

At that time, before Jiangling City started to celebrate, Liu Chan recruited Guan Suo's family from Xiangyang City.Of course, he did intend to let the Guan Suo family take a vacation.However, Liu Chan actually had other intentions in his heart.Regarding this point, Liu Chan had already explained this to Guan Suo in private a few days after he returned to Jiangling City.

This matter is actually about Guan Yu's death.

Guan Yu's death can now be said to be something that almost everyone in the world knows.However, there is still one person who has been kept in the dark.That is Mrs. Hu, Guan Yu's widow.

Mrs. Hu is a very dutiful old woman, she just stays in her mansion and doesn't go out on weekdays, and she hardly asks about outside affairs.

However, the woman was still a bit stubborn.

At that time, Liu Chan privately asked Pan Jun to inform the big families in the city to withdraw from Jiangling City as much as possible, lest they collude with Jiangdong people at that time.

Guan Yu's family members were of course included in the list of the first evacuation personnel.But this Mrs. Hu rejected Pan Jun's kindness and insisted on staying in her mansion.

After the war broke out, everyone found that many big families had disappeared, but because the tallest lady in Jingzhou remained in the city, it played a certain role in reassuring people's hearts.

But until now, the news of Guan Yu's death was still tightly concealed from Mrs. Hu.

The reason why Liu Chan didn't dare to tell her the matter was because he was afraid that the aunt would not be able to bear the blow of such bad news when she was old.In addition, Liu Chan has been entangled in many things during this period of time, and has no time to deal with it.

However, now Guan Suo's family is back.With them by their side, Mrs. Hu should be fine, right?
So on this day, Liu Chan specially invited Guan's family to have fun around the city for a day.

Mrs. Hu had heard about it before, and the city is now celebrating the defeat of the Jiangdong Army.But she didn't really pay much attention to this matter. The house was too big, and she couldn't hear such a big movement outside.

After Mrs. Hu accepted the invitation, she walked around the city with Liu Chan, Guan Suo and others, and was immediately overwhelmed by the lively scene outside.She had never seen such a grand and lively scene before, she was as happy as a child watching the scene, and she was so happy from ear to ear.

Then, Liu Chan took Mrs. Hu to Changhu by car and went boating on the lake.

In fact, the current level of excitement in Changhu Lake has surpassed that in Jiangling City.Therefore, a lot of places have been planned here to set up stalls for those vendors who come to do small business.

Changhu Lake is not only large in size, but also has good air, sunlight, water, reeds and other aquatic plants. In addition, there are many beautifully decorated cruise ships, which add a bit of vitality to the scenery.

Mrs. Hu did not go out all the year round, but now that she came here to take a breath, her mood suddenly became brighter.Therefore, she has always been not good at words, and now she has become more talkative.

It can be seen how good Mrs. Hu's mood is now.

Everyone stayed around until dusk before returning to the Guan mansion. The setting sun dyed the carriages of Liu Chan and the Guan family into golden yellow, and cast slanting shadows on the ground.

At this time, the two doctors Liu Chan had found from the barracks were already waiting in Guan's house.Liu Chan was also thoughtful, fearing that Mrs. Hu might have something wrong, so the doctors could rescue her in time.

After nightfall, Guan Suo finally told Mrs. Hu the news of Guan Yu's death in battle.

Of course Mrs. Hu didn't believe it at first, so she reprimanded Guan Suo in front of Liu Chan.However, Liu Chan came to be Guan Suo's witness, and Mrs. Hu passed out immediately.

Liu Chan immediately told the two doctors to come in and save people.The two doctors tried a lot and finally woke Mrs. Hu up.

As soon as Mrs. Hu woke up, she began to cry loudly.

Liu Chan sighed, this aunt probably will cry for several days in the future.Therefore, in order to take care of her body, before leaving the Guanfu, Liu Chan left a doctor for them to avoid any accidents.

(End of this chapter)

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