Chapter 562 Public Health ([-])

Before Liu Chan had considered Lu Xun's matter clearly, Zhuge Qiao came to report to Liu Chan again.In fact, Zhuge Qiao's report to Liu Chan is a daily homework.

However, I don't know why recently, Zhuge Qiao came to report all the troublesome things!This made Liu Chan feel a little headache.

But these are business matters, and what should be dealt with still needs to be dealt with.Liu Chan reached out to take the document from Zhuge Qiao, opened it and read it again, frowning.

Liu Chan shook his head, sighed, and asked, "Those soldiers who have been approved to go to Jiangling City for vacation, do they all like to go to such a place recently?"

When governing a place as large as a county, things are constantly emerging. What if a country as large as Nuo is governed in the future?

Liu Chan sighed inwardly, it seemed that he still had to learn how to authorize others to do things. Recently, he had personally handled too many affairs.Moreover, maybe I think I'm good at it, but in fact the effect of the things I do is not as good as that of others!

Zhuge Qiao nodded, his face was not very good-looking, and he said with some embarrassment: "Yes. Because Jiangling City has become very lively recently, many businessmen from other places have also rushed to this square area to do business. Therefore, those All of a sudden, Yingying and Yanyan, like bamboo shoots after a rain, popped up one after another overnight."

Zhuge Qiao's so-called "Yingyingyanyan" is naturally a prostitute.

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Don't equate the reason for the large number of prostitutes with the appearance of foreign businessmen. I don't see any reason in your report or document."

That's all Zhuge Qiao said just now.He is a literati, and he actually disapproves of Shizi's vigorous efforts to invigorate the businesses of those merchants in the Fang district of the city.Because in his view, business is the end of the business, it will only seek personal gain and endanger the people's livelihood of the country.

But Zhuge Qiao knew Liu Chan's attitude towards the businessman, so he didn't express his thoughts, but said: "The reason why they appeared, I really don't know."

Liu Chan said: "Since this is the case, you should first send someone to find out the reason for their sudden appearance; secondly, find out their number; thirdly, let them maintain their status quo for the time being, and don't send people to drive them away."

In fact, Zhuge Qiao really wanted to send someone to drive away the prostitutes. These women are really indecent.

Zhuge Qiao didn't expect Liu Chan to guess what he was thinking all of a sudden, but he had no choice but to take orders and go out.

In fact, Liu Chan really wasn't guessing Zhuge Qiao's thoughts.He just has an intuition that the most favorite thing for officials in the past dynasties is to use the power in their hands to exercise violence, thinking that the violence of the government is omnipotent.

In fact, such a simple and brutal approach not only failed to resolve the matter, but planted the seeds of hatred in the hearts of the people.They can't express their fear of the government's violence now, but it will eventually explode one day after a long period of time.

This is why fierce wars have been fought in every dynasty change of the Celestial Dynasty, and almost all the wars of dynasty change originated from the riots of civilians.It is impossible for the British tyrant John to be his king after he was forced to sign the Magna Carta and hand over most of his power.And such a great regime change like the "Glorious Revolution" may never happen in the East.

Therefore, the abuse of violence by the government in the name of law enforcement can only show that the officials of the government are actually the most stupid bunch of pigs, who will eventually be slaughtered by the people and then sent to the grill.

Liu Chan is really worried that such a situation will happen again and again.The people around him, it should be said, are almost all honest and good officials, but they are also the group of people who think they are great.He always likes to use power. He has seen it countless times. Even people like Mr. Ma Liang are used to doing this.

They are very accustomed to using their power to drive the people.They do not believe that the people are capable enough to make their own judgments, and that they are capable enough to take their own responsibilities for their own actions and for the future of their country.These people always think of themselves assuming the responsibility of the entire country and nation.

Therefore, although Liu Chan believed in Zhuge Qiao's loyalty and ability in this matter, he could not trust Zhuge Qiao's personal judgment tendency.Therefore, while he asked Zhuge Qiao to investigate, he also sent Bai Er guards disguised as ordinary civilians to investigate.

