Chapter 577
When Lu Xun, the acting governor, left Xiangtan, he made an explanation to Xu Sheng: No matter what the result of his return to Moling this time, the army on the Xiangtan side will never be defeated until Moling has a new order. It is time to dispatch the army to fight Zhang Fei's army again.

Since the arrival of Zhang Fei's army, Lu Xun has indeed rarely attacked Zhang Fei.And this situation was actually supported by Lu Meng.Therefore, naturally no one from the top and bottom of the armed forces would dare to oppose it.

However, Lu Xun's approach is actually quite effective.

Because it is midsummer now, there is nothing outside the city to shelter from the scorching sun, and it is really very hot in Xiazhai there, and it will be difficult to get water.

Although the Jiangdong Army has also set up a stronghold outside the city, one is close to the city wall, and the other is that they can let the soldiers take turns to defend inside and outside the city.Therefore, the lives of the soldiers are actually barely manageable.

Therefore, less than ten days after Zhang Fei's army went to the village outside the city, many people developed symptoms of heat stroke because they couldn't bear the scorching heat.Joining the army, Huang Quan and Deng Ai saw that things were beyond their control, so they came to see Zhang Fei at the same time and asked him to retire temporarily.

Of course Zhang Fei would not agree at first.Because he thought that Lu Meng was still hiding in the city to recover from his illness, and if he didn't kill Lu Meng, the hatred in his heart would be hard to get rid of.

But after a few days of persuasion by Huang Quan and Deng Ai, and Zhang Fei himself could hardly bear the heat, I remembered that the son kept writing to him, and most of the contents of the letters were similar, emphasizing that the southern part of Jingzhou was at this time. It's not just hot, but hot and humid. This kind of weather is not the time for war at all, so let him pay more attention to the health of the soldiers.

Thinking of this, Zhang Fei secretly sighed that Liu Chan did have the foresight.

Physicians in the army also protested to Zhang Fei: because of Zhang Fei's insistence on going his own way, the soldiers began to show symptoms of heatstroke in a large area.In a few days, I'm afraid there will be a danger of a large-scale disease outbreak!

When the matter reached such a point, it was impossible for Zhang Fei to be stubborn anymore.He had no choice but to retreat from the stronghold temporarily, and retreated to Xiangxiang.

However, Zhang Fei's retreat was indeed temporary.After he entered Xiangxiang, he sent people to Xiangtan to scold and fight almost every day.Zhang Fei decided a long time ago that as long as Jiangdong's army dared to attack once, he would fight with them once.

As Zhang Fei's army scolded more and more times, the scolding words became more and more ugly.In addition, it is midsummer now, and people's emotions tend to become irritable, so many generals in the army asked Xu Sheng to take people out to fight the Jiangzhou Army, and let those bastards see their Jiangdong Army Great!
However, Xu Sheng behaved very calmly in the face of such a turbulent public opinion, and it could even be said that he looked a little "nothing to do with himself".Every time the generals came to ask for orders, Xu Sheng would never agree, and he reiterated again and again that this prohibition order was given to himself when the acting governor Lu Xun was leaving, saying that no matter what, he must not allow anyone. People attack.

When the generals heard the words, they couldn't help being very angry, but they dared not speak out for a while.However, as the number of petitions increased, everyone's dissatisfaction was almost approaching the breaking point.Some generals couldn't bear it anymore, and expressed their strong dissatisfaction with Lu Xun in front of Xu Sheng, and what's more, they even scolded Lu Xun.

But Xu Sheng's behavior is also very strange. He didn't punish those rude people. Instead, he tried his best to appease them, so that they would not be so excited. Everything will have to wait until Lu Xun is appointed by the lord as the official commander of the three armies. .

Although Xu Sheng said these words very calmly, they were tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.Because all the generals now believe in their hearts that Lu Xun, a white-faced scholar, is useless, he just hides and avoids fighting, and he has no real skills at all.

Now that I heard that Lu Xun actually went to Moling to accept the appointment of the governor, the generals finally broke out.They knew that they absolutely could not accept such a courageous person as the governor who led them.

As a result, the frontline generals acted in unity like never before.They wrote letters to Moling one after another, and passed them to the lord Sun Quan as quickly as possible, all of which questioned Lu Xun's ability and courage.

