Chapter 566 Public Health (V)

At the same time, Ma Liang had bought three houses for the wandering warblers on the outskirts of Chengfang District in Jiangling.The three houses here occupy a large area, almost one-fifth of the length of a street.

Liu Chan then organized some people to renovate the three courtyards, even demolished the courtyard walls, and rebuilt them into Shikumen houses facing the street similar to old Shanghai.

In this way, many independent houses can be separated inside, and it is relatively easy to search for prostitutes to do business.

Because these things are very complicated, Liu Chan feels a little disturbed.Later, he even called Su Yue, who was going to be his servant, again from Chengdu to Jiangling City to help him.

Moreover, Liu Chan seems to have the courage to fight continuously, and has developed his own management and concern for public health to the extreme.

Liu Chan immediately announced that the homes of every household in Jiangling City must be cleaned at least once a month, and all bedding must be taken out and turned in the sun to prevent insects from growing in the bedding.

The reason why Liu Chan did this was because he had traveled to many places in the city recently and saw that the environment of many people's homes was really messy.He even saw fleas crawling around leisurely on their bed!
In such a living environment, it is very easy to cause diseases and infectious diseases.Therefore, Liu Chan felt that prevention should be the main priority, so he made such an announcement.

Then, Liu Chan borrowed one-third of the soldiers who were sent to manage the order on the street from Mr. Ma Liang.

Liu Chan sent an order to go door to door to check the implementation of the residents.If someone is found to be lazy, immediately announce the family on a list.

I believe that as long as you are a bit ashamed, you will definitely know how to improve.By the time of the inspection next month, the sanitary conditions at home should improve.

As for those who have no shame, once they are notified throughout the year, then the neighbors around this person will have to vote anonymously, and they will decide whether to drive this dirty person out of their residence place.

Moreover, in order to prevent those inspectors from taking the opportunity to bully Goodness and deliberately make things difficult, Liu Chan also set up a complaint system and a review system for them.

That is to say, if they feel that the inspector is intentionally making things difficult for their family, they can complain to Liu Chan, and then Liu Chan will send another person to check again.

Moreover, Liu Chan did not set up fines like he did on the street.This will also greatly limit the inspectors and deliberately make things difficult for the residents.After all, Liu Chan issued this order to make the lives of the residents cleaner and healthier, not to cause trouble for them.

Liu Chan quickly got feedback from the residents.Most of them are happy to clean the house once a month, but it's not without its difficulties.

For example, it is difficult for some people to have floods, and it is actually more difficult to take a bath every two days.In addition, there is often no place to pile up the garbage generated in daily life, not to mention it is still summer.

Liu Chan felt that what everyone said was very reasonable.In fact, in the hometown of Yang Hansheng in Liu Chan's previous life, people there had to take a bath at least once a day, so before Liu Chan still thought that taking a bath every two days would be too little?

Therefore, Liu Chan does not intend to change the order to take a bath every two days.He thought about it, and it should be possible to drill wells on a large scale in the city, so that the residents can come out to fetch water.During the war, you can also not be afraid of being cut off from the water source by the enemy from outside the city.

What's more, the groundwater in this era is very rich and shallow, and it is very easy to dig wells.Liu Chan vaguely remembered that hundreds of years ago, Zhuangzi suggested that when building a city, it is necessary to dig more wells, because it is very convenient to dig wells, and the water can be seen within only one or two meters.What an enviable source of water.

It can be seen that even if wells are drilled on a large scale in the city, it should not be a big project.Moreover, the cash-for-work policy can continue to be implemented.Of course, the well is a public product, and the money needs to be paid by the government.And private homes have yards. If you want convenience, you can also encourage privates to dig wells at home, and you can give a certain amount of money and food subsidies.

The second way to deal with it is to open some public bathhouses in the city, where men and women bathe separately, and the price should be set at a lower price.When necessary, the government can provide necessary price subsidies to bathhouses to prevent price increases, or even not charge money.

Liu Chan thought about it. It should be said that these two coping methods are actually very good and very operable.And according to later statements, this can also expand domestic demand...

As for the garbage problem, it is actually very important to maintain the sanitation inside the city.The solution, I am afraid, is to hire "sanitation workers".However, this is a large expenditure, and Mr. Ma Liang seems unlikely to pay for it.From the looks of it now, I'm afraid we'll have to wait until the situation improves in the future.

So, Liu Chan went to discuss with Mr. Ma Liang again.But, to put it bluntly, he went to ask Mr. Ma Liang for money and food again.

