The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 557 The Commander’s Position

Chapter 557 The position of governor ([-])

Sun Quan received Lu Meng's seal.He was actually no longer in the frontline city at this time.He has already returned to Yuzhang on Poyang Lake by boat.This place is still far away from Xiangtan.

After Sun Quan saw it, he became more worried about Lu Meng's physical condition.Because between the lines in this form, once again faintly revealed an ominous meaning.

Therefore, Sun Quan already had a premonition in his heart that Lu Meng might die soon.That's why Lu Meng was so anxious to recommend someone who could replace him as the governor.

However, in Lu Meng's seal, he recommended four people at once.Sun Quan knew that Lu Meng wanted to let himself decide the candidate for the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

Sun Quan frowned all of a sudden.The first person on the recommendation list is Sun Jiao and Sun Shuming.Indeed, as Lu Meng expected, Sun Quan quickly eliminated him.The reason is that Sun Shuming's health has been very bad in recent years.

As for Han Dang, the qualifications are indeed old enough, but this person is a general rather than a handsome talent, so he is ruled out.

So, in the end, there were only two young Xu Sheng and Lu Xun left.

Xu Sheng has always performed very well.This Lu Xun has performed absolutely amazing recently.Moreover, Sun Quan knew Lu Meng well, and Lu Meng seemed to deliberately put Sun Jiao and Han Dang at the top so that he could eliminate them one by one.

So according to this kind of thinking, Sun Quan suddenly felt that Lu Meng was implying that he should also get rid of Xu Sheng, leaving only the last Lu Xun?

However, if Lu Xun was to be the governor, there would be many problems: first, his qualifications would be too low; second, his military exploits would be too little;

Sun Quan thought hard all night, but he couldn't decide.He had no choice but to call the ministers to discuss the matter tomorrow morning.

In the early morning of the next day, Sun Quan ordered the account to be raised, and Jiangdong's ministers and workers who followed Sun Quan had already taken their seats.

A slight smile appeared on Sun Quan's face, and he said, "Mentors, the governor Lu Ziming wrote to me yesterday, saying that his health is no longer able to take on the post of governor, and I need to find another virtuous person to replace him temporarily." His position. Everyone, do you have any candidates?"

When Sun Quan said this, all the officials in Jiangdong showed surprise on their faces, and they did not immediately reply to Sun Quan's question.

In the scene, Kan Ze was the only one who was the most relaxed because he had already received Lu Meng's private message and knew the situation in advance.

After waiting for a while, Sun Quan saw that everyone was silent, and his face showed displeasure, and said: "Everyone, although this matter is of great importance, you are people who have a lot of friends on weekdays, and the people who comment are always open their mouths. Why are you not talking now?"

Kan Ze waited for a while, and seeing that everyone was silent, he stood up from his seat, cupped his hands and said to Sun Quan, "My lord, I think Lu Xun and Lu Boyan are a good candidate."

Sun Quan was stunned when he heard Kan Ze's words.There are so many famous generals in Jiangdong, why did this Kan Ze think of Lu Xun all of a sudden?
However, Sun Quan nodded slightly, and said: "Lu Xun has always been a secretive person. In this battle between my family and the Jingzhou Army, his talent has been fully revealed. Judging from the recent record, he really He is a rare talent!"

Hearing what Sun Quan said, Zhang Zhao frowned, and suddenly turned his head and gave Kan Ze a look. His eyes clearly blamed Kan Ze for being so nonsense.

Zhang Zhao got up immediately and said, "No, my lord! Lu Xun is just a scholar, and he has little experience in marching and fighting. It's okay to do some military affairs on paper, but it's definitely not good for me to be the commander-in-chief of the three armies in Jiangdong."

Zhang Zhao's words were categorical.

Kan Ze ignored Zhang Zhao's hint, Lu Xun was his good friend, and Kan Ze couldn't be more aware of his talent.He reasoned vigorously and said, "Master, who said that a scholar cannot lead an army to fight? Lu Xun's talent is probably not inferior to that of Zhou Lang back then."

Zhang Zhao was so relieved to see Kan Ze, he dared to compare Lu Xun to Zhou Lang!He then winked at Gu Yong and Bu Zhi who were sitting upright next to him.

Although Gu Yong had the ability to know people, he was really worried about Lu Xun, so he stood up and said, "My lord, Lu Xun is young and lacks reputation. I'm afraid I, the Jiangdong generals, won't be convinced. My lord, please think again."

The issue of Lu Xun's qualifications is indeed the most troubling issue for Sun Quan.He just nodded and frowned slightly, but he didn't comment immediately.

As soon as Gu Yong finished his sentence, he stood up impatiently and said, "My lord, Lu Xun's talent may be able to rule a state and a county, but leading our three armies in the east of the Yangtze River to fight, I'm afraid It will really make a big mistake!"

Sun Quan didn't expect that so many people would stand up and oppose it firmly, so he hesitated in his heart.Immediately, he wanted to make a compromise, and he proposed Xu Sheng as the candidate, and then let everyone discuss.

But Kan Ze is determined to recommend Lu Xun, not to mention he has Lu Meng's endorsement.Therefore, he was not afraid to learn about Zhang Zhao and the three of them, and said loudly: "My lord, I, Kan Ze, would like to recommend Lu Boyan at the cost of my whole family's life. If Lu Boyan's success is not enough, then my servants and my whole family are willing to share the same crime with him!"

Sun Quan never imagined that Kan Ze would work so hard for Lu Xun.He also knew that Kan Ze had a clear distinction between public and private, and while being moved in his heart, he was pulled back from his original thoughts of favoring Xu Sheng.

Then, unexpectedly, Kan Ze decided to take another gamble.He left his seat, stepped forward and handed the letter from Lu Meng to Sun Quan.

After Sun Quan saw it, his expression became very firm, and he said: "You don't need to say more, I have decided to let Lu Xun temporarily act as the commander of Jiangdong's three armies."

Zhang Zhao and others couldn't help but feel very surprised that Sun Quan made a decision so quickly.They really couldn't understand why a letter from Kan Ze could play such a major role?

Then, Sun Quan ordered Gu Yong to issue a letter of appointment to Lu Xun immediately, and Kan Ze took it to Xiangtan and handed it to Lu Meng and Lu Xun in person.

Three days later, Kan Ze came to the city of Xiangtan.

Kan Ze immediately conveyed the meaning of the lord Sun Quan to Xu Sheng and others.

But Kan Ze was afraid that Xu Sheng and others would be dissatisfied with Lu Xun, and after discussing with Lu Meng, he decided that Lu Xun should be established first, so the generals would not dare to disobey Lu Xun.

On the same day, Lu Meng ordered the army to build a worship platform overnight.

The next day, Lu Meng dragged his heavy sick body to the platform of worshiping the general with the support of Kan Ze and Xu Sheng.He invited Lu Xun to the altar, and announced the lord's order in public: he worshiped Lu Xun as the governor of the three armies, granted him the title of Marquis Lou, gave him a sword and seal, and temporarily acted as an agent for all his military positions.

Then, Lu Meng took the seal of the governor from Xu Sheng and handed it to Lu Xun himself.In fact, Lu Meng found that Xu Sheng's face was not very good-looking, so he sighed secretly, and could only pretend that he didn't see it.

Since then, Li Cheng.

With Lu Meng's blessing, Lu Xun's career path should become much smoother.

After Sun Quan learned of Lu Meng's approach, he couldn't help being very moved by his ability to guide and guide the backward.

(End of this chapter)

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