The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 574 Lu Meng's Funeral

Chapter 574 Lu Meng's Funeral
More than half a month ago, the sun scorched Xiangtan City, causing the leaves of the trees in the city to hang down.The sweltering heat in the city turned the entire city into a large steamer.In such weather, there is no place to hide, and everything is under the control of heat.

Lu Meng suddenly opened his eyes and saw the roof of the bedroom.The two large windows on the wall were all open, and the sunlight shining in the courtyard outside still made the light inside the house look dazzling.

It's been a long time since I've been bedridden like this and couldn't move.Many times he was so weak that he could barely open his eyes, let alone speak.

However, this time it seems to be different.In the eyes inside, there was actually a hint of spirit, and in the originally drowsy head, the thinking suddenly became extremely clear, as if his entire state had completely recovered to before the illness.

However, Lu Meng suddenly felt a burst of sadness in his heart for no reason.He turned his head and looked at the leaves of the trees that had been wilted by the scorching sun outside the window, and still felt that they were beautiful.

A person like Lu Meng who has been fighting on the battlefield for decades has long since ceased to appreciate the pleasing scenery around him.Now, his transformation must be meaningful.

Lu Meng recalled his military career. He started as a small soldier, then gradually promoted, inherited his uncle's army, then promoted to general, and finally sat on the same high position as Zhou Gongjin and Lu Su. Extremely human subject.Such a thing, when he thinks about it now, still feels like a dream.

But even so, Lu Meng's heart was still sad.I am only in my 40s now, but my days are numbered.

People like Lu Meng who have survived the dead are already used to life and death, and know what death is all about.So, when his thoughts became clear today and his whole body became energetic, he knew that things had reached the worst moment.

Lu Meng knew that his time was finally approaching.In other words, Lu Meng knows that his current situation is actually just a flashback.

Lu Meng lay on the bed and began to think.

Not a moment later, Lu Meng suddenly called out softly, "Who is guarding the door?"

With a bang, the door was pushed open immediately.Lu Meng's chief guard rushed into the house from outside the door.Seeing that Lu Meng's face seemed to have regained some of his spirit, which meant that Lu Meng's condition had improved, he was immediately overjoyed.

The captain of the guard immediately stepped forward to salute, "Governor, has your condition improved?"

Lu Meng smiled wryly, and said, "Go and find Lu Boyan and Xu Wenxiang, and tell them that I want to see them."

The guard captain saw Lu Meng smiling, but he didn't know that it was a helpless wry smile, thinking that Lu Meng was also very happy because his condition improved.

The captain of the guard persuaded: "General Governor, your health has just improved, you should take a good rest, don't deal with business now!"

Lu Meng didn't want to waste too much energy on this, and went to explain something to the captain of the guard. He didn't know how long he could stay in such a sober state.

Lu Meng firmly ordered to the captain of the guard: "Go and call them all, don't waste the time of the governor!" Perhaps, this is the last time that Lu Meng showed his majesty to his subordinates.

Seeing this, the captain of the guard suddenly had an ominous thought in his heart.Now, he saw that Lu Meng's expression became very serious again, and he knew that he could no longer comment on this order from the governor.

He bowed to Lv Meng again, and after making a promise, he took three steps back, turned around and left Lv Meng's bedroom.

After the news reached the Jiangdong Army outside the city, Lu Xun got the news first.He went to the city to see Lu Meng as early as possible. Lu Meng was still unconscious at the time, why now he said that his condition has improved and he has regained consciousness?
Lu Xun felt that this matter was incredible, and suddenly a bad premonition came to him.Therefore, he didn't wait for Xu Sheng, he stepped on his mount immediately, and entered the city first.

As soon as Lu Xun entered the courtyard where Lv Meng lived, Lu Meng's guard captain hurried up to meet him, and said anxiously to the young commander: "Captain Lu, come with me quickly to see the chief governor. I don't know why, but he has never I have asked several times why you haven't come to see him yet."

In fact, from the point of view of the captain of the guard, Lu Xun arrived very quickly.

But when Lu Xun stood up to the captain of the guard, his face changed, knowing that things were really bad now.He didn't explain to the captain of the guard, and quickly said: "Go, take me to see the governor quickly."

The captain of the guard suddenly became anxious when he saw Lu Xun. Although he couldn't understand the key point, he still hurriedly walked ahead to lead Lu Xun.

After Lu Xun entered Lu Meng's bedroom, he was suddenly taken aback, and then stopped in his tracks.

Lu Meng was sitting on the bed at this time, his face was not ugly.In front of him was a table with pens, ink, paper and inkstones placed on it.

Lu Meng looked up to the direction of the door, and saw that it was Lu Xun who came, so he stopped writing in his hand.He smiled at Lu Xun and said, "Bo Yan wait a moment, I'll talk to you after I finish here."

Lu Xun quickly saluted and agreed, but he couldn't believe the changes in Lu Meng's body.

Then Lu Meng picked up the paper on the table and dried it, folded it himself and put it in an envelope.He called the captain of the guard, and he immediately sent the fastest post horse to Moling and handed it over to the lord Sun Quan.

