Chapter 563 Public Health ([-])

The reason why Liu Chan sent doctors to conduct physical examinations on the wandering warblers was to single out patients with skin diseases and various internal diseases among them, so as not to spread the infection to the city or the army.

Moreover, Liu Chan can also send doctors to treat these sick wandering warblers.This is actually beneficial to patients and society.

The reason why Liu Chan wanted to issue licenses to these wandering warblers was not a temporary decision.When he started the city-wide carnival in Jiangling City, he already wanted Mr. Ma Liang to issue some permits to those who set up stalls outside the city.In this way, they can be managed in a more standardized manner.

However, Liu Chan's proposal was aborted at that time, and he did not get the support of Mr. Ma Liang and the prefect Mi Fang.

However, all the things in the city have been carried out in an orderly manner, and Mr. Ma Liang should have more time now.Therefore, Liu Chan immediately thought of issuing the license.

In fact, through the memory of Yang Hansheng in his previous life, Liu Chan vaguely knew that in the Republic of China era, in various concessions in Shanghai, those prostitutes in formal occasions were actually issued a note.

Although it is not ruled out that foreigners do this to squeeze prostitutes, it actually has its positive side.With the license, it is easier for those prostitutes to manage, and they can be required to go to the hospital for physical examination regularly, which guarantees their health to a certain extent.

If a prostitute or the owner of a brothel refuses to allow the prostitute to check her body, she can be fined, or her license and business license will be revoked.

From this point of view, in fact, the license system can indeed guarantee some rights and interests of prostitutes to a certain extent.

Therefore, Liu Chan really wanted to introduce such a system, not only to the prostitutes, but also to the small vendors and businessmen who set up fronts in the city.

But Liu Chan now has a problem, Mr. Ma Liang doesn't allocate funds to him to help those prostitutes at all.To issue them a license, the key point is that they can no longer be wandering warblers, but must have a fixed place to live, otherwise even if the license is issued, no one will be able to find someone to manage it.

Therefore, Liu Chan is now empty-handed. He can't possibly run to the street and shout a few words at those wandering warblers in order to solve the matter.

Money, money, Liu Chan suddenly felt a little embarrassed.He had no choice but to ask Zhao Feng to prepare the carriage, and he was going to meet Mr. Ma Liang in the Jiangling city government office again.

Ma Liang seemed to know Liu Chan's purpose.

In fact, he had already inquired about Liu Chan's recent activities from Zhuge Qiao.The son is indeed getting smarter and wiser now. He can handle government affairs with ease, and he often surpasses himself.

However, what makes Ma Liang feel a little confused is that after more than a year of getting along, he can't see through many of Shi Zi's thoughts, even almost incomprehensible.Although he never mentioned these things in his mouth, this feeling has become more and more intense recently.

For example, there were so many wandering warblers in Jiangling City this time.They are almost harmless to Jiangling City, so it is enough to send some people to either arrest them all or drive them out of Jiangling City.

In fact, Mr. Ma Liang also heard Zhuge Qiao say that he once suggested this to the crown prince.But Shi Zi insisted on refusing to do this, instead, he went to the street for two consecutive days to learn about the situation of those wandering warblers.

Then, when the prince returned to his mansion, he actually mentioned to Zhuge Qiao that he wanted to set up such a permit.

Mr. Ma Liang felt very headache for his son to be so stubborn.What is the use of what license system you set up?They will continue to stay in the city, ruining the atmosphere in the city, and even affecting the atmosphere of the army.

What's more, according to Shizi's practice, there are a lot of wandering warblers, and doctors are even sent to conduct physical examinations, and they have to be placed and treated when they are sick; then, there are more and more small vendors. The proposal was boycotted by myself, and this time it is said that they will also be issued a license at the same time.

So many people have to be dealt with together, Ma Liang feels, where can he find enough manpower?
What's more, after these things are dealt with, it will cost a sum of money.Nanjun's current finances are stretched, and Yizhou's disaster funds are not all in one go. If he counts carefully, he will spend every penny.

Therefore, even if Liu Chan came in person again, Ma Liang had already decided in his heart that it was impossible for him to agree to Liu Chan's suggestion.