After Sun Quan saw it, although the summer was hot, his heart was cold.This is why, after Sun Quan listened to Sun Jing's opinion and made up his mind to formally appoint Lu Xun, it took two days before he issued the letter of appointment.Because, Sun Quan spent another two days thinking again.

Even Sun Quan personally summoned Lu Xun and asked him to explain his strategy for dealing with Zhang Fei this time.After listening to the explanation, Sun Quan made a detailed comparison with the strategies contributed by Jiangdong's advisers, and found that Lu Xun's strategies were more practical and targeted.

The meeting between the two finally temporarily dispelled Sun Quan's doubts about Lu Xun's true ability, and made Sun Quan finally make up his mind again to appoint Lu Xun, a white-faced scholar, as the post of governor.

Perhaps it can be said that Lu Xun has contributed a lot to relying on Lu Meng's recommendation this time, but it seems that he used his eloquence to persuade Sun Quan more.

Therefore, on the third day after the debate in the meeting hall, Sun Quan finally announced the appointment of Lu Xun in public, and appointed him as the official governor of the three armies.

And just as Sun Jing expected at the time, Sun Quan did not ask Lu Xun to stay in Moling any longer, but asked him to rush back to the front line of Xiangtan immediately to take over all the duties and powers of the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

Therefore, after the appointment order was announced, at least two people breathed a sigh of relief: Xicao Kanze and General Zhaoyi Sun Jing.

There are two other people who feel that they finally let out a sigh of relief: Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Ke.

Of course, more and more people were holding a breath of anger in their hearts. These people were headed by Zhang Zhao, and those who supported Xu Sheng.

Of course, there is still one with a more indifferent attitude: Gu Yong.Although he objected to Lu Xun's appointment as governor, it was an objection out of justice.Now that the lord has made a decision, what he can do now is to assist the lord as much as possible and do his job well.

The news that Lu Xun was officially appointed as the governor finally reached Xu Sheng as quickly as possible.After Xu Sheng read the notice document, the muscles in his body became stiff involuntarily.

Xu Sheng's face turned red immediately, and he couldn't hold back his anger any longer.

Of course, Xu Sheng has always been unconvinced by Lu Xun.So in the beginning, he really didn't like Lu Xun at all, at least he carried out the orders issued by Lu Xun lukewarmly.

However, Xu Sheng's performance changed a lot when he saw Lu Meng for the last time.At that time, Lu Meng summoned Lu Xun and Xu Sheng alone.Lu Xun arrived first, so he met Lu Meng first.

After Lu Xun came out and Xu Sheng went in, Lu Meng warned Xu Sheng that he was a person who showed his anger and joy on his face.With such a temperament, it is extremely difficult to gain a safe foothold in the court.

Now his opponent is Lu Xun, a young man who hides his ambitions very well. Before the Jingzhou battle, almost no one knew that he had a beautiful mind.Facing such a person, if Xu Sheng insisted on his previous style, he would only be suppressed by Lu Xun forever in the future.

It should be said that Lu Meng appreciated Xu Sheng's talent very much, but he was still a little uneasy about Lu Xun.Otherwise, he would not have warned Xu Sheng so bluntly, and looked forward to him being able to take over in the future.

And Xu Sheng did follow Lu Meng's warning, and became calmer in his actions, and his emotions were no longer as superficial as before.Therefore, when he dealt with the generals' pleadings for orders, he appeared to be so comfortable, and lightly pushed all the responsibilities on Lu Xun.

Xu Sheng is not short of resourcefulness, what he lacks is the ability to manage his emotions.Therefore, he is doing this now, of course he has his own deep-seated considerations.He needs to slowly detonate the generals' resentment and anger towards Lu Xun in the army, and then use the hands of the generals to put pressure on the lord to prevent the lord from appointing Lu Xun as the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

As a result, Xu Sheng succeeded in arousing the emotions of the generals, and the generals also wrote letters to Moling one after another.But to Xu Sheng's great disappointment and anger, Lu Xun succeeded in taking the position after all!

Xu Sheng's emotions were almost out of control again because of this, and he even complained that fate was unfair to him.

(End of this chapter)

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