The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 569 The Businessman’s Mind

Chapter 569 The Businessman's Thoughts ([-])
After Luo Tong and Qian Yan thought of this, they expressed their thoughts, and they were surprisingly consistent.

They both hummed at the same time and nodded at each other.

How to deal with this son Liu Chan next?With so much food, if the other party wants to forcibly confiscate it, there is no way for me to resist it!

Luo Tong and Qian Yan became very worried, and their faces became serious.

After a while, Luo Tong sighed and said, "I think we are going to die in Jiangling City this time, right?"

In Luo Tong's view, forcibly accepting so much food from them, for the sake of his own reputation, he even said that in order to obtain too much wealth, and if Liu Chan was vicious enough, he would definitely put himself and Qian Yan in Jiangling City. Kill him on the spot.Then, it was announced that the two of them encountered an accident on the way back to Yizhou.In the end, Liu Chan's knife was about to be pointed at his family in Yizhou and all the family's property, waiting for the family to be destroyed.

When Qian Yan heard this, cold sweat came out of his back immediately, and he said anxiously: "Old Luo, what can you do to deal with it?"

Luo Tong shook his head and said, "It's not been a year or two since you and I have been rolling around in this troubled shopping mall. We've seen how many businessmen were intentionally ruined by the government. You've seen them treat us too softly. No matter how legitimate the money we earn, which one is not being planted casually, who will ransack our home with just an excuse? What the government takes a fancy to is the lowliness of our businessmen, and treats them as tools to get whatever they want! "

Having said that, Luo Tong's words turned into grief and indignation.He is not young, and his experience is also very good. Although he is no longer surprised, but now recalling so many past events, he has the impression that businessmen are destined to end in tragedy.

Qian Yan is very good at making money in business, but of course he doesn't have the insight of Luo Tong.His face suddenly turned pale, and he stared wide-eyed at this senior who had always taken things for granted, feeling terrified and shocked in his heart.

What he was afraid of was what would they do if Liu Chan really did something to them.What shocked him was that Luo Tong also acted so excited sometimes!
At this time, Qian Yan asked with almost a tear in his voice: "Old Luo, you must find a way! The Sun family and Han Long's family are relatives by marriage, and with Han Long calling them, they are absolutely not afraid. Blood, just bear a little loss. But our two families are different, the hundred and ten people in our two families are all waiting for your advice to save lives!"

Luo Tong nodded, but the look on his face was still a little cloudy.

After a long time, Luo Tong said: "Qian Yan, there are some things that I must tell you thoroughly today."

Qian Yan hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Luo has something to say, but it's okay to say it."

Luo Tong nodded, and said: "If the eldest son Liu Chan wants to do something to our two families, you and I must stay in Jiangling City to die together!"

Qian Yan asked in surprise: "Why? Can't we escape to Jiangdong or Cao Wei?"

Luo Tong waved his hand and said, "It's too late. Once the two of us escape from the territory of Shu Han, then our family will be lost forever."

Qian Yan nodded, his expression, which was originally full of surprise and fear, gradually calmed down.He is not young anymore, and he has experienced almost all the crises that he should have experienced in his life.

Luo Tong continued: "We stay. We hope that we can save money and avoid disaster. As long as the eldest son Liu Chan can save our lives and the lives of our family members, we will not hesitate to spend more money! Second, we will stay until the end If we do this, we can paralyze the eldest son Liu Chan and make him think that we don't even notice that he has bad intentions for us. Then we can use this incident to secretly inform our family members far away in Yizhou, and prepare to escape from Yizhou at any time !"

Qian Yan nodded with difficulty.At that time, their family members would have escaped, but he and Luo Tong would surely die.

However, for the lives of so many family members, sacrificing the lives of the two of them, no matter how you calculate it, it is a business that can minimize the loss...

Thinking of this, Qian Yan bowed his hands to Luo Tong and said, "I understand what Luo Lao means. For our family, I, Qian Yan, will definitely accompany Luo Lao to the end!"

Luo Tong nodded, very pleased that Qian Yan could say that.

In fact, Luo Tong and the Qian family are family friends, and the two parties have had some conflicts in business over the years.But in fact, the two of them were born in troubled times, and most of the time they advance and retreat together.They all knew that when one of the two families was ruined, the next one would be the other.

