Chapter 572 Daren Tong

After Liu Chan and Luo Qian settled the matter, they said again: "Gentlemen, Jingzhou doesn't really ask you anything. We just hope that when the time comes, the price of the grain you sell can be lower than the market price." The price above. Even, sometimes you just need to cooperate with the government: our side often uses various channels to send messages to the society to adjust grain prices or to release grain from official warehouses to the market. When the time comes, you It should be because of us that we also release the news of the shipment at the same time, and those grain merchants may panic at that time, and the price of grain will be affected by the news. Of course, such a strategy is not always effective."

When Luo and Qian heard this, they smiled at Liu Chan.Of course, he knows how to use news to affect prices, and he is even more familiar with it than Liu Chan.

In fact, if the two Luo and Qian didn't have a great interest in the grain price mediation, Liu Chan even wanted to hire them temporarily as Mr. Ma Liang's consultants on market adjustment of grain prices.

However, with the subsequent successful adjustment of grain market prices, the government has gradually realized the feasibility and importance of economic means, and the violent intervention in grain merchants that it used to be good at in the past is gradually withdrawing from the stage of history.This cannot but be said to be a great progress in history. At the same time, it actually means that the era of market economy is about to begin.

Luo Tong immediately said to Liu Chan: "Don't worry, my son, I will try my best to cooperate. This old man will stay in Jiangling City during this time. When the time comes, as long as the son says a word, this old man will carry out everything."

Qian Yan also immediately said: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will do whatever you tell me to do!"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "You two, don't say that, those grains are actually yours, and this son has no right to deal with them. However, you are helping this son and the people of Jingzhou in this way this time. I am really grateful in my heart. In fact, I really want to tell you that money is something that you don’t bring with you when you are born, and you don’t take it with you when you die. If you can keep a certain amount, it is enough to maintain your basic necessities. The glory of the family. No matter how much is left to future generations, it will only incur the envy and hatred of others, and only by helping others can the glory of the family be increased."

Luo Tong is getting old, and it's time to think about death and the meaning of life, so he thinks carefully about Liu Chan's words.But Qian Yan was in his prime, and it was time to work hard, so he didn't pay too much attention to Liu Chan's words.

After Luo Tong thought about it, he felt that Liu Chan's words were quite reasonable.Famous businessmen in history all made their names in history by distributing their wealth.

He immediately asked: "Does the son want me to do more good deeds?"

Liu Chan smiled and said: "Mr. Luo, it's not that I want you to do good deeds. It's a question of whether you want to do good deeds, and what is the purpose of doing good deeds. Some people do good deeds to redeem their sins; I am extraordinary; some people feel that when others are happy, they themselves will be happier, etc. Of course, doing good deeds now is nothing more than paving roads and building bridges, which is not a very good way to do good deeds. Moreover, this The prince does not approve of you taking out your family property and giving it to others directly."

When Luo Tong and Qian Yan heard the words, they couldn't help but let out a long sigh, as if they were very curious about what Liu Chan said, and they couldn't understand it.Even Zhuge Qiao, who was sitting across from him, found it difficult to understand Liu Chan's words.

Luo Tong asked again: "Then how should we do good deeds?"

Liu Chan said with a smile: "Doing good deeds is nothing more than to make others live better and make the society happier. Then, there are really too many ways to do good deeds, and not all of them need to be personally involved, or to be done in a real way. Money is distributed to the poor. For example, you can raise funds from your peers to set up a school like the National Hospital to train talents for the country; or, like Mr. Han Long, you can donate funds to the school on a regular basis; even, you You can set up a scholarship to subsidize a certain student to go to school; also, you can also subsidize physicians to conduct research on new drugs, research on new treatments for diseases, etc.”

When Liu Chan said this series of words, the people below were immediately stunned.

Then, Liu Chan also told them that once these practices were realized, their businessmen would gain a great reputation in the society, and their social status, which was despised by others, would be correspondingly improved.

Because the general public will gradually understand that their businessmen are not just people who simply collect money for themselves, they are people who know how to share, and they are people who are willing to share their wealth with the poor. For the benefit of society.Then, such a kind of businessman is a noble profession that can only be respected. Who can despise a businessman?

Liu Chan's words greatly shocked the hearts of Luo Tong and Qian Yan.These businessmen have always been despised and hated by others, and they have always been regarded as accumulating wealth by buying low and selling high to obtain the price difference.Such behavior was regarded as an extremely unfair behavior in the society at that time.

Because people at that time thought, why do businessmen make profits by buying low and selling high? Aren’t you sucking blood from us?They do not think at all how they could have bought those goods without these merchants trading in goods to supplement the availability of goods everywhere.

