Chapter 570 A False Alarm

That afternoon, after Liu Chan sent Han Long away, Zhuge Qiao came to Liu Chan.Between his expressions, he seemed a little cloudy and uncertain.

Seeing Zhuge Qiao's expression changed, Liu Chan couldn't help wondering: "Aqiao, what's wrong with you, did something happen somewhere?"

Zhuge Qiao suddenly sighed, took out two letters from his sleeve pocket, handed them to Liu Chan, and said, "Your Majesty, please read it."

Liu Chan took it over and saw that the envelope was covered with wax, and the wax had already been opened.Both sides of the envelope were blank, nothing was written on it, and it was not addressed to anyone.Liu Chan doesn't want to peek at other people's letters and invade other people's privacy so casually, he still has this self-consciousness.

Therefore, Liu Chan did not open the envelope immediately, and asked, "Who are these letters from? I'll read after you tell me."

Zhuge Qiao had no choice but to reply: "It's a letter sent by Luo Tong and Qian Yan to their families in Chengdu."

Liu Chan's complexion changed, and he said with some dissatisfaction: "Since it is someone's family letter, why did you intercept it and check the contents?"

Zhuge Qiao didn't expect Liu Chan's reaction like this, and he couldn't understand why Shizi would have such a reaction, so he could only reply: "Our spies intercepted it, and the content inside is very harmful to us."

Hearing what Zhuge Qiao said, Liu Chan stopped hesitating, and immediately picked out a letter and opened it.He first looked at the signature at the end, which was a letter from Luo Tong to his family.

After Liu Chan read it, he was stunned by the content inside.Then, he opened Qian Yan's letter again, and it seemed that the content inside was surprisingly consistent with what Luo Tong wrote.They were all worried about Liu Chan's scheming towards them, and asked their family members to secretly prepare to escape from Yizhou and go north to Yongliang, so they might be able to escape.

Liu Chan couldn't help sighing, refolded the letter along the original crease, and put it in the envelope.

Zhuge Qiao said rather annoyed: "Your Majesty, the thoughts of Luo Tong and Qian Yan are really too bad. They are just businessmen, and they dare to speculate on the mind of Your Majesty. What's more, it's even more disgusting. What's more, they actually dared to plan to make their family members defect to Cao Wei! Your Majesty, what's the use of keeping such businessmen!"

Zhuge Qiao's words were full of murderous intent.This was definitely the first time Liu Chan saw that Zhuge Qiao would actually murder someone.

Liu Chan waved his hand and said, "You can get two identical envelopes later, repack the two envelopes and seal them with wax, and then send someone to send them to Chengdu, and give them to Luo Qian and his family." .”

Zhuge Qiao became emotional all of a sudden, and couldn't help saying in surprise: "What? How could you not only punish them, but also send the letter to their family members?!"

Liu Chan patted Zhuge Qiao on the shoulder and said, "From the contents of the letter, can't you tell that it was our side that made the mistake first?"

Zhuge Qiao immediately said: "But, they are very businessmen, how dare they do such a wrong thing! This matter, the prince must investigate their responsibility."

Liu Chan shook his head and said, "You didn't understand. In fact, I don't quite understand why you suddenly became harsh on the Luo and Qian family. Thinking about it now, our thinking at the time was already wrong. We thought, They will be very happy to invite Luo and Qian back from Yizhou with kindness. After all, Jingzhou is their hometown. But their thoughts in their hearts are actually completely different from ours. They may be oppressed by the government It’s too powerful, so we can’t believe our sincerity at all.”

Zhuge Qiao nodded, but did not intend to speak at this time.

Liu Chan continued: "So, we are actually too wishful thinking. And Luo Qian and the two are actually not wrong, they are just out of selfishness, worrying that I will be bad for them, their family and property. What's more, they just let their family members prepare. The preparation does not necessarily have to be carried out, not to mention that they communicate with each other through private messages. What you said just now is actually a theory of "criticism". You can punish others criminal behavior, but how can you punish the thoughts in other people's hearts?"

Zhuge Qiao obviously disagreed with Liu Chan's statement, and immediately said: "But, they are indeed correspondents, and they are planning to defect to Cao Wei!"

Liu Chan nodded and said: "That's true, but this is even more understandable. Because the one who made the mistake was us first, and they just misunderstood it. In fact, the Xiao family was able to move to Cao Wei at that time. Why did they ask for money? Is it not possible now? So, this misunderstanding still needs to be solved on our side."

Now Zhuge Qiao understood what the son wanted, and sighed: "You are actually the most understanding person! This subordinate understands. I will handle this right away."

In the afternoon of that day, Liu Chan was unexpectedly invited by Luo Qian and the two of them to have a banquet at Shizi's mansion that night.The son here will once again clean up the dust for the two of them.

Luo Qian felt even more confused about this.They can understand that the eldest son Liu Chan will take care of Han Long as soon as possible, but why invite the two of them to a banquet?No matter from the friendship between everyone or from the social status of both parties, Liu Chan has no reason to entertain the two of them at all.

What's more, the eldest son Liu Chan actually only invited the two of them!

Luo and Qian suddenly had a bad premonition in their hearts.But they are the sons of the eldest son, even if they are still uneasy, they still have to bite the bullet and go to the banquet in the end.

When Luo and Qian came to the gate of Shizi Mansion, they were welcomed in by Zhuge Qiao.However, Zhuge Qiao was obviously still quite dissatisfied with the behavior of these two people, so his face was not very kind.Zhuge Qiao's performance made Luo Qian and Luo Qian even more worried.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that in fact, having too much money is not always a happy thing sometimes.

When they came to Liu Chan's living room tremblingly, Liu Chan was already sitting in the middle hall waiting for them.On the three tables under the hall, the wine and dishes have already been placed.

Luo and Qian hurriedly stepped forward to salute Liu Chan before taking their seats.Liu Chan also arranged a seat for Zhuge Qiao and allowed him to sit.

Then, Liu Chan didn't mention anything else, he just asked Luo and Qian to not be restrained, let alone polite, today's banquet was specially set up for them.

But the more polite and friendly Liu Chan was, the more uneasy Luo Qian felt.

It wasn't until after the two parties had drunk three rounds that Liu Chan decided to talk about something serious.He then said to Luo Qian and the two of them, "You two gentlemen, Zen wants to make amends to you here."

When Luo and Qian heard this, they immediately turned pale with shock.Perhaps because they were too shocked, neither of them knew to answer Liu Chan, and this person was stunned.

Liu Chan cupped his hands and said, "Gentlemen, I'm really sorry. In fact, I read the letter you wrote to your family in Chengdu at noon today."

Both Luo Qian and Luo Qian exclaimed at the same time, the wine glasses in their hands fell to the ground, and the wine spilled all over the floor.The faces of the two of them suddenly became as pale as white paper.

Luo Tong was the first to react, and suddenly stood up from his seat, rushed to the hall and knelt down, with most of his body stuck to the ground.He was already trembling violently because of the excessive panic, and he just kept begging Liu Chan for mercy.

Qian Yan also came to his senses, rushed to Luo Tong's side and knelt down too.

Liu Chan was a little embarrassed, and said quickly: "You two gentlemen, don't panic, I won't pursue this matter."

Hearing this, Luo and Qian looked up at Liu Chan in disbelief at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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