Chapter 567
Four days later, Han Long, Sun Yao, and Qian and Luo, the heads of the three major Jing merchants, finally arrived at Jiangling City.

Since he disembarked at the ferry outside Jiangling City, he passed through many villages and towns along the way.He was originally from Jingzhou and was very familiar with the surroundings of Jiangling City.

But to Han Long's surprise, many places have been leveled by the floods, but the residents are all rebuilding their homes in full swing.From the faces of those people, he couldn't see the dejected look that the disaster victims should have.

Moreover, there are traces of being cultivated in the fields of many villages.In some fields, the crops had grown several inches.

The flood in Jiangling City has just receded not long ago, but all the reconstruction work seems to be in order.

Later, after Han Long inquired, Liu Chan, the eldest son of Caicai, Shi Guangyuan, the military commander of the Zhenjun, Mi Fang, the prefect, Ma Liang, the general of the left, and Pan Jun, who was in charge of Zhizhong, were promoting "relief with work" in Nanjun to help the victims rebuild their homes.Most of their fields are cultivated by soldiers of the army.

Moreover, Jiangling City is very lively now, and celebrations are held every day, and the business in Fang District has also improved a lot.As a result, some people here went to the city to work or start a small business after building their own houses.

After some understanding, Han Long found out that Shi Zi's "relief with work" is now very much supported by everyone.

In Han Long's heart, he really admired that the prince could think of such an approach, which would allow the people to support themselves and calm their emotions.

Then, the next step is to go to the city to see the celebration held by the prince.

After Han Long and the others entered Jiangling City, they deliberately made a detour to Fang District, hoping to see this famous celebration.

There are indeed a lot of people on the street at this time.Han Long had sharp eyes and found that the street was very clean without any debris at all, but he didn't see any celebration activities.

In fact, in such a clean street, in Han Long's opinion, how could there be any celebrations held?This place is really too clean, even the streets of ordinary cities, it is impossible to be this clean on weekdays!
In fact, what Han Long didn't know was that the weather was hotter now, and the important location of the celebration had been moved to the Changhu Lake.The square area is the busiest in the morning.

Under Han Long's leadership, Han Long and others found Liu Chan's mansion with ease, and he was already very familiar with it.

In fact, Liu Chan had already got the news when Han Long and the others entered the city.Therefore, he is already at the gate of the mansion, waiting for their arrival.

Han Long recognized Liu Chan at a glance.

Liu Chan is now wearing white clothes, and his figure has grown a lot compared to when he left Yizhou a year ago.However, his big eyes are still so piercing, and he looks more mature and stable.

Zhuge Qiao stood behind Liu Chan.Like Liu Chan, Zhuge Qiao is also dressed in white. His figure is still taller than Liu Chan, but he still looks thinner and more elegant.As a person, he hasn't changed much.

However, the other person next to Shizi should belong to Deng Ai, but now it was replaced by a young man in white armor who was slightly shorter than Shizi.Han Long didn't know this person who was about the same age as Shizi.

The last of the three is Zhao Feng, the head of the guard.

Han Long was very excited, and without waiting for the mount to get close, he immediately jumped off the top and ran up to salute Liu Chan.

Liu Chan immediately stepped forward to help Han Long up from the ground.His eyes swept over Han Long's body. Han Long's skin seemed to be darker than before, but he was in his prime now, and he was still so tall and handsome.Liu Chan grasped Han Long's arm with both hands, which felt hard.

Liu Chan was very happy and said with a smile: "Mr. Han, your body is still so strong!"

Han Long also showed a bright smile on his face, and said: "But you, my son, are much taller now than a year ago, and you have become more energetic. I almost couldn't recognize you."

Xia Houyun only recently learned about Han Long's identity from Zhuge Qiao, so he didn't pay much attention to it.But today Shizi didn't let him go to Qianmen Street to supervise the work, and he wanted to take him out to meet Han Long in person, he felt very strange in his heart.Isn't that Han Long a hero and a businessman?
Now, Xia Houyun was even more stunned to see how intimate Liu Chan and Han Long were.In fact, he didn't know about the friendship between Liu Chan and Han Long, otherwise he wouldn't have made such a fuss.

Liu Chan was of course very happy to be praised by Han Long in this way, and said with a smile: "I have been traveling here and there this year, from Yizhou to Jingzhou, from Jingshan to Nanyang County, and from Nanyang County back to Jiangling. If you don’t grow taller, it’s not a waste of time to run, right?”

Han Long knew that Liu Chan was joking about the fact that he led troops to fight everywhere in the past year, and they both laughed at the same time.

After the two laughed, Han Long nodded to Zhao Feng behind him.The friendship between the two of them is indeed profound!
Then, Han Long asked his in-laws, Sun Yao, to come to visit the prince.

In fact, Liu Chan and Sun Yao are already very familiar with each other.What's more, Sun Yao is Deng Ai's "girlfriend", so it's almost impossible to be unfamiliar with her.

Sun Yao is wearing a goose yellow brocade dress, the price must be high.Her appearance is very beautiful, but it may be because of all the work, so the body has always been quite thin.

After Liu Chan asked Sun Yao to get up, he said, "Miss Sun, it's really hard for you to come to Jingzhou from Yizhou."

Sun Yao smiled slightly, and said: "Minnv actually has to thank the prince for thinking of inviting Minnv over."

Liu Chan chuckled, of course he understood what Sun Yao meant.He invited Sun Yao back to Jingzhou this time, apart from needing her help, he just wanted her to meet Deng Ai.

After the two finished talking, Sun Yao stood aside.

At this time, Luo Tong, the head of the three great merchants in Jingzhou, came to see Liu Chan.

Luo Tong is not young anymore, and he didn't meet many times before, but Liu Chan is also familiar with him.I haven't seen him for a year, and there are more silver threads on his head.However, this person has experienced a lot of training, and he has a serious temperament on his body, and he still has a certain style. No wonder he can become the head of the three wealthy businessmen in Jingzhou.

Liu Chan cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Mr. Luo, your spirit still looks very healthy!"

A smile finally appeared on Luo Tong's serious face.Moreover, he is used to it now, and Liu Chan calls him Mr.He also returned the salute, saying: "The old man is already old, how can you be like a son, you are at a very good age!"

Liu Chan smiled, and said earnestly: "Mr. Luo, it's really hard for you to come back to Jingzhou from Yizhou."

Luo Tong replied: "Where, this Jingzhou is the hometown of the old man, and half of the family business is here, so I just came back this time to have a look."

Then, Qian Yan, the third of the three richest merchants in Jingzhou, also stepped forward to salute Liu Chan.This Qian Yan has not changed at all, his small eyes still look so shrewd, and his figure is still as rich.

After everyone greeted Liu Chan, Liu Chan led everyone into his mansion.

On the way, Liu Chan seemed to be in a state of over-excitement because all the long-awaited people had arrived, and kept chatting and laughing with Han Long.

(End of this chapter)

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