The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 568 The Businessman’s Mind

Chapter 568 The Businessman's Thoughts ([-])

In fact, Liu Chan was still a little anxious, but Han Long and the others traveled thousands of miles away from Chengdu to Jiangzhou, and then came down to Jiangling City by boat.After such a long journey, to say that I am not tired is definitely just a rhetoric.

Therefore, Liu Chan did not immediately discuss business matters with them, but after entertaining them, he asked Zhao Feng to send everyone to the side room that had been prepared to rest.

Luo Qian and Luo Qian originally had their own mansion in Jiangling City, but because many of their family members moved to Yizhou, there were almost no people here.That's why Liu Chan invited them to live in the Shizi's mansion.

Luo Qian and his wife had already made preparations to stay in a hotel in the city.Now the prince actually invited them to live in such a noble place as the prince's mansion, which really shocked them.Who are they, businessmen who make a living by making profits, the end of scholars, farmers, businessmen!
Even Luo Tong, who was always calm, couldn't help but change his face at this time.In fact, the eldest son Liu Chan always called him Mr., which made him feel a little uneasy. He really praised them businessmen too much.Now, the prince actually invited him to live in the prince's mansion?This is really a blessing that has been cultivated for eight lifetimes.

Therefore, when Luo Tong and Qian Yan were surprised, their first reaction was of course not to agree.

Luo Tong immediately cupped his hands and said to Liu Chan: "Your Majesty, you are able to entertain us in the Shizi Mansion, which has already made us feel extremely honored. Now you invite me to live in this Shizi, I am really ashamed. Old man It's fine to live in an inn in the city with Mrs. Qian."

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, don't be so nervous. Although this son is still young, we can all be regarded as friends, so don't refuse any more. The inn outside is not good, and it will not be comfortable to live in. What's more, in order to welcome your arrival, I have already ordered someone to clean the room, so don't refuse."

Sun Yao originally wanted to decline, but when she heard Shizi say this, she couldn't help but look at Han Long who was above her.Han Long is the person who is most familiar with Liu Chan here, and I'm afraid this matter will be handled by him.

Han Long actually had an idea in his heart.He knew that Liu Chan had a lot of things to do every day, and the son's mansion was not small, and although there were only a few of them, there were actually quite a few people accompanying him.The sudden arrival of so many unfamiliar people will definitely affect the life and even the safety of the mansion.

Therefore, Han Long felt that they could not live in Shizi's mansion.

Han Long then said to Liu Chan: "Your Majesty, we have brought a lot of entourage, obviously not suitable for living in your Shizi Mansion. Besides, there are many rules in the Shizi Mansion. When the time comes, those entourages will It would be bad if you make a mistake. So, son, we should just go to the city and book an inn in the next one."

Seeing that even Han Long said the same thing, Liu Chan felt that what he said actually made sense.There are indeed quite a few rules in his mansion, if someone else moves in all of a sudden, I'm afraid they will feel very awkward and nervous.

Then, Liu Chan thought of arranging Han Long and the others to live in the post house in Jiangling City.However, he then thought that the post house in Jiangling City had been in disrepair for a long time, especially after the war, there was no one managing it now, and he didn't know what it had become.

Liu Chan had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Well, since you all mean that, then I won't force you."

Then, Liu Chan looked at Sun Yao and asked, "Miss Sun, why don't you just stay in my mansion?" Because Sun Yao is the only woman among them, and it is believed that she may have a relationship with Deng soon. Ai got married and lived in his mansion, so naturally there is no problem.

Sun Yao didn't expect that the son would come to ask her in this way, and she didn't know how to make a decision for a while.

Seeing this, Han Long thought about it carefully, and felt that Shizi was more careful.Sun Yao is a girl, and it is really inconvenient to go out and stay in a hotel with big men like them by herself.

Han Long then said to Sun Yao: "Miss in-law, I think you should live in the Shizi's mansion. You are a girl, and if you follow us to live in a hotel outside, there will indeed be some inconvenience."

When Sun Yao saw that Han Long had said this, she nodded and said, "Then let's do it according to my father-in-law's wishes."

Liu Chan smiled, and ordered Zhao Feng to send a few people to arrange the residences of Sun Yao and her followers.

