Chapter 565 Public Health ([-])

After Mr. Ma Liang's list was posted, it aroused great repercussions in the city.Of course, there are definitely opposing voices, and there are also voices in favor.

And Mr. Ma Liang, in the name of the Jiangling City government, began to look for a place in the city where so many wandering warblers would be concentrated.

However, as in many cases, the behavior of those wandering warblers is also different.

Some people, it should be said that they are more intelligent, after knowing the content of the list, they happily expressed their willingness to accept it, and took the initiative to go to the medical point outside the military camp to undergo a physical examination.

However, some Liuyings may have poor brains, or they are used to giving up on themselves. They either turn a deaf ear to the call for the list, or are very repulsive, and even encourage other Liuyings not to go for a physical examination.Such a person really doesn't want to be good for himself or others.

After Zhuge Qiao learned of the situation, he came to report to Liu Chan.Such a situation happened to the wandering warblers in Jiangling City. Zhuge Qiao's tone of report even carried a rather contemptuous tone.

Zhuge Qiao seemed to be telling Liu Chan: Look, you can't communicate with people like them at all.You treat them well, but they rise up against you!

Liu Chan was on fire at that time.

He has always been kind and understanding towards these wandering warblers.Those who took the initiative to accept the physical examination are indeed very good, but for those who did not accept it, and even rose up to encourage other wandering warblers, he was absolutely rude this time.

Perhaps Liu Chan was really angry this time, so that even in the process of rebuilding Jiangling City, he has been trying to avoid using too much government power, and he is absolutely against the attitude of those wealthy households who have wealth and food to use violence. a huge shift.

Liu Chan actually asked Ma Liang to send some troops to maintain security in the city, and drove all the wandering warblers who were still wandering around in the streets to the checkpoint outside the barracks for medical examination.

It can be seen that Liu Chan is not an indecisive person, he just hates the use of government violence against ordinary people.So sometimes, his solution to the problem is to adopt a more circuitous economic method, and the effect may appear a little later, but the effect and impact are much better than using violence.

It should be said that this is Liu Chan's benevolence and his tenacious adherence to the rule of law, and he will never cross the bottom line of the rule of law.This is something that people of this era cannot do, such as Mr. Ma Liang.He is indeed a talent among personal talents, but many times when dealing with affairs, he can't help being suspected of using the government's power casually.

There are too many wandering warblers. After statistics, there are as many as 320 people!Each of these people has to go through a detailed physical examination by doctors, which is very time-consuming.

Moreover, when Liu Chan went to the barracks to find these doctors, he asked them for something.Liu Chan asked them not to regard the physical examination of the wandering warblers as a simple diagnosis and treatment activity, but to regard it as a rare medical research.

After this event is over, they will sum up their experience and formulate a common physical examination standard for Chinese people.In this way, in the future, whether ordinary people are sick or not, when they conduct physical examinations, they can follow this standard, which facilitates the operation of doctors.This will definitely become a very meaningful thing in the history of medicine.

At that time, when the doctors heard Liu Chan's suggestion, they all showed surprise expressions.They really hadn't thought of this before.After all, most of the Chinese physicians in history relied on their personal experience to diagnose and treat patients.As a result, the diagnosis and treatment procedures of our doctors are completely stuck on the four steps of "seeing, hearing, asking, and knowing" which are extremely difficult to operate.

Therefore, Liu Chan's idea still had a great impact on their thinking.As a result, some of them opposed and rejected Liu Chan's idea, and even couldn't help laughing at Liu Chan's ignorance of medical skills.

But Liu Chan was not angry.Although he is indeed the apprentice of Mr. Hua Tuo and Zhang Fangping in name, he has never studied medicine at all.Therefore, he still sincerely invites those doctors who agree with his ideas, and tries his best to persuade those who oppose him to participate.

Moreover, Liu Chan also assured them that as long as they can get the physical examination standard right, he will send it to the National Hospital of the People's Republic of China for evaluation by Mr. Hua Tuo and others in the hospital.If possible, this standard will become the standard that all doctors in the world will follow when conducting physical examinations.

