Chapter 555

Lu Meng's condition has become more and more serious recently.His originally tall and burly figure could no longer bear the ravages of the serious illness, not only his back became rickety, but his body seemed to have shrunk.

In fact, since retreating to Yuanshui, Lu Meng's condition began to deteriorate rapidly.So that after only 20 days, he was already bedridden.This used to be a general who would personally lead his troops to charge forward once he was on the battlefield!
What's worse is that those so-called Jiangdong famous doctors are still unable to diagnose Lu Meng's real cause of disease, so how can they treat the disease?What they can do now is to support Lu Meng's condition as much as possible and let Lu Meng live a few more days.

Alas, from Zhou Yu to Lu Su to Lu Meng, everyone who served as the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army seems to have died young!

Sun Quan loved Lv Meng very much, the great governor, so ever since he heard that Lv Meng was ill, he had been paying close attention to his condition.Later, when Sun Quan heard that Lu Meng's condition had worsened, he immediately sent all the imperial physicians who followed him to Lv Meng.

But the result disappointed Sun Quan, and his imperial physician was powerless to deal with Lu Meng's condition in the end.In a rage, Sun Quan issued an order to vent his anger by killing the doctor.

But the consequences of Sun Quan's doing so are actually quite serious.Those doctors who were later sent or invited to treat Lu Meng knew that there was a lesson learned from the past, so who would dare to let go of the treatment?
When the news came that Lu Meng was now bedridden, his body had become extremely weak, and he was almost unable to handle military affairs at all.Now most of the military affairs in his army are actually handled by Xu Sheng, and Sun Quan's heart suddenly became anxious.Jiangdong is now at the most critical time of war, if something happened to Lu Meng, who would he turn to to support the current situation?
Lu Meng was lying on his bed, his back moved slightly because of weak breathing.His body is actually weaker than others imagined, and he even needs help from others to turn his body around.

Lu Meng quietly stared at the top of the handsome tent, tiredness and worry flashed in his cloudy eyes, and he no longer had the majestic gaze he usually had.

Lu Meng seemed to have a premonition that he would die soon.But of course he was very unwilling in his heart.

He is now in his prime, but he has already taken up the most senior military position in Jiangdong, which is the best time to show his fists.He also thought about making contributions to his lord Sun Quan, and he also thought that he must leave his name in history in the future, and become a great figure like Han Huaiyin who can help the lords expand their territories!

It's a pity that the sky can't fulfill people's wishes.Everything is over, I didn't die on the battlefield, but was about to be killed by an unknown disease!

Lu Meng could only sigh sadly in his heart.But this kind of grief and indignation, he can't explain it to outsiders, because he is the commander-in-chief of Jiangdong's three armies.

But since the destiny is like this, no matter how unwilling he is in his heart, Lu Meng can only accept it calmly.

The next thing he can do for his lord Sun Quan is to find a commander for Jiangdong who can replace him, at least at this time, who can help his lord defend Jiangdong and repel Zhang Fei and Liu Adou's army.

It seems that Lu Meng has really given up hope of life at this time.

The first candidate that Lu Meng first thought of was Sun Jiao and Sun Shuming, the right governor.

This person has extraordinary intelligence, excellent popularity, and high prestige in the army, and the position he currently holds is second only to himself.In addition, the more important point is that Sun Shuming is the cousin of the lord Sun Quan. There is absolutely no problem with his loyalty to Jiangdong and Sun Quan's trust in him.

Therefore, it seems to be a matter of course for a person like Sun Jiao to be promoted to the commander-in-chief of the three armies in Jiangdong.

But Sun Jiao's weakness is also obvious.He had been ill more than a year ago, and his health has not been very good.

Since Jiangdong's independence, among the three people who served as the governor, each of them died prematurely due to illness.Under such a background, whether it is Sun Quan or Lu Meng himself, or even the soldiers of the whole army, it is obviously difficult to accept that a person who has been ill for such a long time will be appointed as the governor of Jiangdong.