Then, Liu Chan sent Han Long and others out of the door.

After Han Long and others bid farewell to Liu Chan, they booked the best inn in the city and lived in together.

Although Luo Tong is only a businessman, after so many years of ups and downs, he has finally seen the big world.He is so enthusiastic about his son Liu Chan today, and after thinking about it, he always feels a little uneasy.

Although, Han Long came to see them personally at that time, and told their elder son that he would invite them back to Jiangling City to discuss the reconstruction of Nanjun.At that time, he and Qian Yan were actually reluctant in their hearts.Because in their view, the reason why Liu Chan invited them back was simply to knock a sum from them to pay for the reconstruction of Nanjun.It seems that Shizi really took them seriously.

But Han Long understood the thoughts of Luo Qian and the two of them, so he assured them again and again that the prince would never do them any harm.Then, Han Long showed Luo Tong the son's handwritten letter, which indeed sincerely invited them to return to Jingzhou.

However, Luo Tong and Qian Yan are people in the business world, how could they believe Liu Chan's words so easily?However, they are now in the territory of Shuhan, and it is impossible to resist Liu Chan's intentions, so they can only reluctantly leave Yizhou.

However, before Luo Tong and Qian Yan left Yizhou, they were already prepared not to return to Yizhou.They also secretly ordered their families to prepare to escape from Yizhou.Once they encountered an accident in Jingzhou, they would immediately flee to Yongliang and Liangzhou.There is Cao Wei's sphere of influence, and the eldest son Liu Chan will never find them again.

So, don't look at Luo Tong and Qian Yan chatting happily with Han Long along the way, and in front of Liu Chan, they also acted grateful to Liu Chan for inviting them back to Jingzhou.But in fact, only the two of them know their thoughts and calculations in their hearts.

Thinking about these things, Luo Tong couldn't grasp what Liu Chan was thinking, so naturally his mood couldn't get better.Although Qian Yan's mind is not as deep as Luo Tong's, his current mind is actually similar to Luo Tong's.

So, the two of them couldn't rest well no matter what.They actually got up from the bed at the same time, wanting to find each other to discuss again.

The two came to the halfway, and then met.They all looked at each other's appearance in astonishment, and then realized that the other party should have the same thoughts as themselves.

Luo Tong said to Qian Yan in a low voice: "Come with me, let's go to my room and talk." There was a trace of majesty in his voice, and there was no room for Qian Yan not to listen.

Qian Yan nodded and followed Luo Tong to his room.Qian Yan is also a good-natured person, knowing that what they are going to discuss next is absolutely not allowed to be heard by others, so he closed the doors and windows in Luotong's room by himself.

Only then did Qian Yan ask Luo Tongtong in a low voice: "Old Luo, do you know what I'm thinking right now?"

Luo Tong nodded, and said: "I almost know about it. We have dismissed this son Liu Chan several times, but this person's thoughts are very strange, and the things he does are even more strange."

Qian Yan sighed: "That's true! I originally thought that if he wanted us to come to Jingzhou, he must force us to bleed. But judging from the situation we have traveled along the way, this son of the Prince of Hanzhong seems to have no blood at all. He has no plans to take action against those wealthy households who stay in the local area. I heard that he even encouraged the wealthy households to repair their mansions, and even helped them pay part of the construction costs!"

Luo Tong said: "Yes, so this is what makes me feel puzzled! Since he doesn't need to collect money from rich households to support Jingzhou's reconstruction work, why does he invite us back from thousands of miles away? What? From the point of view of these officials, they are the most realistic people. People who are useless to them are just a pile of stinky shit to them. They will definitely ignore them. But once they are useful , even stinky shit will turn into sweet pastry."

Qian Yan felt that Luo Tong had hit the point, so the next question was, what did the eldest son Liu Chan want from them.Otherwise, it would be impossible for this prince to treat them preferentially with such enthusiasm. They are not Han Long!
But the two thought about it for a long time, and felt that since Liu Chan didn't want their money, what else did he need from them?

Then, they suddenly remembered that the two of them, together with the Sun family, had stockpiled a lot of food near the dock in Jiangzhou.Is that batch of grain what Liu Chan needs?No wonder, he even invited Sun Yao, the head of the Sun family.

(End of this chapter)

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