Chapter 55 Massacre
Just when Liu Chan was about to order Zhao Feng to bring someone to help, the situation on Sun Quan's board changed suddenly.Suddenly, more than [-] men with their hands and feet handcuffed rushed out of the cabin.

They were all wearing sailor's short-sleeved clothes, all of them were tall and big, with blue veins on their exposed arms, obviously they were not people to provoke.

Those sailors gathered together to form a fan, and shouted loudly in unison, the voice was so loud that it was like thousands of troops rushing into battle, the momentum was very scary.They used the iron chains in their hands in unison to slam on the assassins.

As soon as the assassin's weapon came into contact with the iron chain, sparks were knocked out, and it was deflected to one side, making it difficult to launch an effective attack.It can be seen that the strength of those sailors is really amazing.

Moreover, Liu Chan could see that those sailors were obviously soldiers who knew the formation well, otherwise it would be impossible to form such a neat and consistent battle formation.Just who are they, how can they have such a strong attack power?And why would such a strong soldier be locked up and sent to the cabin to be a sailor?Liu Chan really couldn't figure it out.

However, facing the sudden powerful attack by the group of sailors, those assassins were obviously frightened, their positions became a little flustered for a while, and their attack power weakened a lot, which immediately changed Sun Quan's embarrassing situation.

Seeing that the sailors were so strong, Liu Chan immediately put away the idea of ​​sending people up to support them immediately.Moreover, he also became very interested in the identities of those mysterious and powerful sailors, and wanted to see the situation before talking.He asked Deng Ai, "How do you feel about those sailors?"

Deng Ai told Liu Chan approvingly that those sailors were definitely battle-hardened soldiers.Judging from the slogans they have been chanting, they should not be from Jiangdong, but it is much more likely that they are from the north.

Liu Chan didn't believe Deng Ai's analysis, so he looked at Zhuge Qiao.Zhuge Qiao nodded and said: "Judging from their accents, they are indeed not from Jiangdong. Moreover, they are all wearing handcuffs and shackles, so they should be slaves."

Hearing Zhuge Qiao's words, Liu Chan suddenly understood, and blurted out: "Then those sailors should be the soldiers captured by Cao Wei by Eastern Wu! But under normal circumstances, soldiers as strong as them should be reorganized into the army as soldiers. Right?"

Zhuge Qiao shook his head, and replied: "My lord, don't you look at whose ship it is, there are all kinds of possibilities. And if those soldiers are too stubborn and unruly to be tamed by the Soochow army, or they If an important person is killed in a war, it is common to be sent to be a slave."

Liu Chan felt that what Zhuge Qiao said was indeed reasonable.

At this time, Deng Ai reminded Liu Chan that if he didn't send people up to support, those sailors might not last long.

Liu Chan couldn't help being a little surprised, the formation of the sailors was still so complete and orderly, and the attack power of the iron chains in their hands was also very powerful. Several assassins had been killed and wounded, and none of them were even injured!

Now Sun Quan also took the opportunity to be freed from the embarrassment just now, and led Zhang Zhao back to the group of sailors, glaring at the assassins viciously.Under such a good situation, Liu Chan didn't understand why Deng Ai said this.

Deng Ai immediately pointed out that the reason why those sailors are still able to maintain the suppression of those assassins is entirely because of the advantage they gained by taking advantage of the formation just now, but I don't know how long this advantage can last.

And looking at the sailors' movements, they are completely open and closed. They must have used heavy weapons in the army before, and iron chains are not suitable for them at all.Therefore, once those assassins got used to their attack style, they would definitely not be able to eat it anymore.

Of course Liu Chan didn't quite believe Deng Ai's words, so he wanted to make a bet with Deng Ai immediately.But how could someone as proud as Deng Ai bet with others like a child?He just raised the corners of his mouth slightly, not to mention arguing with Liu Chan, and turned his head to continue watching the fight on the boat.

Zhuge Qiao was obviously more anxious than anyone else, but he was not as proficient in military affairs as Deng Ai, so he could only worry on the sidelines.Seeing Zhuge Qiao's appearance, Liu Chan really couldn't bear it, so he ordered Zhao Feng and others to get ready to attack quickly, and rushed over immediately after he gave the order.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, the situation on the ship actually began to reverse as Deng Ai said just now.

Those assassins adjusted their attack strategies, picked up the long weapons of the killed Soochow sailors one after another, and frantically attacked the sailors' lower body.However, the sailors' feet were all fettered, making it extremely inconvenient to move, otherwise they would not have been able to form such a dense fan attack formation.Soon, seven sailors were wounded in their feet.

If this continues, the fan formation may collapse overnight.Liu Chan couldn't help thinking gloatingly, Sun Quan must regret it to death now, why did he imprison the hands and feet of those sailors in the first place!
Only then did Liu Chan order Zhao Feng to attack.

Zhao Feng made a promise, and rushed up with the guards in two boats.

Originally, he was concentrating on the battlefield and Sun Quan and Zhang Zhao, only then did he realize that there were three small boats in front of him, two of which were full of people rushing towards him.

All of them held long spears in their hands and wore long swords, looking murderous.The two thought that Zhao Feng's silver-armored guards were the reinforcements of the assassins, and the situation on their side had deteriorated again, and they turned pale with fright, thinking that this time they would not be able to escape.

