The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 576 All parties wrestling

Chapter 576 All parties struggle ([-])

After Sun Quan came to the backyard, he immediately sent an order to summon his uncle Sun Jing, asking him to come to discuss important matters.

This Sun Jing is the father of Sun Jiao, the right governor, and the younger brother of Sun Jian.He no longer cares about things, and has been living at home for the elderly.It seems that Sun Quan believes that it is a safer way to discuss things with the elderly at home!
After Sun Jing learned what was going on, she came to see Sun Quan as quickly as possible.

Sun Jing was Sun Quan's uncle, so the guards of the General's Mansion naturally did not dare to stop him.Ling Tong, the general in command of the guards, even went out in person, leading Sun Jing to the backyard first.

Sun Quan was in the corridor at this time, frowning, standing with his hands behind his back, looking at the flowers and plants in the courtyard in a daze.The sunlight outside was very strong, which made the light here slightly dazzling, and also made the light in Sun Quan's emerald green eyes look a little scary.

Sun Jing adjusted the armor on her body a little bit, and her long gray beard moved accordingly.He is a person living at home, so why can't he be wearing armor?His current attire showed how solemn he was when he came to see Sun Quan today.

Of course, Jiangdong's command of the three armies is very important, and it is related to Jiangdong's future destiny. It must not be easily awarded to someone. Even if Sun Jing herself does not want to be serious, it is impossible.

Then, Sun Jing slowed down, approached Sun Quan Shenhou gently, and saluted: "I have seen the Lord."

When Sun Quan heard it was Sun Jing's voice, he relaxed his brows.He turned around immediately, his tall figure was a head and a half taller than Sun Jing.

Seeing that it was indeed Sun Jing, Sun Quan finally showed a smile on his face, and said, "Uncle, don't be too polite."

Then, Sun Quan led Sun Jing into his study together.

Only then did Sun Quan ask Sun Jing, "Uncle, Lu Ziming has passed away, and his body is being transported back to Moling. It is a great loss to Jiangdong. However, when he was dying, he strongly recommended Lu Xun to replace him. .”

In fact, the reason for Sun Quan's embarrassment is not entirely because of the confusion of the views of the officials and their disapproval of Lu Xun.Another reason is:
When he was in Jingzhou, Lu Meng recommended to Sun Quan the candidate for the post of governor.At that time, Lu Meng immediately recommended Sun Jiao, Han Dang, Xu Sheng, Quan Cong and Lu Xun.But this time it was completely different. Lu Meng single-handedly recommended Lu Xun with a firm tone.

Therefore, Sun Quan was really embarrassed.He believed in Lu Meng's vision, but like all officials, he was worried about Lu Xun's qualifications and lack of experience.

But these things, he will not tell others.Therefore, now he must find another old man to consult in person.

When Sun Jing saw that Sun Quan had finished speaking, she frowned again, knowing that it was really difficult for him to be the master.In just a few years, he sent away three outstanding governors in Jiangdong: first, the stunning Zhou Gongjin, then Lu Zijing, who was loyal, upright, and successful in running the army, and then the brave, resourceful, Dear Lu Meng.

There are three people like this in the front row, not to mention the lord himself, even the Baiguanmen in Jiangdong have formed a sense of the highest expectation for the commander of the three armies. They must be the most outstanding heroes before they can be qualified Served.

Now, Lu Xun suddenly appeared as a brat, but also a helpless white-faced scholar... It really deviates too far from everyone's expectations all the time.As a result, everyone would rather support a brave general like Han Dang than a commander-in-chief, and they are unwilling to support Lu Xun.

Among them, there are very deep historical reasons.

Then, Sun Quan took out Lu Meng's seal from the table and handed it to Sun Jing.

After reading it, Sun Jing nodded, feeling that Lu Meng's words were very sincere.It seems that Lu Meng's recommendation of Lu Xun was really for Jiangdong's sake, not for any personal purpose.

Sun Jing thought for a while and returned the watch to Sun Quan.However, now is not the time to make any statement, because the lord has not asked his opinion yet.He had to think about it.

At this time, Sun Quan asked: "Uncle, there is an old saying: 'A virtuous person does not avoid relatives'. Compared with Shu Ming and Lu Xun, who is more suitable to be the governor?"