Lu Meng immediately thought of Han Dang as a veteran, but quickly excluded him from the list.Suddenly, I found that after the battle of Nanjun in Jiangdong, the veteran withered very badly.

Then, Lu Meng thought of Xu Sheng.

Xu Sheng is now staying in his army, helping him with military affairs.This is a very capable person. He needs to be capable, brave, brave, and brainy. He is definitely a great general who can stand on his own.

But Xu Sheng is not without flaws.This person is really too staunch, and often too emotional, which can easily affect the morale of the entire army.

Lu Meng had a feeling in his heart that Xu Sheng could be a candidate, but he couldn't be the only one.

Then, Lu Meng thought of Zhu Huan.He was laughing in his heart, this general who has a super strong memory of names and can remember the names of thousands of soldiers under his command, as well as the names of all their family members, is so arrogant and has such a temper. of violence.Forget it, this person may become a lunatic in the future.

In fact, Lu Meng really has the ability to know people.Zhu Huan did go crazy for a while later, and then died of illness.

Lu Meng then thought of Lukou Governor Quan Cong.

It should be said that Quan Cong is indeed a young and promising person, who has almost all the advantages of Xu Sheng, and is also modest and cautious, which is very popular with everyone.

Moreover, it has to be said that the lord's favor for this person is growing day by day.It can be seen from the fact that he was still able to serve as the governor of Lukou after he was defeated in Nanjun.

But this person is too young now, and his qualifications are obviously not enough.Moreover, this person is actually a little too cautious in his actions, and when he is cautious, he will become a little indecisive.This can be clearly seen from his battle with Guan Xing.

Furthermore, Lu Meng had already learned that Quan Cong had recently learned that the Jiangzhou army and navy were exhausted, but did not take immediate action.This became the latest proof that Lu Meng was not optimistic about Quan Cong for the time being.

Finally, Lu Meng thought of Lu Xun.

In his cloudy eyes, a gleam of light suddenly flashed inexplicably.When the name of Lu Xun appeared in his mind, his heart even told him involuntarily: This is the person.

This is a strange person, a person who is always regarded as a scholar.But he seems to be able to change people's perception of him overnight. This person's vision and strategy are so amazing.

Moreover, this person is calm and calm, and when it is time to attack, he does not hesitate, and even has the courage and courage of a warrior.In order to vent his anger for Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Ke went to his barracks privately.Moreover, Zhuge Ke had just talked to this Lu Xun for a few words, and he really dared to ask Zhuge Ke to persuade the Wuxi barbarian army to retreat.

In this alone, Lu Xun is stronger than Quan Cong.

Coupled with Lu Xun's outstanding appearance, people can't help but think of Zhou Lang in the past, so everyone compares him to "Jiangdong Little Zhou Lang" in private, which is also a point that can stabilize the morale of the army.

As long as Zhou Lang is around, the people of Jiangdong are not even afraid of Cao Cao. Would they be afraid of a Zhang Fei and a Liu Chan child?

Thinking of this, Lu Meng couldn't help but smiled softly.

"It should be this person, although his qualifications are not enough." Lu Meng said softly.Then, he couldn't help coughing slightly.

On the same day, a letter from Lu Meng was sent to Sun Quan on a fast horse, which was about the candidate who would take over the position of governor after Lu Meng died.

Lu Meng offered four candidates: Sun Jiao, Han Dang, Xu Sheng, and the last one was Lu Xun.

Lü Meng was a smart man, he never said anything to death, which is why he was so loved by Sun Quan.He clearly knew that Sun Jiao's hope was slim, and that Han Dang was unlikely to be the governor, but after all, someone needed to act as a green leaf to set it off.

As for Xu Sheng and Lu Xun, let those scholar-bureaucrats choose, they have the final decision.

Then, Lu Meng sent another private letter to Kan Ze.Kan Ze is a good friend of Lu Xun, and Lu Xun's affairs are about to get rid of this Mr. Kan.

(End of this chapter)

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