The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 556 The Commander’s Position

Chapter 556 The Commander's Position ([-])

At night on the second day after Lu Meng sent the seal to Sun Quan, the news that Lu Xun abandoned Yuannan City and retreated decisively also spread to his camp.

Lu Meng appreciated Lu Xun's approach very much. When he should use his strength to fight Zhang Fei's army, he would use his full strength and never back down. When he saw that the timing was not good for his side, he had to decisively retreat temporarily!
After thinking about it for a while, Lu Meng became more and more satisfied with Lu Xun's talent.He even regretted a little, why didn't he discover this person's talent earlier, maybe at that time the Jiangdong Army would not have suffered such a tragic defeat in Nanjun.

Lu Meng then asked Xu Sheng to issue a call-up order to Lu Xun, asking him to leave his army to meet him in Xiangtan after crossing Zishui.And Lu Xun's army has been fighting Zhang Fei and Wuximan's army for more than a month, and it is already a tired army.Therefore, Lu Meng allowed them to cross the Xiangshui River on their own and enter Changsha County for repairs.

Perhaps, in the upcoming battle with the Jiangzhou Army and the Jingzhou Army for the southern part of Jingzhou, Lu Meng felt that this army would not be needed for a long time.

Capital water is also injected into Dongting Lake in the end.Yiyang City, which it flows through, has now become the most outpost of Jiangdong Army's defense after Lu Xun abandoned Yuannan City, which is beneficial to station Tan Xiong's 5000 men.

Therefore, after Zhang Fei's army crossed the Yuan River, the first thing they had to encounter was not Lu Xun's continued interception, but Tan Xiong's Yiyang City.If he didn't take Yiyang City, it would be difficult for his army to go to Zishui, but even Lu Meng's side couldn't reach it.

Three days later, Lu Xun was accompanied by [-] guards, and Kuaima felt Xiangtan.

In fact, Lu Xun didn't have to be so anxious.In the order sent by Lu Meng, there was no urgent order for him to come to Xiangtan.In addition, he must have been very tired after fighting Zhang Fei's army for a long time.

However, Lu Xun certainly has his own reasons for doing so.He had heard a long time ago that Dudu Lu Meng's condition had worsened recently, even to the point of dying.Lu Xun had a vague feeling in his heart that Lu Meng must have something important to ask him to come to him at this time.

Therefore, Lu Xun actually did not cross Zishui in the army, and came to the vicinity of Xiangtan together before leaving his army.Immediately after the army crossed Zishui, he led his escort and rushed to Xiangtan as quickly as possible.

Outside the city of Xiangtan, we came to the camp of the Jiangdong Army.Xiangtan City is actually not big, and there are not many troops stationed there, so Lu Meng had to allocate most of the troops to camp outside the city relying on the favorable terrain.Most of the food and supplies were stored in Xiangtan City.

Lu Xun first saw Xu Sheng, who was tall and dignified.Now, almost all of Lu Meng's affairs are entrusted to him to handle on his behalf, so he has become Lu Meng's agent.After Lu Xun entered the city, the first thing he saw was Xu Sheng, which was actually quite normal.

But Xu Sheng looked at Lu Xun with a rather weird look, which made him feel a little strange.

In fact, Lu Xun didn't know that Lu Meng had included him in the list of four candidates for the governor.Xu Sheng had the advantage of being close to the water, and he knew the contents of the list a long time ago.

So, the right governors Sun Jiao and Han Dang are just fine, and he actually wants to compete side by side with this white-faced scholar who has little combat experience in front of him?Of course Xu Sheng felt a little unhappy in his heart.

Therefore, Xu Sheng has some opinions on Lu Xun in his heart, which is actually reasonable.What's more, Xu Sheng has always been a person with relatively exposed emotions.

Then, Lu Xun came to Lu Meng's camp alone.

After Lu Xun entered the camp, he was almost stunned, and Lu Meng's appearance almost changed completely.The formerly burly and high-spirited governor has now turned into an extremely emaciated patient because of an inexplicable illness, and he can't even get up to greet the guests when they come!

Lu Xun couldn't help feeling very heavy in his heart, knowing that Lu Meng might really die soon.During the battle in Nanjun, Jiangdong had already lost many generals, but now even the governor is about to be lost.

Lu Xun sighed in his heart. The war between Jiangdong people and Jingzhou has caused too much loss!
Lu Xun quickly stepped forward to salute Lu Meng.

Lu Meng's originally cloudy eyes suddenly regained their brilliance when he saw Lu Xun, and his whole spirit seemed to cheer up all of a sudden.In fact, at this time, Lu Meng seemed to have an illusion, mistaking the extremely handsome Lu Xun in front of him for Zhou Gongjin.

Lu Meng still had the strength to raise his hand, waved to Lu Xun, and said, "Bo Yan, come forward and speak. I don't have much strength left." Therefore, Lu Meng didn't let Lu Xun take a seat beside him.

Lu Xun promised, walked quickly to the side of Lu Meng's bed, and asked, "Governor, you recruited the general to come to Xiangtan, do you have anything to tell the general to handle?"

Lu Meng hummed, and in a low voice and unpleasant speed, cut to the chase and said that he had recommended him to be the commander of Jiangdong's three armies.

Lu Xun was really dumbfounded.He is not a person without self-confidence. When others call him a scholar, he despises those people who can't see his full strategy.He even has enough ambitions, and in the future he must become the governor of Jiangdong who is under one person and above ten thousand people.However, this ambition has always been hidden in a corner of his heart, and he has never mentioned it to others.

Now, when Lu Meng suddenly said this to Lu Xun, Lu Xun was of course very surprised.He is only in his 30s now, and there are still many generals with higher qualifications. Generally speaking, if he wants to stand out, he will have to fight for at least ten years!However, the opportunity suddenly came like this?
If Lu Xun was not shocked, it would be absolutely impossible.

Seeing Lu Xun's expression, Lu Meng smiled and said, "Bo Yan, are you surprised to hear this news?"

Lu Xun swallowed, and replied bluntly: "Yes. Even if he is one of the four candidates, it is enough to shock the general."

Lu Meng laughed a few times, but then coughed again.Lu Xun quickly picked up the tea beside him and moistened Lu Meng's throat, and his cough just stopped.

Lu Meng then continued: "Although you are only one of the four candidates, based on what I know about the lord, he will eventually select you for the position of the governor."

"Ah!" Lu Xun was dumbfounded again.

But this time, his heart was full of surprises.

(End of this chapter)

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