When Mr. Ma Liang sees Liu Chan now, he really feels a headache.When he heard Liu Chan's new plan, he couldn't help but yelled, and said, "Your Majesty, you want me to allocate funds again! Where did I get you to pay you so much money now? What about those wandering warblers now, But it's not done yet!"

Liu Chan smiled wryly, and said: "Sir, don't be so anxious, we can actually take our time with these things! Besides, digging wells and building those bathhouses, we can continue to implement our 'relief with work' plan, it's okay. How good is it to solve the living problems of the residents? So, you should think of a way and prepare some money for me, right?"

After Liu Chan finished speaking, he turned around and ran away without waiting for Ma Liang's reply.Only the angry roar of Mr. Ma Liang came from behind.

In fact, Liu Chan really learned a lot.He knew that Mr. Ma Liang had recently become a miser due to lack of money.When everyone went to ask him for money, he would cover it up and never give money generously.

Therefore, Liu Chan decided to come to the rogue today, and immediately left behind after throwing down his request.Let Mr. Ma Liang, a great talent, find a way to solve the trouble of raising money.

When Liu Chan returned to his mansion, Zhuge Qiao was already waiting at the door to greet him.

Seeing that Xia Houyun hadn't come out, Liu Chan asked, "Where did Xia Houyun go?"

Zhuge Qiao smiled slightly and said, "Didn't he go to work as a supervisor on Qianmen Street according to your order?"

Qianmen Street is the name of the street where the three mansions were bought to house the wandering warblers.This place is on the outskirts of Fang District, so it's not too busy.Of course, Mr. Ma Liang probably did something wrong with it, such a place is cheap!
Liu Chan snorted and asked, "How has Xia Houyun been doing in the past two days?"

Zhuge Qiao just shook his head this time, and said: "That kid has been working hard lately. He goes to the construction site every day before dawn, and doesn't come back until midnight at night. He is still dirty. I saw him come back yesterday. Afterwards, he hadn’t eaten yet, so he was as tired as a dead dog. I felt sorry for him, so I sent someone to wake up the cook at home, and made him some supper.”

Liu Chan chuckled, and said as he walked, "Xia Houyun is really working hard!"

Zhuge Qiao said: "That's right. Xia Houyun always told me that this is the first major event entrusted to him by the prince, and he must perform well to satisfy you, prince."

Liu Chan was amused, and smiled at Zhuge Qiao: "You seem to be getting better and better with that Xia Houyun recently. You never called anyone a 'boy' before."

Hearing this, Zhuge Qiao smiled a little embarrassedly.He avoided Liu Chan's joke and said, "However, according to what Xia Houyun told me when he came back, there are still some problems at the construction site."

Liu Chan frowned, and said, "The funds for rebuilding the building are all managed by our accounting students. Is there something wrong with it?"

Zhuge Qiao smiled slightly and said, "That's not true. In the recent construction site, some stray warblers have come to help. What should we do with them?"

Liu Chan snorted.This is not a big deal, it shows that those people are quite conscientious.Liu Chan then said: "Just let them go, just give them more money and food. That's where they will live in the future, and they should have contributed."

Zhuge Qiao nodded, and continued, "There is also news from Xiangtan."

When Liu Chan heard this, his face immediately became serious.Although he is now in Jiangling City, what he is most concerned about is the battle ahead.

Zhuge Qiao told Liu Chan that Zhang Fei's troops had been repaired and connected with Deng Ai's army to attack Lu Xun's army in Xiangtan many times.However, Lu Xun persisted desperately, and Zhang Fei did not achieve much results.

Liu Chan sighed and said, "How can Lu Xun be so easily defeated? Besides, the weather is so hot now, it's not a good time to fight!"

Then, Liu Chan suddenly remembered something, and asked Zhuge Qiao, how is Zhuge Jin's current situation, is the doctor secretly sent to treat his father Zhuge Jin.

It turned out that Liu Chan Gu Nian was deeply stimulated by his promise in Zhijiang, and the sick Zhuge Jin was Zhuge Qiao's biological father, so he specially sent someone to Jiangdong secretly to treat him.

Zhuge Qiao's face suddenly showed gratitude, and said: "Thank you for your concern, my son. My father's condition has improved."

Liu Chan said very relieved: "It would be the best if Mr. Zhuge's condition can improve."

Only then did Zhuge Qiao say: "Your Majesty, news has also come from Mr. Han Long. He will come to see your Majesty with the rich merchants Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Qian soon."

Han Long came over from Yizhou, and Liu Chan was overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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