But the prince is the prince after all, and Ma Liang is not Pan Jun.It was impossible for him to be like Pan Jun, who immediately put on a bad face when he encountered something he thought was wrong, and would argue with reason without any scruples.

Therefore, Mr. Ma Liang went out of his study in person to welcome Liu Chan in a friendly manner.When the two met, Mr. Ma Liang didn't even forget to play a little joke with Liu Chan.

Under Ma Liang's style, the two came to his study in a very harmonious atmosphere.

After the two of them took their seats, Liu Chan just explained the purpose of coming.

Ma Liang sighed inwardly, he had guessed correctly about the purpose of the son's visit.But, of course, it is impossible for me to agree, I have to explain the truth to Shizi clearly.

Therefore, Ma Liang still smiled slightly and asked, "My lord, how much do you need?"

Liu Chan thought for a while and said, "About one or two hundred gold is enough. Of course, I mainly want to use this money to pick out a street, buy a section of adjacent buildings on the road, and give all those wandering warblers Arrange them in. In this way, they will no longer have to live in a fixed place in the future, and it will be much more convenient for our government to manage."

Ma Liang didn't object immediately, but nodded and said: "This son's doing this shows that the son is really a benevolent gentleman, and he can't bear to watch those wandering warblers live a life of wandering. However, Liang has a suggestion here, I don't know Are you willing to listen, my lord?"

Liu Chan originally thought that Ma Liang didn't care about this matter at all.Looking at Ma Liang's situation now, it seems that he was wrong.He asked Ma Liang, "If you have any good ideas, sir, please tell them quickly."

Ma Liang nodded and said, "The finances of our South County are very tight now. I'm afraid it will be difficult to have funds to help those wandering warblers."

When Liu Chan heard this, his heart suddenly sank. It seemed that Mr. Ma Liang still disagreed with the proposal this time.

Of course Ma Liang saw the change in Liu Chan's expression, but he turned a blind eye to it on purpose, and said, "Since the prince wants to settle them down, I think it's better to use them as military tricks."

Liu Chan was stunned.It's not that he hasn't thought about it.But if you do this, those wandering warblers will never have a bright future.Because, he didn't intend to issue permanent licenses to wandering warblers.

The license set by Liu Chan can only be issued for two installments to a specific prostitute.For the first time, the validity period is three years; after the expiration, they can apply for the second period, which is valid for two years, and then it will no longer be issued.In other words, it is impossible for someone to be a prostitute for more than five years.

Moreover, Liu Chan has already figured out how to manage them.In order not to oppress them too much, Liu Chan is planning to set aside a specific area for them to exercise autonomy.Moreover, private brothels are not allowed, and each prostitute comes out to pick up customers in an individual capacity to ensure that they are free to come and go.

Moreover, Liu Chan can let them set up an autonomous group belonging to prostitutes to deal with the industry rules of prostitutes and to speak out for prostitutes.

Even, in order to ensure the order and safety of prostitutes' business locations, the government can even allow this autonomous group to come forward to recruit security officers for themselves.This is similar to the police recruited by themselves in many small towns in Western countries in later generations.

Therefore, with these institutional guarantees, the hands of government officials can hardly reach the prostitutes, and they can no longer oppress or embarrass them.

It's really rare that Liu Chan imagined them so thoughtfully.

In fact, Liu Chan did not expect at this time that if this move was successful, then the first non-government group in the history of the Chinese Dynasty would be created by a group of prostitutes.And the advanced self-government spirit embodied in this kind of group will also be first manifested by a group of prostitutes.

This is really kind of funny.But anyway, it's a very good thing.After all, under such a background, the power of the government is limited to a very small range.

So, in order to win Ma Liang's support, Liu Chan expressed all his thoughts.

Ma Liang was dumbfounded immediately.

Liu Chan made some mistakes this time.He didn't think of one thing: Ma Liang is a person "inside the system" and a vested interest in the current system.

As an important official of the government, Ma Liang couldn't tolerate such a restriction of the government's power and such a weakening of the government's authority.The prince did this, and even despised the law of the ancestors, how could he allow someone to be outside the control of the government's power?
Of course, it is even more impossible for Ma Liang to agree to allocate funds to Liu Chan.

Now, Liu Chan is self-defeating.

(End of this chapter)

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