Chapter 571
Liu Chan went on to explain: "The original intention of my son to invite you back to Jingzhou is indeed because of the food in your hands. However, this son absolutely has no intention of coveting your property. In fact, no matter how much property your two families have, you will never be able to return to Jingzhou." The combined wealth of all the wealthy households in Jingzhou is nothing more than a drop in the ocean. So, why should I go to Yizhou to collect your wealth?"

Luo Qian and the two suddenly realized that what the prince said seemed very reasonable.They do have a lot of money, but they are just two families!
This is indeed like the Bill Gates of later generations.He is the richest and most famous businessman in the United States, but no matter how much his huge property is, it really only accounts for a little bit of the combined wealth of all the rich in the United States.

At this moment, the two of them suddenly felt a sense of relief, and quickly thanked Liu Chan.Then, under Liu Chan's persuasion, they got up from the ground. They were already covered in cold sweat, so they had to wipe the sweat off their foreheads with their sleeves.

Liu Chan saw that the misunderstanding between the two parties should have been resolved, and the embarrassment on his face just disappeared.

But Zhuge Qiao was clearly dissatisfied with Luo Qian and the two of them.This can be seen from the serious look on his face now.What's more, he didn't drink with Luo Qian at all just now.

At this time, Liu Chan wanted Luo and Qian to write another letter to their family members in Chengdu, so that they would not have to make any preparations for fleeing.But when he thought about it carefully, he felt that this was inappropriate.I just dispelled their doubts. If I ask again, it will only make them doubt me again.

Therefore, Liu Chan simply ignored this matter, and said with a smile: "You two gentlemen, let's get over this matter now, and no one will bring it up again in the future."

Luo and Qian are very grateful to Liu Chan at this time.Luo Tong immediately said: "My son, if you have any orders for my Luo family in the future, my Luo family is willing to go through fire and water for my son, and I will do anything!"

Seeing Luo Tong's statement, Qian Yan was afraid that he would be left behind, so he quickly said: "I, the Qian family, are also willing to go through fire and water for the son, and I will do anything!"

Liu Chan couldn't help laughing when he saw Luo and Qian express their determination to him like this.He didn't say anything anymore, and then he just drank and chatted with the two of them.

The atmosphere of the banquet just got better.

The next day, Liu Chan personally took Han Long, Sun Yao and Luo Qian to play around the city and Changhu Lake for a day.

During the period, I also specially introduced the current situation inside and outside Jiangling City.Everyone was amazed at the series of policies Liu Chan implemented in order to rebuild Nanjun.

Because of Liu Chan's policies, he seldom directly used the power of the government, and almost never used any violence.So it should be said that almost all of them are realized by economic means.

Luo and Qian showed great interest in this.They never thought that economic means could replace administrative power in many fields, making things develop in the same good or even better direction.

In their hearts, they immediately fell in admiration for Liu Chan.

At that time, Tao Zhugong was the patriarch of the world's merchants, and he had accumulated wealth three times, and dissipated it three times.But that's just giving money to people in one village and one city, it can't have much profound influence, and the influence on the social field is not enough at all, and it's even suspected of trying to gain fame.

And the current practice of the eldest son Liu Chan seems to have created a new world for the government's administrative management field.

Even Luo Tong had a keen feeling in his heart that perhaps in the future under the rule of the prince Liu Chan, their merchant class would usher in a new era.

Then, the next morning, Liu Chan ordered Zhuge Qiao to send Sun Yao outside the city.Sun Yao is indeed leaving Jiangling City.During the time she was living in Shizi Mansion, she had already negotiated with Liu Chan, and she was willing to sell all the grain her family hoarded in the granary of Jiangzhou Wharf to Jingzhou.

In fact, according to the thinking of ordinary people in China.At this time, when the country is in crisis, a good businessman should be a voluntary businessman, like Tao Zhugong or Ma Yuan, and spend his wealth for the country to support the country's construction.Even if they don't disperse their wealth, at least they have to give food to the common people for free, right?
As for Sun Yao's thinking at the time, it was indeed impossible to jump out of such a category.At that time, when Liu Chan asked her to discuss this matter, she said that she could donate all the food.

For Sun Yao's kindness, if Liu Chan said that he was not moved, it would be an absolute lie.But he didn't accept it right away, but thought about it for a day alone.

