The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 54 Sun Quan's Attack

Chapter 54 Sun Quan's Attack
Just a moment after Zhang Zhao passed by, another ship came quickly from the direction of Lukou Port fleet, and headed towards the direction where Zhang Zhao left. The speed was much faster than Zhang Zhao's ship.

I saw a burly man standing on the bow of the boat, who looked taller than Zhang Fei, nine feet away.He was wearing a red brocade robe, with a gorgeous sword hanging around his waist, and the flashing light in his eyes seemed to be green, which really looked a little scary.But the imposing manner on his body gave people a sense of majesty and prestige.

Just when Liu Chan was guessing who that person was, Zhuge Qiao who was beside him didn't know why, and suddenly gave a very inopportune whisper, as if he was surprised.

Then, behind that boat, three more boats followed, each carrying a different number of shirtless men.Although he didn't see that they were armed, Liu Chan sensed their murderous aura and said, "Those who walk on the boat must be going to kill people. I'm afraid that man in red will suffer."

Hearing Liu Chan's words, Zhuge Qiao couldn't help staring at him with wide eyes, and said in surprise, "No way, how did you know, my lord?"

Liu Chan said indifferently: "Because the people on the three boats that followed secretly had a murderous look on them. If you don't believe it, you can ask Mr. Han and Zhao Feng, they can confirm it."

Zhuge Qiao looked at Han Long and Zhao Feng in disbelief, but they both nodded at the same time.Han Long also told Zhuge Qiao that according to his observation, when those shirtless men stood on the boat, their feet were extremely stable, and they were obviously masters who often appeared on the water.

The "master" here is of course implying that Zhuge Qiao is very likely to be the master of water thieves, because this is not surprising.Back then, Gan Ning, the Jinfan thief, was a top-notch master among the water thieves, and he had shaken Jiangdong for 20 years.Even after returning to Jiangdong, he is still a first-rate general.

However, Zhuge Qiao said unexpectedly: "Oh, something is wrong. My son, let's go and save people quickly. That red-robed man is Wu Guozhu Sun Quan and Sun Zhongmou!"

Liu Chan was startled by Zhuge Qiao's words, and finally understood why he exclaimed in a low voice just now, and why the red-robed man's eyes looked a little green.It turned out that that person was his uncle, Jiangdong's "blue-eyed son" Sun Quan!No wonder he has a majestic and inviolable aura about him.

Liu Chan immediately thought that it was that guy who tricked Sun Shangxiang back to Jiangdong, causing him to lose a mother who truly loved him!So now that he is being followed and killed secretly, what does it have to do with him?

Moreover, if Sun Quan dies now, people from the Jiangdong Sun clan who covet his position as the lord of the country will definitely rise up one after another. The state takes action.So for Liu Bei, whose position in Yizhou is still not stable, isn't it all beneficial and harmless?Thinking of this, Liu Chan couldn't help but gloat in his heart.

A cruel smile appeared on Liu Chan's face, and he said, "What does Sun Quan have to do with you? Why are you so anxious? You are from Jingzhou now. Now that someone is going to help us get rid of Biyaner, why don't we be optimistic about the success? "

Zhuge Qiao's fair face suddenly turned red, and he managed to force out a word: " your uncle!"

Liu Chan sneered and remained silent.

If Sun Quan would talk about family affection to his relatives, he would not have married his 18-year-old sister to the 48-year-old Liu Bei in order to trick Liu Bei into Jiangdong and put him under house arrest!For a strong man like him, his relatives are just tools that he can use and use.Talking about family affection to such a person is like feeding a piece of meat to a wolf, and even if the meat is eaten, it will be bitten.

Seeing Liu Chan, Zhuge Qiao just watched them leave without saying a word, already a little annoyed, said: "You are too cold-blooded!"

When Zhuge Qiao spoke disrespectfully to the young master, Han Long and Zhao Feng beside him frowned.

At this time, Deng Ai withdrew his gaze from looking at Sun Quan's figure in front of him, turned his head and said to Liu Chan, "My lord, you, you really should... go to save Sun Quan. I'll explain the reason on the way."

After finishing speaking, he asked Han Long to hurry up and let the boat boss sail to follow.But Han Long didn't agree immediately, but looked at Liu Chan - only the young master is qualified to decide all matters in his actions.

Liu Chan saw that Deng Ai, who usually had a calm expression on his face, became anxious now, and his heart inevitably began to waver.Because after more than two years of getting along, he already knew Deng Ai very well—this person would never talk nonsense, and he had a profound insight that ordinary people did not have.

He said to Han Long: "It's okay for us to follow up to watch a good show. Mr. Han, please order the boss of the boat to catch up with the boat."

But Han Long said: "Young master, according to the speed of the other party, our big boat can't keep up, we have to change to a small boat."

