The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 554 Lu Xun Withdraws His Army

Chapter 554 Lu Xun Withdraws His Army

In Yuannan City, Lu Xun's soldiers had already suffered a lot of casualties because of Zhang Fei's continuous attack on the city.In addition, Lu Xun's team was actually used to cut off the rear of the army. After Lu Meng passed Yuanshui, the morale was not as high as before.

Therefore, Lu Xun was actually very anxious.In addition, the weather is really hot now, which is not a good time to fight. Naturally, he can't conceitedly think that with his own talents, he can safely defend Yuannan City in front of Zhang Fei's crazy army.

In fact, stopping the Wuxi Man army in the valley had almost pushed Lu Xun's intelligence to its limit.At that time, if it weren't for Zhuge Ke's magical pen, Lu Xun felt that he might not be able to retreat from Wuxi Man.

Now, he, Lu Xun, is sticking to such an isolated city—Jingzhou to the west of Yuanshui. Now there is no half of the Jiangdong Army's stronghold, and the situation is really not optimistic.

Lu Xun thought that Zhang Fei was not stupid, and he knew that in the end, he would definitely not be able to defend this Yuannan City.And the reason why Zhang Fei continues to attack like this now is not waiting for himself to retreat voluntarily, and it is not unwise.Zhang Fei has obviously noticed that he needs to buy time to cross Yuanshui as soon as possible.

What troubled Lu Xun the most was that although he wanted to retreat, he had to resist for enough time!Therefore, the situation of Lu Xun and Zhang Fei is very strange:

One of them really wants to quit, but they have misery in their hearts, and they can't quit for the time being;But in order to fight for time, they had no choice but to chase and fight fiercely, and could not wait for the opponent to retreat at all.

As a result, the continuous war between the two sides has become inevitable.

Lu Xun sighed, looking quite physically and mentally exhausted.The windows of his study room were all wide open, and finally there was some breeze at night, but it still couldn't dispel the hot summer heat.

Lu Xun walked out of the study and walked to the yard outside.The lights in the yard cast a black shadow on the planted trees on the ground, as if a large piece of black river mud was glued to the flat ground.

Lu Xun raised his head and looked towards the western sky. Apart from a lot of stars there, it was the direction of Jiangling City, which once haunted Jiangdong people.

It's a pity that the lord was ambitious to conquer in person, and after killing Guan Yu, he was unexpectedly defeated by Liu Adou and others.

Liu Chan, a 15-year-old young man, actually commanded ordinary advisers and generals, and he killed and defeated all the veteran generals in Jiangdong.In the end, the lord's troops were wiped out by a flood.

"Oh!" Lu Xun sighed, suddenly feeling powerless.

In fact, he even heard that Liu Adou is now in Jiangling City, celebrating the defeat of the Jiangdong Army.

At first, Lu Xun felt very strange about this.

As far as he knew, Liu Adou had always acted in a low-key manner. When he fought Cao Wei in Nanyang County, he had already achieved impressive results.But the problem is that he often gives credit to Guan Yu.So much so that until now, most people in the world still think that the great battle in Nanyang County was fought by Guan Yu.

So, how could a person like Liu Chan celebrate in such a ostentatious way now?

Later, Lu Xun thought about it for himself, and came up with an idea that was not very gentlemanly.The reason why Liu Chan was so low-key in Nanyang County may be that he was suppressed by Guan Yu, or he wanted to show his favor to Guan Yu in order to gain Guan Yu's support for him.

And Guan Yu is dead now, so Liu Chan doesn't have to have any scruples anymore.As a result, Liu Chan's suppressed vanity burst out immediately.

Faced with such a conclusion, Lu Xun could only sigh and said, "I hope so!" It can be seen that he actually has no confidence in this conclusion.

What's more, even if his own guess about Liu Chan is correct, it is actually not a good thing.This only illustrates one more point: Liu Chan is already so scheming at such a young age, will he be easy to deal with in the future?

