The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 560 Killing General in White

Chapter 560 Killing the General in White ([-])
The ten men in black on the top of the city wall followed the method agreed with Deng Ai, and one of them reached out and grabbed a torch on the top of the wall, and waved it vigorously on the top of the city wall, like a flaming butterfly flying around. .

However, at this time, those Jiangdong Army who were patrolling the top of the city had already rushed over.Suddenly, someone shouted loudly: "That man is sending a signal, archer, archer, shoot him to death!"

More than a dozen long arrows left the string and made a whizzing sound in the darkness, which immediately made people feel that their teeth were sore.With the distance between the two sides so close and the Jiangdong army shooting so many arrows, it was impossible for the man in black with the torch to dodge it no matter how agile he was.

The man in black let out a miserable cry, and five feather arrows were stuck in his body, three of which pierced through his chest.There was no longer any possibility of this person surviving, and the whole person fell from the top of the city wall.

Seeing that their companion was killed, the nine people behind immediately launched a counterattack, and arrows were constantly shot from the darkness opposite.Those people's archery skills are very good. After Liangbo shot, he shot and killed many people in the patrol team, and the enemy's archers were naturally taken care of first.

At this time, when those men in black saw Deng Ai's side, they seemed to have no news, and someone shouted loudly: "Go to another person to send a signal!"

Immediately, a man threw down the long bow in his hand, rushed to the front, grabbed another torch, and waved it vigorously towards the east.His companions stepped forward one after another to protect the man, and the bows and arrows in their hands kept shooting.

Only then did the patrolling soldiers realize that their enemies were only nine people!They were still a little scared in their hearts, but at this moment their courage grew stronger, and they rushed towards the people in black with a roar.

Faced with such a crazy attack from the enemy, bows and arrows were no longer useful, so the men in black had to draw out their weapons one after another, and also charged towards the enemy.

Merlin had already heard the huge commotion above the city.He left sixty men to continue guarding the city gate, and he led fifty men to the top of the city to support the ten men in black.

In the darkness three miles away from the city, Deng Ai had already received the news of the discovery of the signal.He immediately stepped on his horse and sent an order, and the whole army immediately assaulted the gate of Yiyang City!

Deng Ai handed over the front troops, a total of 500 people, to the command of Lieutenant General Zhou Tao.

As Zhou Tao yelled "Kill!", the halberd in his hand dropped immediately, and countless torches were lit in the darkness, as if countless stars had grown out of the flat ground.

An army of 500 people rushed to the gate of the city as fast as possible.At this time, they can no longer control the discipline of marching formation, as long as they can run to the gate of the city as fast as possible.

All of a sudden, there were countless chaotic running sounds outside the city.

But in a short time, Zhou Tao first rushed across the suspension bridge and rushed into the passage of the city gate.

At this time, on the street in front of the city gate, many Jiangdong troops in the city had heard the news and came to support them.They fought a life-and-death battle with the fifty men in black left behind by Merlin.

Seeing this, Zhou Tao immediately stopped his horse and gathered the soldiers who rushed over from behind.When there were almost a hundred people in the crowd, Zhou Tao took the lead. After a loud roar, he rushed forward.

Zhou Tao is indeed not weak in martial arts. After rushing into the battlefield, a long halberd suddenly turned into a dragon, dancing countless waves, killing the enemy in front of him into rivers of blood!

With the reinforcements coming from behind, Zhou Tao finally defeated the enemies blocking the way, and led his army to continue to kill into the city.

At this time, Deng Ai had also brought the last 500 people to the gate of the city.He immediately led his men to the top of the city, spread out the 500 people towards the walls on both sides, and tightly protected the occupied east gate.

Then, Deng Aicai sent someone to deliver an order to Zhou Tao, telling him not to run around in the city, but to control the four city gates and the government offices of Yiyang City first.