Liu Chan knew that because Sun Yao's father, Sun Tong, wanted to murder Sun Yao's father, Sun Tong was punished for the grain of the Sun family.Therefore, the grain hoarded by the Sun family in Jiangzhou is actually not much among the three families.

Moreover, once the Sun family donated all the food for free, Wuwu would send a signal to the Luo and Qian family that they should also learn from the Sun family and donate all their food for free, otherwise they would The two families are about to suffer the infamy of thousands of people.

However, in fact, the members of the Luo and Qian families should be said to have the obligation to contribute to this society, but the obligations of the two families do not require them to donate grain that belongs to private property free of charge.

Therefore, on the night before Sun Yao was about to leave—the day before was the day when Liu Chan resolved the misunderstanding for Luo and Qian, he summoned Sun Yao again and explained his scruples.Because he had just resolved the misunderstanding with Luo Qian and the other two, and he didn't want them to feel threatened by him again.

Therefore, Liu Chan proposed to Sun Yao.Since the Sun family didn't have a lot of food, Jingzhou must still have enough financial resources to buy it at a fair price.So, that is to say, the Sun family's batch of grain was sold to the Jingzhou government as official grain.

And according to Sun Yao, that batch of grain was about [-] shi, which could just be used as a reserve grain and could be used in the market at any time to mediate grain fluctuations in the market.That is to say, once the price of grain in the market rises too much, the Jingzhou government will immediately allocate a part of this batch of grain to the market to stabilize the price of grain.

Sun Yao never imagined that Shizi could think so far.Since the eldest son wanted to buy it, for their grandson's family, it was only a loss of part of the profit, and it was still a bit of a profit after calculation. Of course, she accepted it very happily.

However, Liu Chan still made a request to Sun Yao.That is, the Sun family's batch of grain doesn't have to be transported from Jiangzhou to Jingzhou all at once, it just needs to be stored in the warehouse in Jiangzhou.Only when it needs to be used to intervene in market grain prices, he will immediately issue an order to Jiangzhou, and then the grain in Jiangzhou can be transported eastward immediately.

Of course, Sun Yao would not refuse Liu Chan's request.What's more, in doing so, their family did not suffer any loss.

Then, on the same day that Sun Yao left Jiangling City and went south to meet Deng Ai, Liu Chan summoned Han Long and Luo Qian.Of course, the protagonist is not actually Han Long, but Luo Qian.After all, almost all the food in Han Long's family had been transported into Jingshan in the early days of Liu Chan's arrival in Jingzhou.

At this time, Liu Chan stopped hiding with Luo Qian and the two, and asked Luo Qian and the two straight to the point. In the future, they could sell all the grain they hoarded for grain prices into Jingzhou territory to support the reconstruction work in Jingzhou territory.

Since Luo and Qian had just told Liu Chan in person that they would go through fire and water for Liu Chan, it was of course impossible not to agree to Liu Chan's request at this time.The two immediately assured Liu Chan in unison that they would definitely sell every grain into Jingzhou.

Then, the two of them felt that something was wrong in Liu Chan's words.sell in?Shouldn't it be sent to Jingzhou and given to the common people?
When they got Liu Chan's confirmation that it was indeed a sale, they felt very happy in their hearts.Because, the food in the hands of the two of them is at least 10,000+ stones, which is definitely a very large fortune.If they really gave it away for free, it would definitely be a traumatic thing for their family.

It's all right now, but the eldest son Liu Chan actually just asked them to sell the grain into Jingzhou.At that time, even if the price is lower, there should be no loss.

Luo and Qian are even more grateful to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan then said: "Gentlemen, in fact, there is no shortage of grain in Jingzhou at all. The reason why there is a shortage of grain in the market now is that some grain merchants deliberately hoarded it, and recently the price of grain in Jingzhou has begun to quietly fall. It has risen. Suppressing food prices is now imperative. Therefore, in the next period of time, I will need the cooperation of the two of you."

Luo and Qian agreed at the same time that there was no difficulty in this matter, and they immediately sent a letter to Jiangzhou, asking the people there to load the grain on board immediately.Now the Yangtze River is in the wet season, the water level of the Three Gorges is relatively high, and the waterway is relatively smooth. It is the best time to transport grain out of Sichuan.

(End of this chapter)

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