Chapter 561 An Accident

It was three or four days after Liu Chan got Deng Ai's battle report.Zhang Fei's army had come out of the mountains and marched into Yiyang City for repairs.It should be said that it is more convenient to repair inside the city.

Liu Chan was still very happy about Deng Ai's success.Therefore, he didn't go into detail at all, why there was a special piece of news about the death of Tan Xiong, the deputy general of the Jiangdong Army, inexplicably.

Just when Liu Chan was complacent, Zhuge Qiao suddenly pushed open the door of his study, which surprised Liu Chan a little.

Liu Chan couldn't help shouting: "Aqiao, you want to scare me to death by barging in like this!"

Zhuge Qiao quickly said apologetically, "Oh, I'm really sorry, because something happened to Jiangdong, that's why my subordinates forgot to knock on the door and barged in."

Seeing that Zhuge Qiao's face was indeed very anxious, Liu Chan stopped blaming him and asked curiously, "What's the big change, and where is the source of the news?"

Zhuge Qiao immediately presented the document in his hand to Liu Chan, and said, "The news comes from our spies lurking in Jiangdong. Everything is recorded in the document. Please read it, Your Majesty."

Liu Chan nodded, took the document, opened it and read it.The content inside is that Lu Meng is seriously ill and dying, and Sun Quan has worshiped a little-known scholar, Lu Xun, to temporarily replace Lu Meng as the commander-in-chief of the three armies in Jiangdong.

With such a drastic change taking place at the top of Jiangdong, it was impossible for Zhuge Qiao not to be in a hurry.

After Liu Chan read it, his face became a little ugly.Lu Xun's ability has not been fully revealed yet, and others may not know about it, but Liu Chan's previous life was Yang Hansheng, so how could he not know about Lu Xun's deeds?
According to the current situation, it is impossible for Liu Bei to lead the army of Yizhou to conquer in person, but I am afraid that Zhang Fei will eventually replace Liu Bei in another time and space and become a stepping stone for Lu Xun to make contributions?

Thinking of this, Liu Chan suddenly felt a little manic in his heart.The battle in Jingzhou was fought against Cao Wei first. Although they only won Xiangyang, they retreated safely from the hundreds of thousands of troops assembled by Cao Wei. The team fought more and more, which was considered a victory.

Then, Liu Chan led his army to continue fighting against Sun Quan's army.Although Guan Yu's death in battle dealt a fatal blow to the morale of the Jingzhou army, the Jingzhou army finally survived and drove Jiangdong's army out of Nanjun.

Therefore, the battle between the Jingzhou Army and the Jiangdong Army should have the upper hand so far.

However, judging from the current situation of the Jiangdong Army, Liu Chan guessed that it is absolutely impossible for the Jiangdong Army to carry out large-scale counter-offensive operations.

Although Lu Xun had just taken office, he must have been full of ambitions and wanted to make contributions.However, the morale of the Jiangdong Army is obviously the same as that of the Jingzhou Army, and they have already developed a war-weary mood.This point, no matter how clever Lu Xun's strategy is, it is impossible to reverse it in a short time.

Therefore, Lu Xun is now suddenly like Liu Chan when he died in Nanjun Guan Yu. The situation he encountered is very familiar, and he needs to buy enough time to restore the morale of the army.

Then, if Lu Xun is really smart enough, he will definitely stick to Lu Meng's strategy, continue to stick to the front line of Xiangtan and Xiangshui, and stop Zhang Fei's army with the attitude of not seeking merit but seeking no fault.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan immediately wanted to write to Deng Ai and Zhang Fei, telling them to attack quickly and repel Lu Xun's army as quickly as possible.But how similar is this situation to what Liu Bei encountered in another time and space?
Liu Chan feels that he can't be so hasty now, he still needs to calm down and think carefully before making a decision.

Zhuge Qiao saw that Liu Chan had been deep in thought for so long, so he could only ask, "My lord, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "I haven't thought about this matter yet, I need to think about it again."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and then bid farewell to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan thought for a long time in the study alone, the night was already very dark.In the yard outside the study, the moonlight was cold and quietly fell outside the window, bringing in the faint fragrance of flowers in the flower bed.

Liu Chan thought for so long that his head was a little numb.He got up from his seat and walked into the courtyard. The fragrance of flowers floating in the air immediately made his mind relaxed.

With his hands behind his back, Liu Chan walked across the courtyard, through a gate, and walked towards his bedroom.It was already late at night, and people in this era would go to bed early if they had nothing to do, so most of the rooms were dark.

Liu Chan followed the light of the hanging lanterns, walking with his head down.However, he suddenly heard a door opening sound from the front.

Liu Chan looked up and saw a person coming out of the door.This person was wearing a light yellow shirt, and his long hair was scattered and hung down to the back of his waist. He looked a little disheveled, and his figure looked a little thin.

Liu Chan has a feeling in his heart that the one in front should be a woman, and the back looks somewhat familiar.However, this person should not be Shishi, but he can't remember who it is
However, Liu Chan wondered why this person was dressed like this in the middle of the night.Liu Chan's heart skipped a beat, and a thought suddenly popped up: cheating, tryst?
Liu Chan couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. He didn't forbid them to have sex with each other, so they could have a legitimate relationship, so why did they have to come out late at night to have an affair?

Liu Chan immediately chased after her. After turning a corner, he was already behind the woman.The woman was obviously a little flustered, and she didn't notice anyone following her behind.

Liu Chan rushed up immediately, grabbed the woman by the shoulder, and shouted: "Stop, who are you!"

The woman was obviously terrified of being caught like this, she exclaimed, and a shock on her shoulders actually shook Liu Chan's hand away.

But the clothes on her shoulders slipped off, revealing her beautiful fragrant shoulders, and the skin on them was also scratched with three red marks by Liu Chan's fingernails.

Liu Chan was startled, the other party seemed to know martial arts.But he didn't give up, so he stepped forward to arrest her again. The woman turned sideways, and her fluttering long hair swept across Liu Chan's face.

Liu Chan froze for a moment, but the woman immediately ran forward and disappeared soon after.

Liu Chan absolutely refused to give up, and immediately called Zhao Feng to investigate the matter thoroughly.They called all the maids in the mansion to let Liu Chan identify, but there was no one who was similar to the woman just now.

At this time, Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun were also alarmed, and they all came to see Liu Chan.

Liu Chan was really surprised, and wondered if he had seen some lonely ghost just now.Seeing that there was no one to be found, he asked everyone to disperse.

Suddenly, Liu Chan saw that Xia Houyun's attire was really strange, so he stopped him and asked, "Why are you still wearing that armor in the middle of the night?"

Xia Houyun's complexion looked particularly rosy today, he smiled awkwardly, and said: "The armor is placed beside the bed, and when I heard movement outside, I picked it up and put it on."

Liu Chan let out an oh, and told Xia Houyun to go back to rest.Then, when he saw Xia Houyun's figure, why did he feel familiar again?
Liu Chan shook his head, maybe he really thought too much about Jiangdong just now, so he had hallucinations for a while, and he misjudged the wrong person.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if she is a fox demon or a ghost! Since she is afraid of my son, does this son still bother with her affairs? I have enough things recently!"

Liu Chan immediately put his hands behind his back again, feeling that he should go back to sleep first.

(End of this chapter)

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