Chapter 564 Public Health ([-])

Seeing that Mr. Ma Liang refused to agree to allocate funds to him, Liu Chan couldn't help feeling really anxious.With a complete expression on his face, he stood up from his seat suddenly.

However, Liu Chan thought about it for a while, and felt that his behavior seemed wrong. After all, some words that came to his mouth were swallowed in his stomach and not uttered.

Then, Liu Chan sat back in his seat, and the two of them stopped talking immediately.Ma Liang did not speak on purpose, he used the trick of procrastination, he would not agree to this matter, it would be best if he could procrastinate until Shi Zi gave up his mind.

The reason why Liu Chan didn't speak was because he was calming down his emotions and thinking of new ways to persuade Ma Liang.

However, under such silence, the atmosphere in the study seemed rather awkward.

After a while, the expression on Liu Chan's face also became very calm, and he first said: "Sir, since Nanjun's finances are tight, I shouldn't make it difficult for you to take out the money."

As soon as Liu Chan said this, Ma Liang breathed a sigh of relief.There was also a faint smile on his face, and he cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, sir, for your understanding. Liang is really grateful here."

Liu Chan nodded, but then said: "But Mr. Ma, I have a suggestion here, can you listen to it?"

Ma Liang was taken aback for a moment, knowing that the prince is still unwilling to give up!However, he still smiled kindly: "Your Majesty has any suggestions, but please tell us and let's discuss it together."

Liu Chan looked at Ma Liang and said, "That's what I think. I want to personally guarantee those prostitutes. Please, sir, lend them two hundred gold from the treasury to buy them. place."

With Liu Chan, the prince of Hanzhong, as the guarantor, it can even be said that in name he will own the whole world in the future. Such credit is absolutely, absolutely, very guaranteed.

Moreover, when Ma Liang saw Liu Chan say this, he really didn't dare to be serious with Liu Chan.Why, because Liu Chan's identity is there!
One, Liu Chan actually wants to come forward to vouch for a group of wandering warblers, what is that like?The son's reputation has always been excellent, and he is also favored by the scribes in the territory. If this happened, the impact on the son's reputation would be enormous.

Second, the impact on one's own reputation may not be small.Because if I agree with the son's actions, I will be said behind my back that I am using power to blackmail the son, and I am really a rebellious person.

The embarrassment in Ma Liang's heart suddenly became worse.

Liu Chan went on to say: "I have asked many wandering warblers, they are actually very eager to settle down in one place, and eventually find a home for themselves. Therefore, even if the government lends them money, they will definitely be in the future. They will be willing to return the capital and interest to the government."

Ma Liang was a little absent-minded now, and asked casually: "There are so many of them, how will I return them at that time? Besides, even if I agree to lend them the two hundred gold, how will I give it to them? Does everyone sign an IOU? How much time and manpower will it take? Besides, if they want to buy all the houses in a certain place, are they sure to sell them?"

Ma Liang's outstanding ability to do government affairs rekindled Liu Chan's enthusiasm, and poured a basin of ice water on him!
Liu Chan really couldn't answer Mr. Ma Liang's series of questions immediately.He sighed and had no choice but to get up and say goodbye to Ma Liang, saying that he would come again.After all, Ma Liang has too many things to deal with, and today has already taken up too much of his time. It is impossible for Liu Chan to stay here any longer.

After Liu Chan returned to his mansion, it was already dusk in the afternoon, so he went straight into his study.

Zhuge Qiao, Xia Houyun, and Aunt Lan seemed to have heard something, so they came to Liu Chan's study from time to time, bringing documents, or some food, but all of them were concerned.

Liu Chan obviously noticed that everyone was acting strangely, so he simply let go, and it was useless to worry about it.Therefore, Liu Chan called Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun over, and the three of them came to the gazebo in the garden of the mansion together, and everyone started chatting and laughing.

At this time, the heat of the day has not completely dissipated, and the garden still looks a little hot and dry.However, in the night at this time, there is actually some wind.It is indeed much more comfortable for everyone to sit and talk outside together than to be bored in the house.