This seems to only make Liu Adou more terrifying.

On the same day, Quan Cong, who replaced Lu Xun and was appointed by Sun Quan as the governor of Lukou, discovered that the Zhangda Jiangzhou Navy, which had been gathering on the river near Jiangling City, suddenly marched uncharacteristically towards the Yangtze River waterway in the direction of Yunmengze. .

Quan Cong was a little startled by the news.

Facing the current Jiangdong army's weakness, Zhang Fei's army is constantly attacking Lu Xun's army in Yuannan City. In Cong's mind, like most people, the first thought that popped up was: Liu Adou sent Zhang Da's Jiangzhou navy to attack Lukou Port.

Quan Cong's intuitive idea, if he thinks about it, is actually reasonable to a certain extent.Because Lukou Port has always been so important, it is definitely a stronghold that the Jingzhou Army must take down.If they don't win Lukou Port, Jingzhou people will definitely not feel at ease.

Moreover, now that Zhang Fei's army is attacking eastward on land, it is not impossible for Liu Adou to send the Jiangdong navy to attack the Jiangdong army from the water, so that both water and land can go hand in hand.

But Quan Cong is not a general who fights by instinct.On the contrary, his ability to analyze and reason is definitely not ordinary.

Therefore, Quan Cong quickly made a judgment based on the current situation of the enemy and us, as well as the strength of the naval forces of both sides: with the current strength of the Jiangdong navy, they simply cannot beat the Jiangdong navy in Lukou Port.Then the purpose of their attack on such a large scale is questionable.

Quan Cong also did not hastily issue combat preparations to the entire army.He just immediately sent people out to scout the situation of the Jiangdong water army.

Soon, the scouts sent back a lot of useful information to Quan Cong.He suddenly realized that the intention of the Jiangdong navy did not seem to be on his Lukou port.

Quan Cong immediately took out the map of Jingzhou and thought about it for a long time.

His finger followed the Yangtze River channel of Yunmengze on the map, turned and reached the mouth of Dongting Lake, and stopped for a while.He wanted to continue to move his finger north, pointing to Lukou Port, but finally turned his finger into Dongting Lake, and finally came to the mouth of Yuanshui River.

Quan Cong sneered, and said, "This Liu Adou is really cunning. He obviously didn't target anyone with this move, he just wanted to put pressure on Lu Xun's army. Such a large-scale ship How can the team's actions be hidden from our Jiangdong people? However, although Liu Adou is boring enough, judging from the current situation of Lu Xun's army, even if they see through Liu Adou's strategy, they still have to abandon the city and retreat according to Liu Adou's plan It's gone."

Quan Cong thought about it for himself, but he was not sure whether Liu Chan's strategy was clever or boring.

But Quan Cong knew one thing, whether it was out of morality and responsibility, or because he wanted to give Lu Xun a favor, he should immediately notify Lu Xun of the news.

After getting the notification from Quan Cong, Lu Xun was really annoyed.

However, he knew in his heart that it would be impossible if he didn't take Zhang Da's fleet seriously.Because if his retreat is really cut off at that time, then the whole army will really be wiped out.

Therefore, Lu Xun suddenly realized that he could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

A day later, Lu Xun left only 600 men to guard Yuannan City, and led the rest of the army to cross Yuanshui by night in a hurry.

In the afternoon of the next day, Zhang Fei's army wiped out all Lu Xun's troops in Yuannan City.

Zhang Fei is not like Liu Chan, who can't kill the enemy who has surrendered no matter what.Anyway, after the great battle that day, the Jiangzhou Army did not capture a single surviving Jiangdong Army soldier as a prisoner.

The offensive and defensive battle between Zhang Fei and Lu Xun, which had lasted nearly 20 days, finally came to an end.

Two days later, Zhang Da's fleet entered the Dongting Lake area.

(End of this chapter)

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