No, at this moment another person rushed out of the cabin.This man was no less than nine feet tall Sun Quan, and his physique was as strong as an iron tower. His beard almost covered his face. He looked like a gorilla, with the muscles on his arms bulging. He was holding a broken oar about three meters long with both hands!
The barbarian-like image of this person almost made Liu Chan exclaim: "Why did the ape-man Tarzan appear here..."

As soon as the savage appeared, he immediately shouted: "You bastards, get out of the way!" The sailors quickly retreated behind the man.I saw that man rushing into those assassins and swiping his oars vigorously, like a windmill spinning at high speed.

One assassin couldn't dodge, so he had to parry with the spear in his hand.But as soon as his spear came into contact with the paddle, the spear was sent flying, and the paddle hit the man heavily in the abdomen.

The man didn't even have time to let out a wail, and he was beaten into the air again, and he vomited blood to death in the air. He flew to a distance of two or three feet in front of Liu Chan's boat, and then fell into the water, knocking out a big one. spray.Liu Chan couldn't help sighing secretly, he actually watched a trapeze show for free today.

After the barbarian knocked one person into the air, his offensive continued unabated, and he knocked down four more people in succession before forcing the assassins back and gaining a safe distance for his companions.But the broken oar in his hand was also cut off by the assassins' swords, shortened a lot, and the attack power became much worse than before.

Those assassins had a lot of combat experience. The four swordsmen stepped forward at the same time, struggling to attack the barbarian's vitals from all directions, and the barbarian was forced to retreat again and again.But the four assassins did not relax and continued to attack with their knives.The barbarian managed to dodge three stabs, but his feet were inconvenient, and the fourth stab was aimed at his waist, so he couldn't dodge it at all.

The savage roared and had to parry with the oars in his hand.With a click, the paddle broke, and the attack of the broadsword decreased immediately.The barbarian took advantage of the momentum and rolled back on the ground, finally avoiding the pursuit.However, those assassins seemed to have made an agreement a long time ago, the swordsman had just finished attacking, and the spearman had already come up, and seven spears were stabbed at the barbarian at once!
The barbarian's companion was also unable to move. At this time, even if he wanted to help, it was impossible. He could only let out a roar from behind.

The barbarian knew that he had no chance of surviving this time, and had already started to close his eyes and wait for death.But he feels that he doesn't regret that he will die here in the end, because his current life is already worse than death.It's just that he never imagined that before he was about to die, he could still have such a hearty fight with others, and even put on five quilts. He felt very satisfied.

At this time, there was a loud shout in the air: "It's not that easy to kill him!" Then a series of clashing sounds of weapons were heard.

The Savage opened his eyes and saw a man about seven feet five standing in front of him, barely reaching his shoulders.He was holding a tiger-headed silver spear in his hand, and he hadn't had time to take it back yet.

The savage realized that it was this man who had saved him just now.Moreover, the barbarians carefully discovered that Zhao Feng was wearing civilian clothes, obviously not an officer and soldier of Soochow Wu, so they couldn't help but be full of doubts about his sudden appearance.

Just when the barbarian wanted to ask Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng withdrew his gun and smiled at the barbarian: "Big man, you are really capable. I will leave the rest to me."

Then I saw fifty men with silver guns appearing on both sides of the boat and on the bow, forming a tight siege around the assassins.Those assassins didn't seem to be easy to see the background of the opponent, and the number of them was twice as many as their own, so they immediately retreated.But in fact, they had nowhere to escape at this time.

Zhao Feng didn't even think about recruiting them to surrender, and the young master Liu Chan had asked him to make a quick decision.Hearing Zhao Feng's order, all the guards immediately used all their abilities to launch a fierce attack on those assassins by using their seamless cooperation.

The two of them form a team, and often in the first attack, one of them's silver spear can injure the enemy; in the second attack, the enemy is seriously injured; in the third attack, two blood holes may have appeared on the enemy's body!
All of a sudden, there was a burst of wailing on the deck.The blood of the assassin stained the deck red again.Such a tragic scene, Liu Chan and others really couldn't bear to watch it any longer. This was simply a one-sided massacre!I had to turn my back on it.

And those sailors, Sun Quan, and Zhang Zhao's surviving Soochow sailors were stunned, and they didn't even dare to breathe. It seemed that they couldn't believe that such a powerful group of murderous monsters existed in this world!
In fact, those assassins themselves were very powerful. Otherwise, how could they have slaughtered two Soochow sailors on the boats when only half of their manpower was lost?But even if they had such outstanding strength, it would be impossible for them to fight against the guards who were taught martial arts by Zhao Yun himself.

What's more, they are now exhausted from long-term battles, and the members of the Silver Armored Guards have been eating well and drinking well recently, recharging their energy on the boat every day. Let off steam.Now that there is such a good opportunity, of course they all strive to be the first to kill the enemy bravely.

Thus, in a one-sided situation, the silver-armored guards slaughtered all the assassins on board in less than a quarter of an hour.Every corpse is covered with scars, and the death condition is horrible!On their own side, only seven people suffered some minor injuries in the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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