Lu Meng's words were not secretly taught to the captain of the guard, so Lu Xun heard them clearly.His heart moved, Lu Meng is now writing to the lord, and he wants to summon himself, there may be two situations:

The first possibility is that Lu Meng's condition has really improved, and he will report to the lord that he is safe.Of course, this can reassure the lord, but it also means that Lu Meng is also telling the lord that he, Lu Xun's acting governor, will soon be done.

The second possibility is that Lu Meng's end is approaching.He wrote to the lord to explain the funeral.He is so eager to summon himself now to explain the funeral.

Lu Xun's thinking was extremely fast.He analyzed and compared the above two situations in an instant, and felt that any of the two situations was very likely.In other words, he can't judge now.Then, all he had to do next was wait for Lu Meng to tell the truth.

After Lu Meng finished his explanation, after the captain of the guard turned around and left the room, Lu Meng smiled and waved to Lu Xun, saying, "Bo Yan, come here."

Lu Xun hurriedly came to Lu Meng's couch, folded his hands and asked, "What orders does the Governor have?"

Lu Meng looked at the young and handsome scholar again, and said calmly: "I won't hide from you anymore. I'm afraid my deadline is not far away, so I agreed to call you from outside the city so anxiously. "

Lu Xun's heart skipped a beat, he was indeed right.But suddenly he felt a little worried in his heart.The reason why I can still command the army in my hands now, and the reason why those generals are still willing to obey my orders, is because there is still Lu Meng in Xiangtan City, who is supporting him.But once Lu Meng leaves, the next situation will definitely be very unfavorable to him.

However, even though he was thinking about his own interests, Lu Xun still wanted to comfort Lu Meng, so he said: "Great Governor, don't you say that, isn't your health getting better now? Look, you are now able to sit up."

Lu Meng smiled, waved his hands and said, "I am very clear about my situation. However, you must be clear that after I leave, the situation in the army will become very unfavorable to you. After you go back, you have to start thinking about how to run the army..."

Lu Xun's eyes widened suddenly.Lu Meng's words had conveyed a message to him: After Lu Meng's death, he would still be in charge of this army.In other words, Lu Meng still supported him as the post of the commander-in-chief of the army.

Lu Xun couldn't help being grateful to Lu Meng in his heart, and he couldn't help feeling admiration for Lu Meng who faced death so calmly.

Lu Meng smiled and said, "Do you understand what I mean?"

Lu Xun nodded immediately and said, "The final general will definitely abide by his duties."

Lu Meng nodded, and said: "But there is still one thing you need to think about. Our Jiangdong is exhausted from fighting in Jingzhou, and the situation of the Jingzhou army is probably even worse. If they didn't have Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou army coming over If we help, it will be impossible to maintain the current stalemate."

Lu Xun nodded. He knew this well, otherwise he wouldn't stick to the camp and deliberately not fight.However, he didn't interrupt, just nodded to Lu Meng.

Lu Meng continued: "So, if my guess is correct, the Jingzhou army no longer wants to fight with us anymore. They have to continue because of Zhang Fei's situation and the fact that Guan Yu was killed by us. Start a war with us. And our Jiangdong Army, to be honest, doesn't want to fight anymore. So, you must find an opportunity to reach a settlement with the Jingzhou Army in the future."

Lu Xun secretly sighed in his heart that Lu Meng was indeed very insightful, and replied: "The last general obeys orders."

However, Lu Meng seemed to have seen through Lu Xun's thoughts, and said, "Bo Yan, I know that you have just assumed the position of governor, and you definitely want to make meritorious service first. This is indeed true, otherwise the soldiers of the three armies may not be convinced. You. But you must remember that personal self-interest should not be placed before my Jiangdong's interests."

Lu Xun's heart moved, and Lu Meng actually guessed his mind correctly. He really had a small idea of ​​wanting to use the battle with Zhang Fei to make meritorious deeds.Although Lu Meng saw through his mind, Lu Xun remained calm and said: "The final general will follow the instructions of the governor."

Lu Meng obviously liked Lu Xun's modest character, and said: "It's very good. The letter I just sent to the lord was to persuade the lord to formally appoint you as the official governor after I left. At that time, my Jiangdong What happens to your fate depends on you..."

Not long after, Lu Xun walked out of Lu Meng's room.Then, he saw Xu Sheng was already walking around anxiously outside.

Xu Sheng glanced at Lu Xun, but his eyes were not very friendly.

Lu Xun said calmly: "General Xu, the governor asked you to go in and see him."

Xu Sheng just nodded and hurried past Lu Xun without answering.

Seeing this, Lu Xun could only sigh, feeling a little helpless in his heart.After all, it is obviously not easy for a senior and capable person like Xu Sheng to easily obey a scholar like himself.He can only take one step at a time.

Lu Xun shook his head, and laughed bitterly at himself, remembering what Lu Meng had warned him just now.He suddenly discovered that the warning is very reasonable, but it is very difficult to implement it.Because in the next few days, what he has to face is a situation of internal and external difficulties-there is an army of the powerful enemy Zhang Fei outside, and a group of generals who disobey him inside.

(End of this chapter)

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