In fact, Sun Quan didn't like Sun Jiao's appointment as the governor at all. His current health is really bad.Otherwise, when he saw Lu Meng's five-person recommendation list in Jingzhou, he would not have eliminated Sun Jiao first.

Therefore, although what Sun Quan said now seems to be right, he seems to highly respect Sun Jiao's virtue.In fact, it should be said that what he said was to test Sun Jing's virtue and guessed right.He needed to see if Sun Jing would side with his son.

But Sun Jing didn't fall into Sun Quan's trap, and it's impossible for him to fall into the trap, because he and Sun Quan have two completely different minds.He is not the kind of selfless person, and he actually wants to help his son in his heart, but he can't help now.

As a father, Sun Jing's current physical condition couldn't be more clear.Sun Jiao is already so ill now, if he is given the responsibility of being the governor, not only will his body be impossible to recover, but he will be crushed to death by countless affairs soon, and he will never see the spring of next year again up.

Moreover, Sun Jing knew very well in her heart that whoever took over the position of commander-in-chief of the three armies would rush to the front line in Xiangtan.But today's Jingzhou is definitely a hot potato.

He knew very clearly about the battle between the Jingzhou Army and their Jiangdong Army in Nanjun.Among the Jingzhou Army, there are countless elites, whether it is generals or advisers, each one is more powerful than the other.

What's more, the Jingzhou army is still recharging its energy, and Zhang Fei's army is full of momentum and hard to beat.Once Zhang Fei merged with the Jingzhou army, he didn't know how to resist it.

Sun Jiao is the son of Sun Jing, if Sun Jiao is made the governor, it sounds very majestic.However, if a seriously ill person is required to fight such a tough battle, the chances of winning are not great. Maybe halfway through the battle, he will die in the barracks and become a lonely ghost in a foreign land.

And this will be another major blow to Jiangdong. Will the people of Jiangdong be able to afford to lose another governor so soon?
Therefore, whether it was out of her own selfishness or out of consideration for the overall situation of Jiangdong, it was absolutely impossible for Sun Jing to elect Sun Jiao.

In fact, Sun Jing gave birth to five sons in total.

The eldest son, Sun Hao, wanted to seize the opportunity to seize power half a year after Sun Ce's death, but under Yu Fan's persuasion, he voluntarily withdrew his residence.People who have shown their ambitions and failed like this are destined to be impossible to succeed in this life.

Sun Jing's second son, Sun Yu, died young.The fourth son, Sun Qian, and the fifth son, Sun Huan, have average talents.But Sun Jing's third son, Sun Jiao, is the most capable and popular, no matter whether he is a high-ranking official or a trafficker, he can get along very well.Therefore, even though he is seriously ill like Lu Meng, he is still a more popular candidate than Lu Xun.

Sun Jiao is now placed with high hopes by Sun Jing, so what Sun Jing hopes most is that Sun Jiao can recover from his illness first.As for official positions, Sun Jiao's status as the right governor is second only to the commander of the three armies, and he is a clan, so his status is already high enough.

Therefore, it is better for his son to hide as far away as possible for such dangerous errands as going out to fight while sick.

Therefore, Sun Jing pretended to think deeply for a while, before she said: "The old minister thinks what Lu Ziming said is true. Lu Boyan has great talent, and he is in a strong and healthy age. Lu Boyan will surpass Shuming just because of this. .If the lord doesn't have many options, I agree with Lu Boyan."

Sun Quan was indeed a little surprised that Sun Jing would support Lu Xun instead of his son Sun Jiao.Sun Quan was somewhat moved by his righteous heart.

He nodded and said appreciatively, "Uncle Gao Yi!"

Then, Sun Jing's words really strengthened Sun Quan's confidence. He decided to follow Lu Meng's advice and promote Lu Xun to the post of governor.

Sun Jing's old face suddenly became a little hot, she smiled awkwardly, and said: "However, the generals in this army may not accept Lu Boyan by then!"

Sun Quan nodded and said, "That's true. However, we can only hope that Lu Xun can handle it properly."

Two days later, Sun Quan officially appointed Lu Xun as the governor of the Jiangdong armed forces, temporarily terminating the competition for the position of governor.

Among Jiangdong's official circles and the army, it was absolutely unexpected that the lord would act so willfully, and the public opinion was in an uproar.

(End of this chapter)

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