Then, Zhou Tao will send a message to Zhang Fei at that time, asking them to come to support as quickly as possible.After all, Tan Xiong's army in the city was three times their size.Once the enemy finds out the actual situation of the Jingzhou Army, it would be strange not to launch a crazy counterattack!

Although the night is already very deep, but Pi Jiang Tan Xiong has not fallen asleep yet.Because Zhang Fei's troops have been constantly active in the west area for the past two days, he feels extremely nervous.Therefore, it is impossible for him to sleep peacefully.

In fact, Tan Xiong complained a little bit about the governor, Lu Meng. He was just a small general, and he actually let himself lead an army of 6000 people to garrison here?He really thinks highly of himself, not to mention that his opponent is still a fierce general like Zhang Fei!

And the new acting governor, Lu Xun, doesn't seem to have any intention of changing himself...

Suddenly, Tan Xiongmeng heard deafening shouts from outside the government office.

Tan Xiong's face suddenly changed.He tried his best to calm himself down, and after listening carefully, he was sure that it was indeed a cry.He couldn't help being surprised: "What's going on? What happened?
Tan Xiong hurriedly stood up from his seat, kicked open the door of his room, and rushed out.The dozen or so guards outside the door all looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering why Tan Xiong rushed out of the room suddenly.

Tan Xiong was very anxious, and he cursed at the innocent guards: "Damn it, don't you all hear the shouts of killing outside? Hurry up and go outside to see what's going on?"

Just when the guards were about to go out to investigate the situation, densely packed torches appeared on the long street in front of Tan Xiong's mansion.

Then, those Jingzhou troops holding torches suddenly broke open the Yamen, like a long dragon rushing in.

Tan Xiong and his guards were horrified to find that it turned out to be a large group of heavily armed soldiers, but they were all wearing white clothes at this time.

Since these people did not wear livery at all, Tan Xiong had no way of judging the origin of these people in front of him for a while.He even thought that his army in the city had mutinied.

However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was impossible.How can one's own soldiers mutiny just say mutiny?I have never done anything to be sorry for them!

Tan Xiong was surrounded by those soldiers in white who rushed in.The red light from the torch reflected Tan Xiong's pale face from surprise and fear, making it red and red.

Tan Xiong couldn't help but asked loudly: "Who are you?"

Zhou Tao parted the crowd and said with a sneer, "Of course we are the Jingzhou Army!"

Although he had already thought of this possibility before, Tan Xiong couldn't help but said in surprise: "But, how did you attack Yiyang City? I deployed a large number of scouts and heavy troops to the east!"

Zhou Tao continued to sneer, and said, "It's okay to tell you. We crossed the river from Zishui disguised as businessmen, and copied your rear!" Zhou Tao couldn't help laughing out loud.

It was only then that Tan Xiong understood why these people in front of him were all dressed in white.He suddenly remembered that Lu Meng also surprised Jiangling City that day!This is really retribution.

An hour later, all the fighting in Yiyang City subsided.The 8000 troops sent by Zhang Fei were of great help at the last moment, helping Deng Ai's troops wipe out most of the enemies in the city.

At this time, Zhou Tao came to report to Deng Ai. He caught the lieutenant general Tan Xiong in the government office and asked how to deal with him.

Deng Ai was besieged by the Jiangdong people in the Public Security City for more than half a year, and the guards around him had changed twice, and he hated the Jiangdong people in his heart.

Without even thinking about it, Deng Ai made a beheading gesture, and said viciously: "When the time comes, report to Jiangling City, and the enemy general Tan Xiong died in the chaos. I'll be stricter!"

Zhou Tao's eyes flashed, knowing that Deng Ai has always been tough, and he was not surprised that he could make such a decision, so he immediately took the order and left.

That night, Deng Ai couldn't wait to send a good report to Liu Chan in Jiangling City and Chengdu, and there was a sentence in it: The enemy general Tan Xiong died in the chaos.

Tan Xiong really died unexpectedly...

(End of this chapter)

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