The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 559 Killing General in White

Chapter 559 Killing the General in White ([-])
After Deng Ai and Fan Jiang came out of Zhang Fei's big tent, Fan Jiang asked worriedly: "Captain Deng, are you really going to attack Yiyang City with a surprise army?"

Deng Ai is not someone who talks casually, he will do it once he has made up his mind.Deng Ai said to Fan Jiang: "Of course, besides, General Zhang has already promised to send troops to assist me. So, next, I will ask General Fan for your help to dispatch all the small warships." Give it to me, I only need to bring 2000 people there this time."

Fan Jiang was taken aback.In fact, when Deng Ai told Zhang Fei the plan just now, he was stunned once, and even those who came in later to participate in Huang Quan were also stunned for a while.Take 2000 people to capture a city with five or six thousand enemies?

When Fan Jiang thinks about it now, it still feels unbelievable.

But seeing that Deng Ai was determined, he knew that it was useless to persuade him.He had no choice but to nod to Deng Ai and agreed.

Two days later at night, Fan Jiang's fleet sailed to the mouth of Zishui.Deng Ai immediately led a 2000-strong elite troop down from the building boat, all boarded the small boat, and continued to paddle towards Zishui.

But the strange thing is that these people in Deng Ai are not wearing white clothes on May Day.In fact, Deng Ai's disguise was really inspired by Lu Meng's surprise attack on Jiangling City.So, now it seems that there is a taste of using the way of others to treat others.

After Deng Ai's army advanced from the waterway for about forty miles, they all abandoned their ships and landed.This place is less than sixty miles away from Yiyang City.They all lurked into the reeds by the river.As long as they endure the [-]-day scorching heat today, they can secretly attack Yiyang City at night.

Then, Deng Ai called for Lieutenant General Zhou Tao.Let him send a capable general to lead a group of 200 people, or pretend to be merchants or farmers, to sneak into Yiyang City secretly now.When it was late at night tonight, they started an incident in the city, and first seized the city gate.At that time, he will lead the army into the city in one fell swoop.

And Zhang Fei's men, in order to cooperate with Deng Ai's actions, have been moving around for the past two days, attracting most of the attention of Tan Xiong's army.Tan Xiong never expected that Deng Ai would suddenly come out from behind them.

Zhou Tao immediately took orders and left.He sent a Yamen general named Merlin as the leader, and divided the 200 people into more than a dozen parts, sneaking into the city at different times.

That night, Deng Ai led the army to hide five miles away from Yiyang City at the fastest speed.

But it was still early at this time, and there was still a lot of time before the time agreed between Deng Ai and Mei Lin.Deng Ai called Zhou Tao, brought dozens of guards, and quietly came not far from Yiyang City.He's here to observe the enemy's situation.

It was quite dark at this time, and the gate of Yiyang City had already been closed, and only a recessed black shape could be vaguely seen on the city wall.The top of the city is quite lively, with a lot of torches, and there are quite a lot of patrolling soldiers, walking back and forth.

But because of the battlements, Deng Ai and others didn't actually see many patrolling soldiers' bodies. They made their judgments based on the light of the torches and the mixed night of the soldiers on the tower.

Zhou Tao looked at the huge city wall ten feet high in the distance, and said to Deng Ai: "Lieutenant Deng, the enemy patrols on this city wall are quite tight!"

Deng Ai said disapprovingly: "Now is the time of war, and General Zhang Fei's army is active in the west of Yiyang City. Tan Xiong must be nervous to death. How could the defense be relaxed at night? I see, the east side It must be a lot of slack, their attention has long been on the west side, and this is the best opportunity for us to attack!"

Zhou Tao nodded, admiring Deng Ai's use of troops very much.

They checked for a while, and after confirming some defensive weaknesses of the enemy army at the head of the city, they sent someone back to issue an order to let the army slowly move towards this side.

It's getting late, Deng Ai guessed, Merlin and the others should also make a move.

Half an hour later, more than 170 people had gathered around Merlin, and everyone changed into a set of black clothes.As for those who were late, Merlin didn't care about them, the time agreed with Captain Deng was coming soon.

Merlin immediately sent down an order to let everyone take out the guy and follow him to take down the east gate.

On the streets of Yiyang City, there were still some troops patrolling, but suddenly a large number of black shadows appeared in the secret dark place!
Mei Lin and the others led more than 170 people, avoiding the patrolling troops, and carefully touched under the gate of the east city, all lurking in the dark corners below the city.

Merlin carefully checked the distribution of troops in the city, and after thinking about it for a while, he almost drew up a plan to seize the city.

Merlin then decisively issued an order.He first sent ten men to wipe down the towers, cut off the slings, and lower the drawbridge on the moat; then, he sent fifty men to block the streets below the city, and organized patrols from nearby streets; the rest of them, go with him Open the city gate and take on the task of guarding the city gate.

After Merlin's order was conveyed, the more than 170 people were quickly divided into three groups, and then they took action separately.

In front of the city gate tower, ten patrol soldiers walked slowly through the sling under the leadership of a long man.Suddenly, a black figure rushed out from behind the team, a silver light flashed, and a very thick rope supporting the suspension bridge was cut off.

The sound of the rope being snapped was loud, and Shi Chang immediately turned around to look behind him, and couldn't help but turn pale with shock.The ropes of the suspension bridge were cut, and a man in black stood on the top of the wall.He immediately realized that this was an enemy attack!

While Nashi Zhang wanted to draw out the sword at his waist, he opened his mouth wide to send out a signal.Suddenly there was a swishing sound from the black-clothed man, and dozens of long arrows pierced through the darkness, not only piercing the very long chest, but also ending the lives of seven patrolmen.

The remaining two were immediately ended by the second wave of arrow rain.The man in black with the knife swung the knife again, cutting the last rope.

With a bang, the huge suspension bridge fell from the sky and landed heavily on the bank opposite the moat.But because of the force, the suspension bridge vibrated violently, and there was another loud noise.

The loud noise from the suspension bridge finally alarmed the enemies in the city.For a while, the warnings of enemy attacks continued to sound.Then, all the patrolling soldiers on the top of the city rushed towards the tower.

At the city gate below the city tower, Merlin had already led his men to cleanly deal with dozens of enemy soldiers there.

Merlin immediately dispatched ten of his strongest men to step forward together to remove the extremely heavy bolt.

With a creak, the east gate of Yiyang City opened.

(End of this chapter)

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