Although the white-eared guards are all martial arts, it is impossible to investigate carefully, but after inquiring about some situations, it should be helpful for Liu Chan to make a judgment based on Zhuge Qiao's report.

Two days later, Zhuge Qiao came to reply to Liu Chan.

According to what Zhuge Qiao said, most of those prostitutes were homeless people who appeared due to the war, and they were just wandering warblers scattered all over the place.They heard that Jiangling City has been unusually crowded recently, so they all flocked to Jiangling City out of necessity.

When Zhuge Qiao reported here, he couldn't help sighing softly. He is indeed a kind person, and he also knows how to sympathize with the weak.It's just that I don't know if his disdain for those prostitutes has changed at this time.

Zhuge Qiao then told Liu Chan that the commercial prosperity of Jiangling City, the appearance of a large number of merchants, the large number of travels of the rich and wealthy, and even a large number of soldiers and soldiers in the city for vacation, all these things have played a role in the appearance of a large number of prostitutes. The role of fueling the flames.

Liu Chan then asked Zhuge Qiao, "Do the soldiers of the Jingzhou Army like to go whoring when they come to Jiangling City? Do any of them participate in gambling?"

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and said: "Gambling is strictly prohibited in the city, except that the government has gambles in rowing competitions. A few days ago, more than a dozen people were fined by Mr. Ma for setting up a private casino, and now the casino is open. It is almost extinct in the city. As for the incidents of soldiers going to prostitutes, there are actually quite a few. Even now, this incident is being circulated in the barracks, so it is conceivable that more soldiers will go to prostitutes during their vacations."

Liu Chan knew that there were no military tricks in the Jingzhou Army.But I heard that it has appeared in Cao Wei's army.Liu Chan himself is not very clear about the specific situation.

But Liu Chan can understand that those soldiers who came out on vacation went to whoring.After all, they are all young and strong, and the pressure of war is beyond the imagination of ordinary people, so playing with women is a way of catharsis.

Liu Chan's previous life, Yang Hansheng, had read Gu Long's classic description of Fu Hongxue.Fu Hongxue was crippled, and an abandoned baby adopted by the leader of the Demon Cult.His sword skills are very high, but he is also upright, but every time after a duel with someone, he has to go to a brothel to find a crazy woman to prove that he is still alive.

Fu Hongxue's situation is very similar to those soldiers who witness life and death on the battlefield every day.

Therefore, Liu Chan didn't mean to despise and blame the soldiers who went to prostitution.In fact, he has deep sympathy for the soldiers and the homeless prostitutes.Therefore, Liu Chan decided that this time he could no longer let power go, causing harm to these two aspects of people, they are all poor people.

Zhuge Qiao then asked: "Your Majesty, do you want to punish those soldiers who prostitute themselves?"

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "Don't do this, you can suppress this matter for now, and I will handle it myself."

Liu Chan's answer made Zhuge Qiao feel a little unbelievable, isn't it just a few wandering warblers, the prince actually wants to deal with it himself?But then, what surprised Zhuge Qiao even more was that Liu Chan actually changed into casual clothes and wanted to check the situation of those prostitutes himself.

Liu Chan walked around the city for two days, and also talked to many prostitutes and soldiers, and probably understood their situation.

In fact, the prostitute industry, to put it bluntly, is an industry with extremely strong vitality, just like water hyacinths in a pond, which cannot be completely eliminated.

Liu Chan has always held the view that "blocking is worse than sparse", trying to resolve all conflicts with gentle means.Therefore, Liu Chan immediately went to Ma Liang, asking him to allocate some money to him to deal with the problem of prostitutes.

However, it is impossible for Mr. Ma Liang to agree to Liu Chan's request.His reason is that the money should now be spent on relieving the victims and rebuilding Nanjun, instead of saving a few wandering warblers!
Liu Chan had no choice but to use his own ability to help as much as he could.

Therefore, Liu Chan personally came to the promise of the Jingzhou Army that day.He didn't come to find some general here, he came to find the doctors here.

Because Liu Chan has already made up his mind, he will gather all the wandering warblers in the near future, and wants to ask the doctors to give them all a physical examination first.Then, he will issue them a legal license to do "business" in Jiangling City.

(End of this chapter)

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