The doctors were suddenly in an uproar.The faces of those doctors who opposed Liu Chan just now became a little ugly, and their hearts were all moved.Because, this is a beautiful thing that may make his name go down in history!

Because in front of Liu Chan, some people couldn't let go of their own face. After Liu Chan left the barracks, those who opposed silently expressed that they could actually participate.

As a result, when the physical examination point outside the military camp in Jiangling City was established, all the doctors came to participate.Therefore, some things can't just look at the surface.

Moreover, this is also the formulation of the fourth "standard" promoted by Liu Chan after he established camp design standards, a combat plan reporting system in the army, and promulgated the "general order" during the battle with Cao Wei's army in Nanyang County. up.

In Liu Chan's view, in the future, when all industries and fields have established their own strict and effective "standards" for implementation, and the government and legal departments have put in place supervision, then the chaos and randomness prevailing in many fields will definitely be swept away. .

After this, the behavior of Chinese people may become as rigorous and disciplined as the Germans and Japanese of later generations.It is no longer possible for everyone to blatantly jump in line, go through the back door and play privileges.

The doctors worked hard for four days, and finally finished the physical examination of the wandering warblers.Among them, there were actually 43 people suffering from serious skin diseases and various internal diseases.It is no longer possible for such people to engage in the work of prostitutes.

Liu Chan knew that among these patients, there must be some who would think of fleeing to other places to continue their business.Therefore, he sent people to control all those patients, and brought them to a large courtyard that Mr. Ma Liang had prepared for them to receive disease treatment.

Of course, in order to appease these patients, Liu Chan also sent someone to send them news: Liu Chan promised them in his own name that as long as their diseases were cured, they would be free to leave.

The eldest son of the King of Hanzhong actually came to make a promise to them in person?This shocked the sick wandering warblers.Most of them came from poor and humble backgrounds, and because of the war, they were reduced to wandering warblers.

Therefore, when they thought about it, since the prince treated them like this, it was something they couldn't even think of.What's more, the prince treats them very well and gives them free medical treatment. These lowly people like them can't say anything more, and everything will be handled according to the prince's ideas.It can be seen that people in this era are indeed relatively simple, and they all know how to be grateful.

Half a month later, after working day and night, the doctors finally sent Liu Chan a standard for the physical examination.

Liu Chan didn't read it, because he knew that he couldn't understand it, so he didn't have the ability to judge.Therefore, he specially went to Jiangling City Government Office, passed the post horse there, and sent it and two letters to Chengdu as quickly as possible.

Of the two letters from Liu Chan, one was addressed to both Mr. Hua Tuo and Mr. Zhang Zhi Zhang Fangping of the National Academy of Medicine.In the letter, Liu Chan explained the significance of the physical examination standard he sent to them, and asked them to take it seriously.

After all, medical treatment is a very complicated thing, and many things are beyond the knowledge of a layman like him.Therefore, many medical standards in the future will have to be worked out by the doctors of the National Academy of Medicine.

Liu Chan's second letter was to Zhuge Liang.In his letter, apart from sending his greetings, the focus this time was on the affairs of the National Academy of Medicine.

Liu Chan explained the matter of the physical examination standards in the letter, and reiterated the incomparably huge role played by the doctors trained by the National Academy of Medicine in the war.

Therefore, Liu Chan told Military Adviser Zhuge that now is the time to use the government's financial resources to support the doctors of the National Academy of Medicine to carry out research on medical projects.This is not only for the needs of the future unification war, but also for the well-being of the people.

Such money, no matter how you calculate it, is very cost-effective.After all, the health of our own citizens and our citizens is the greatest wealth of our country.

Of course, Liu Chan, as usual, did not forget to tell Military Adviser Zhuge that as long as there is financial support, he must not use administrative power to try to intervene in the research affairs of the National Academy of Medicine.

At this time, Ma Liang had already bought three houses for the wandering warblers on the outskirts of Fang District.

Liu Chan then organized some manpower and began to renovate the three houses.Later, Liu Chan even wanted to call Su Yue, who had become his servant, from Chengdu to Jiangling City to help him again.

(End of this chapter)

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