Liu Chan nodded, and Han Long agreed to leave. The boss of the ship immediately called out all the sailors who were paddling in the cabin, and prepared the spare boats at the stern for Liu Chan and others.Liu Chan and his two companions, Han Long, Zhao Feng, and fifty guards boarded and chased after him.The diners on the two merchant ships behind reacted a little slower, but their boats followed suit one after another.

After the eight small boats tracked for a distance of two or three miles, they were thrown away by the opponent in the harbor branch of the channel. It seems that the sailors on Liu Chan's side are obviously not as good as the opponent's sailors.But it's no wonder that Sun Quan's sailors are sailors who have served in the navy all year round, and those shirtless men should be pirates who have been making a living on the water all year round. Of course, they are not comparable to the sailors of their merchant ships.

Liu Chan saw that it was impossible to do anything, so he wanted to take the opportunity to put aside, regardless of Sun Quan's life or death.Don't want to be stopped by Deng Ai again: "My lord, you must not let the matter go."

Deng Ai's performance today really made Liu Chan feel very strange. Why did Deng Ai, who has always been indifferent, suddenly become so concerned about Sun Quan's life and death?He asked, "Why do you continue to investigate? Tell me clearly."

Deng Ai told Liu Chan, don't think that after Sun Quan's death, the situation will become more favorable to Liu Shijun, on the contrary, it will definitely become worse.You know, Cao Wei is still the strongest in the world now.After Liu Bei and Soochow joined forces, they could barely fight against it.But if Sun Quan dies here, and Soochow has no clear successor, there will be chaos in Soochow.

Liu Chan was shocked and said: "Then it means that even if the two families of Sun and Liu join forces again in the future, their strength will have been greatly weakened, which means that Cao Wei's strength will be correspondingly enhanced! At that time, Cao Cao will take the opportunity to lead his army south again to destroy If Soochow is lost, the small Yizhou and Jingzhou will definitely be difficult to preserve!"

Deng Ai nodded, what Liu Chan said was exactly the same as what he was thinking.Liu Chan really admired Deng Ai's long-sighted vision this time, he was indeed a strategic genius, which Zhuge Qiao, who is proficient in affairs, could not catch up with his flattery!
Seeing that Liu Chan hadn't moved yet, Zhuge Qiao was already in a hurry, and urged: "My lord, can you give an order to continue the pursuit?"

Although Liu Chan was still very reluctant in his heart, the complicated connection behind the incident forced him to make the most rational decision.So Liu Chan finally kept Zhao Feng's fifty bodyguards by his side, and then divided the remaining ships into three groups, and the four waves continued to pursue from different directions.

All the way to the west, the boat shuttled around inside the port, only to see clusters of reeds taller than people, growing densely, sometimes almost blocking the port.

The wind blows, and the reed tidbits are flying all over the sky, as if it is already the middle of winter, and the sky is snowing again.

It wasn't until after Liu Chan's boat had chased for four or five miles that he heard a burst of violent human shouts from the reed marshes in front, and he could also faintly hear the sound of weapons clinking. It was obvious that someone was fighting in front.

Liu Chan immediately ordered the boat to chase in the direction of the sound.

After turning a few bends, we entered a small waterway.Everyone saw that the river in front suddenly turned red, like red ink slowly spreading in the water, gradually turning dark red.There was a slight smell of blood in the water, and the river was obviously stained red by human blood.

Moreover, sporadic corpses can be seen floating along the water from time to time.They were all wearing the uniforms of Soochow sailors, and their bodies were turned sideways in the water, with only their backs protruding from the water, and their faces could not be seen at all.

Liu Chan and others continued to follow the route of blood and corpses.After the boat turned into a very narrow waterway, I saw that the two warships of Soochow had been stopped by those shirtless men, and the two sides were fighting.

Based on the signs along the way, Liu Chan judged that when Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao should be on the road, he had already discovered that those shirtless men had mischievous intentions, so he chose to flee while fighting.It's a pity that they fled into this narrow waterway in a panic, and they were intercepted by the other party because they couldn't pass through at all.

At this time, there were only a dozen or so Soochow sailors on the boat, but they had to face forty or fifty enemy attacks, forcing Sun Quan to draw his sword to join the battle.Sun Quan himself was highly skilled in martial arts. Even though he was under the special care of the assassins, one person had to face the attacks of four or five people, and he still defended impenetrably. Liu Chan couldn't help but feel inexplicably impressed.

In order to support Sun Quan, Zhang Zhao had already led people to board Sun Quan's barracks, but his people obviously didn't play a role, otherwise there would be only a few people left on the deck.Moreover, Zhang Zhao is a Confucian scholar who doesn't know martial arts at all, so he can only stand behind Sun Quan, protected by Sun Quan, with a panicked look on his face, which seems to have caused a lot of burden to Sun Quan.

Seeing the behavior of the so-called majestic Zhang Zhao, Liu Chan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

(End of this chapter)

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