That's why Luo Tong spoke to Qian Yan so bluntly.Moreover, he was not afraid that Qian Yan would turn his back on him and go to his son Liu Chan to inform him in exchange for his forgiveness.

Both Luo Tong and Qian Yan are born businessmen, and they have seen too many intrigues among businessmen.They have already understood that it is impossible to survive alone by telling the truth.The government's heart is definitely the most ruthless, after taking care of his Luo family, they will continue to force the Qian family to ruin.

In fact, the three wealthy merchants in Jingzhou back then were not Luo, Qian, and Xiao, but Huang, Huang, and Zhang.Zhang Qiancai, the head of the Zhang family, suddenly turned his back and reported Shuanghuang to the government when he was conspiring with the Shuanghuang family.As a result, the Shuanghuang family was ransacked, and the Zhang family survived.But then, the Zhang family became the "automatic teller machine" of the Jiangling government, and within five years they were ruined.

Therefore, if Mrs. Zhang hadn't been smart at that time and sold Shuanghuang in exchange for a moment of peace, maybe the three of them are still the three wealthy businessmen in Jingzhou that have not fallen down.

This lesson has been kept in mind by today's three wealthy businessmen.Although the current three wealthy merchants in Jingzhou have also split up, Xiao's family has moved to Cao Wei, and Luo Qian's family has moved west to Chengdu.However, Luo and Qian's family did not regret moving westward to Shu, and they had to do it at that time.

Moreover, the interdependent alliance between the Luo and Qian families needs to become more solid now, otherwise they will not be able to survive in Yizhou at all.

What's more, members of their two families have grasped some weaknesses of the other.This also requires both parties to trust each other.

For all the above reasons, Luo Tong believed that it was impossible for Qian Yan to do something that caused the two families to be wiped out because of a momentary panic.

Qian Yan's thoughts were almost the same as Luo Tong's.What's more, he would rather trust Luo Tong now than Liu Chan.

Therefore, Qian Yan asked: "Old Luo, should we immediately send a message to our family members far away in Chengdu to let them prepare to flee first?"

This is exactly what Luo Tong is thinking now.He said: "Yes, that's exactly the case. But it must be done in secret at this time, and the actions of our family members must be secretive and secretive, and we must not reveal the slightest news to the outside world. Otherwise, not only us If the two of you are going to die, so will our family!"

Qian Yan swallowed nervously, the Adam's apple was no longer visible on the thick neck due to obesity, but from his swallowing movements, he could still see the Adam's apple moving up and down.

Qian Yan said: "Okay, I will deal with it immediately, and I can send the news out of the city tomorrow morning."

The reason why Qian Yan said this was because the gates of Jiangling City had already been closed tightly at this time, and there was no way to leave the city at all. They had to wait for the opening of the city tomorrow morning.

In fact, in ancient cities, the four gates were generally closed after nightfall, and people were generally not allowed to enter or leave the city at will.In many cases, there is a curfew in the city, and soldiers and civilians are not allowed to walk casually on the streets at night.

At this time, Jingzhou was still at war with the Jiangdong people, so the curfew should have been enforced as soon as night fell.But because of the large-scale celebrations that have been held recently, the gates of the city will not be closed until late at night.

The next day, Liu Chan did not immediately summon Han Long and Luo Qian to discuss matters.Instead, he kindly sent someone to the inn to inform them that they could continue to rest as much as they wanted.

Because Liu Chan felt that it is not too late to let everyone rest for a day or two before discussing matters.Although the matter of food and grass in Jiangling is relatively urgent, it is not in a hurry in a day or two.After all, if this matter is involved, it may affect the next few years.

However, Liu Chan specially invited Han Long to his home alone, and once again helped Han Long clean up the dust.To Han Long, Liu Chan was really grateful in his heart. This man had helped him too much over the years.

Then, Liu Chan told Han Long about Zuo Fu's help in fighting and things in Nanyang County, and how he saved Zhang Fei's life recently.However, it is a pity that Zuo Fu has returned to Zhang Fei after playing with Huang Quan in Jiangling City for a few days.

Perhaps, Zuo Fu really had to wait until the war in Jingzhou was over before he could realize his wish: to return to a free life in the rivers and lakes.

Of course Han Long knew Zuo Fu very well, after all Zuo Fu was one of his confidantes, otherwise it would be impossible to send him to Shizi's side.Now, when he heard what the son said, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional towards Zuo Fu.

(End of this chapter)

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