Liu Chan continued: "Actually, merchants are a profession that helps people exchange what they need. Without you merchants, how can people buy products and goods from other places? This is also a profession that benefits the people. Merchants do not The same people feel inferior because of this. However, businessmen do have money, so they have the ability and responsibility to help the poor more, so as to appease the poor’s envy and hatred of businessmen. In this way, the lives of the poor have improved, and their views on you businessmen have also improved. It will change accordingly.”

Luo Qian and the two immediately stood up and said: "The words of the prince really made the two of us suddenly open."

Seeing the performance of Luo and Qian, Liu Chan also became happy in his heart, knowing that these two people are not contemptible people, but people who can talk to each other.Such a person should be said to have reached a certain level of business.

Then, Luo and Qian asked Liu Chan what a scholarship is.At this time, Liu Chan corrected and said that the scholarship should be called "student scholarship", which can be awarded to various talents and so on.

Luo and Qian seem to be very interested in this scholarship.Luo Tong then asked: "Your Majesty, I want to use a sum of money to support some poor students in Yizhou, what do you think?"

Liu Chan smiled and said, "Mr. Luo, this approach is not bad. However, the problem is that those poor students will spend many years in school, and what they need is long-term funding, which is not something you can solve with a single payment. what?"

Luo Tong was stunned for a moment.He glanced at Qian Yan, and said with some difficulty: "Then the old man should spend a sum of money every year to support them."

Liu Chan saw Luo Tong's expression in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Actually, Mr. Luo, you don't have to be so embarrassing, not to mention that there will inevitably be losses or insufficient funds when doing business. At that time, you can't sacrifice your family to support students. Is the karma ruined?"

When Luo and Qian heard the words, they couldn't help being moved, and asked Liu Chan for advice again.

Liu Chan said: "I suggest to the two gentlemen that you can take a little bit of shares from your family's business and use them for charity. In this way, these shares can get dividends from your business's profits every year. These are generated every year. The dividends can be used to do good deeds in an endless stream.”

Then, Liu Chan really made a "charity" plan for Luo and Qian with great heart.Liu Chan suggested to Luo and Qian that they could first set up a new firm in name, and then combine the shares they took out and invest in that new firm.Then, when the dividends are distributed, the dividends can be directly entered into the accounts of the new firm.

When they need to do good deeds, they can directly operate through this new firm, and when there is surplus funds, they can also invest in value-added, so that the new firm has more funds to help more people.

Moreover, such an approach can also avoid interference from opposition opinions within the family, and even as long as it is operated properly, the new firm's financial resources will be endless.

The two of Luo and Qian were really stunned. This son Liu Chan is simply a strange person.Such an idea of ​​his is really amazing and amazing!Is that human being?

Luo Qian and the two immediately admired Liu Chan so much.The two of them immediately told Liu Chan that after they went back, they would immediately start to deal with it.

Afterwards, Han Long apparently also heard about this from Luo Qian and the two, and immediately stated that he would also join the new firm established by Luo Qian and the two. "Darentong Tzu Chi Company".

Later, in order to help the three of them set up the "Da Ren Tong Tzu Chi" business, Liu Chan specially sent the Accounts Department of the National Medical College to count the property of the three, and then divide the property into equal shares.

Moreover, Liu Chan is still very concerned about this matter.He suggested that the three of Han Long, in order to avoid internal corruption, can implement a board of directors system like the hospital and a transparent account system, etc.

However, it will be a few years before the "Da Ren Tong Tzu Chi" business can operate.It first set up a number of "student scholarships" and funded various medical research by doctors of the National Academy of Medicine.

In fact, this also means that China's first private charitable foundation has finally successfully entered the stage of history.

Having said that, on the second day after Liu Chan and Luo Qian finished their discussions, it was time for Ma Liang to go out.

Mr. Ma Liang wants to discuss with Luo Qian how the Jingzhou government will subsidize the price of their grain.This was specially instructed by Liu Chan, and the finances were also Ma Liang's power, so naturally he needed to negotiate in person.

Of course, Liu Chan had already told Luo and Qian before.The status of the two of them is equal to that of the Jingzhou government, and they can fight with Mr. Ma Liang for the most reasonable amount of subsidy they think.

Of course, it is impossible for Luo and Qian to completely relax and bargain with Mr. Ma Liang at this time.And Mr. Ma Liang has power in his hands, so of course it is impossible to discuss with Luo and Qian on an equal footing.However, it is impossible for him to take things too far.

Therefore, after three days of discussion between the two parties, both parties still feel quite satisfied with the results.

Then, Luo and Qian heard about the wandering warblers in Jiangling City from Mr. Ma Liang, and they generously donated money to bear most of the expenses, temporarily relieving Ma Liang's urgent needs.

(End of this chapter)

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