At the beginning, both Zhuge Qiao and Xia Houyun felt that Liu Chan's current behavior was really strange.When the prince came home just now, he definitely frowned, why did he suddenly become happy now?
In fact, Liu Chan is not happy, but just let go of his troubles and wants to relax.After all, if the string is stretched too tightly, it will break.Since he can't think of a solution for the time being, he should put it aside for now.

Liu Chanbie may be lacking, but he is full of optimism.

After a while, everyone's interest in chatting was aroused by Liu Chan, and they talked more and more vigorously. There were bursts of laughter from time to time in the gazebo.Later, after Shi Hui came back from the military hospital, Liu Chan also asked her to chat and drink tea.

Everyone talked for more than an hour before returning home with all their heart's content.

On the second day, Liu Chan really came to look for Ma Liang in person again.Moreover, the plan he proposed this time will be even larger than yesterday's.This is the result of his thinking for most of the night last night!

Ma Liang came out in person and welcomed Liu Chan into his study in the government office.

After the two of them took their seats, Liu Chan just said, "Sir, you must know the purpose of my coming here again today, right?"

Ma Liang smiled, he didn't know who he learned the stalking skills from, he nodded and said, "I know. If the son has any plans, Liang is now ready to listen. "

In fact, he was ready to boycott Liu Chan again.

Mr. Ma Liang also thought about it for a long time last night.

In the end, he also figured it out for himself. Since the prince can help others without caring about his own reputation, then Ma Liang, for the sake of the prince and the people of Nanjun, will not care about his own reputation now.Therefore, he has decided that it is impossible for him to agree to any of Liu Chan's proposals.

Liu Chan said: "Mr. Zen has already thought of a solution to the series of questions yesterday."

Ma Liang snorted and said in disbelief, "How is this possible? What do you decide to do, my lord? Oh, no, it should be what they should do."

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Sir, you should still remember that Chan said yesterday that you can let those prostitutes form a group by themselves to protect their own rights and safety?"

Ma Liang nodded. What he couldn't agree with the most was Liu Chan's point.

Liu Chan continued: "So, the money lent by the government this time is not to those prostitutes, but to this self-governing group. At that time, this group will come forward and buy the required houses. It is naturally this group that came to settle those stray warblers and pay back the money to the government in the future.”

Ma Liangqi said: "How does that group pay back the money? It's simply incredible." He couldn't figure out where this group would get money to repay the government's capital and interest.

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Those Liuying who want to settle down, of course, have to pay a certain amount of rent to this group every month. Then, Liuying who has settled down must join this group and become one of them. If you are a member, then you have to pay a certain membership fee. The money is combined, on the one hand, it is used to pay the government’s debts, and on the other hand, it is used to maintain the operation of the group and the hired security officers.”

Mr. Ma Liang couldn't help but let out an ah, he was really convinced by this prince, and when it came to money problems, he seemed to be very good at it.In fact, he shouldn't lead troops to fight, he should replace Liu Ba, and become a minister under Shangshu Lingfazheng, and manage the finances of the Shu Han!

After Ma Liang thought about it, his mind has loosened up a bit.In fact, it is not for nothing that money is being given to relieve those wandering warblers. On the one hand, the son is so persistent, and on the other hand, the interest will be recovered in the future, so it will not cause too much reaction from Jingzhou officials.

Ma Liang then asked: "Your Majesty, two hundred gold is not a small amount. Besides, once the two hundred gold is given out, it may not be enough. I am afraid that I will continue to lend them more. Do you expect them to How long will it take to repay the money?"

Ma Liang is indeed a man of action, and he has thought of all problems.Moreover, if the two hundred gold is not enough at that time, in order to recover the capital, Mr. Ma Liang really has to continue to invest money in it.A smart person really won't be led by the nose.

Liu Chan secretly praised Ma Liang's wisdom, and said, "I think they can pay it back slowly, and they can pay it back within three years."

Three years is not short, but it is not long.Ma Liang nodded, reluctantly said: "However, please don't be a guarantor for them, this is the minimum condition on my side. I will find another guarantor for them here."

Liu Chan smiled, and it was done.Of course Liu Chan immediately agreed.

On the same day, Ma Liang sent people to put up bulletins on the street to inform everyone that Liuyingmen was going to be organized.

(End of this chapter)

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