The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 575 All parties wrestling

Chapter 575 All parties struggle ([-])

Sun Quan soon received a letter from Lu Meng.This time, Lu Meng really told Sun Quan of his physical condition in the letter without any concealment, and bluntly said that his life was not long.He wants to recommend Lu Xun and Lu Boyan as the governor of the three armies in Jiangdong.

After Sun Quan read the letter, his hands were already trembling.Although he already had a premonition in his heart, he never expected that Lu Meng's condition would deteriorate so badly.

Due to the urgency of the matter, it is urgent for Lu Xun to return to Moling, and the affairs of Xiangtan are temporarily handed over to Xu Sheng, so everyone can feel at ease.

Therefore, Sun Quan secretly issued a call-up order to Lu Xun.At this time, Lu Meng had already passed away.Knowing the importance of the matter, Lu Xun and Xu Sheng blocked the news and reported to Moling while sending people to Moling to send the body to Moling.

After Lu Xun received Sun Quan's secret order, he hurried to Moling immediately.Although he set off late, he actually arrived at Moling many days earlier than Lu Meng's body.

At this time, Sun Quan had already received the news of Lu Meng's death, and he was very sad. He didn't eat or drink for a whole day, which made his wife and Ling Tong very worried.But this news was also blocked by Sun Quan, so as not to cause widespread turmoil before Lu Xun arrived.

Then, after Sun Quan learned that Lu Xun had rushed back, he immediately sent an order to all the senior civil and military officials in Jiangdong to discuss major issues in his general's mansion.

Lu Xun was in a hurry, and before he could go home, he received an order from Sun Quan on the street to go to the general's office.

When Lu Xun came to the meeting hall of the government office, he found that everyone had already arrived.When everyone saw that Lu Xun was not on the front line leading troops to fight, but suddenly appeared in front of them in such a busy way, most of them thought it was incredible.

Lu Xun immediately walked quickly into the hall to salute the lord.Then, he realized that his current situation was rather awkward, and he didn't know where he, the acting commander-in-chief of the three armies, should sit now.

Sun Quan seemed to have seen through Lu Xun's mind, and said to himself at the first table on the left, "Bo Yan, sit there!" That's the seat of the Great Governor!
Seeing this, everyone felt astonished.The Lord asked Lu Xun to sit here, did he really want Lu Xun to take Lu Meng's place?
Sun Quan then announced Lu Meng's death.All the officials were shocked.However, since the news of Lu Meng's serious illness had already spread, everyone had prepared accordingly, so no one panicked.Moreover, everyone also realized that it was finally time for all parties to compete for the position of governor.

For a moment, the thoughts of everyone in the hall came alive, and each of them started their own calculations.However, one thing is certain, Lu Xun's popularity among the officials is still insufficient.

Therefore, most people now think that it was nothing more than an expedient measure for the lord to let Lu Xun act as Lv Meng's authority at that time.So, now everyone has to make a decision, who will be the governor.

People from the Sun family naturally felt that Sun Jiao's position was more suitable, and felt that Lu Xun was just a scholar, how could he have the ability to replace Lu Meng?His heart was full of disdain and contempt for Lu Xun.

As for military officers and civil servants, it was quite chaotic. Some people supported Sun Jiao in their hearts, others supported Xu Sheng and Han Dang, and some even supported Zhuge Jin.

However, most of these people are old-fashioned fried dough sticks. Although they have their own ghosts and thoughts, no one will show their thoughts on their faces.Everyone just looked at each other a few times, but they were all silent.

Sun Quan originally thought that all the officials would immediately quarrel, but he did not expect this to be the result.Still, it's better than being noisy.

Sun Quan's green eyes swept down the hall, and he said, "Everyone, Lu Ziming's death has had a great impact on Jiangdong and our army. Now, Lu Boyan has helped Lu Ziming handle military affairs for several months, which can be described as conscientious So, I want Lu Xun to officially take up the post of governor, what do you think?"

Hearing the lord speak so straight to the point, everyone couldn't help but think again about who they support.
However, Kan Ze was the first to stand up and break the dull atmosphere.He has always been a loyal supporter of Lu Xun, supporting Lu Xun from Jingzhou to Moling.Therefore, he didn't have to think about other candidates at all, and immediately said: "My lord, I think this is a great move! Lu Boyan is a great talent, with a broad mind, he can take charge of the affairs of the three armies!"

Seeing that it was Kan Ze again, Zhang Zhao couldn't bear it anymore.He immediately stood up and repeated the old tune: "Lu Xun is a scholar, I'm afraid he can't be used!" This argument was the same as when he opposed Lu Xun's acting as Lu Meng's position in Jingzhou.

Sun Quan was taken aback.His quality is Zhang Zhao's straightforwardness, but now that Lu Xun is actually sitting in front of him, how dare you say that in person.These celebrities!

Then, Zhang Zhao gently waved his hand downwards, and Gu Yong also stood up, and said with a serious face: "My lord, Lu Xun may have something to do, but his reputation is not enough to convince the public. Now that the Jiangdong war is urgent, I think it is inappropriate. It's too hasty."

Gu Yong's words were more tactful, saving Lu Xun a little face.But in fact, as long as they follow Sun Quan, the civil servants who participated in the Jingzhou War probably know that Gu Yong's words are actually nothing new, and they have already said it before.

However, if there is nothing new, it is not impossible to say it again.And after speaking out, the lethality does not necessarily decrease.Moreover, you have to look at what kind of two people said such words.

Sure enough, after Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong came out, the people below started discussing one after another, and noisy situations also appeared.

Some people began to suggest that Sun Jiao should be chosen, while others suggested Han Dang and Xu Sheng and so on.

Seeing this, Lu Xun's fair face suddenly became bloodshot and turned red, and he really couldn't hold back his face.

Seeing the originally peaceful situation, Sun Quan suddenly confused Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong, and felt a little annoyed.

In fact, why didn't he, the protagonist, lack confidence in Lu Xun?The reason why he wanted to promote Lu Xun was that he didn't believe in Lu Xun himself, he believed in Lu Meng, and he believed in Lu Meng's dying words!

At this time, Zhuge Jin, who was next to Kan Ze, did not participate in the discussion.He lay on the sickbed for a month, and under the treatment of the doctor secretly sent by Liu Chan, he finally recovered.However, his complexion is still not very good.

Seeing everyone in such confusion, Zhuge Jin couldn't help becoming annoyed.Moreover, he has been annoyed that Zhang Zhao didn't advise the lord that he shouldn't be so unfeeling to the soldiers of Zhijiang Daying.

Therefore, Zhuge Qiao is of course impossible to support Zhang Zhao now.He stood up suddenly, his tall body seemed so tall and straight, and said loudly to Sun Quan: "My lord, half of my Jiangdong army was able to retreat safely from Gong'an City this time. It really depends on Lu Xun's strength. I think Lu Xun can do it. !"

Zhuge Jin's argument was very firm, and it was almost a final decision, and immediately suppressed the chaotic situation just now.All the officials looked at this doctor Jiangdong who was always humble and cautious.In Zhang Zhao's eyes, there was a little anger.Gu Yong hesitated, while Kan Ze and Lu Xun were grateful...

Then, Zhang Zhao got into trouble, and immediately vetoed Zhuge Jin's proposal to Sun Quan.With Zhang Zhao taking the lead, the others immediately insisted on their opinions again.

The debate has resumed, and it will continue until it is unknown when it will end.

Sun Quan didn't respond.He listened to everyone's arguments like this, and later saw that the situation was a bit difficult to decide, so he asked everyone to rest for a while, then got up and left by himself.I don't even know what's going on in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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