Chapter 578

Xu Sheng knew that there was nothing he could do now, the appointment of the lord represented the supreme authority, and his heart suddenly became cold.

But Sun Quan is not a rookie politician. From the fact that he can rule Jiangdong in a stable manner, he must have a deep knowledge of tactics.

Therefore, while officially appointing Lu Xun, in order to appease Xu Sheng, Sun Quan of course also wanted to add an official to Xu Sheng.As a result, General Jianwu Xu Sheng's official position rose again, becoming the genuine General Anton, and he was granted the title of Marquis of Wuhu.

In fact, if you think about Xu Sheng's appointment, you can know how hasty Sun Quan's move was.

When Sun Quan was in Nanjun, in order to improve Sun Huan's power and fight against Zhu Huan, he promoted Sun Huan from An Dong Zhonglang to the frightening An Dong General.Now, Sun Quan actually promoted Xu Sheng to General An Dong again.In other words, in Nuoda's Jiangdong army, two Anton generals suddenly appeared.

So, can it also be said that after this precedent, the so-called official "Four Ans and Four Towns" and other official ranks of generals only had four people, but now it has suddenly become five people.So, in the future, it can be changed casually, like a miscellaneous general?

This is actually a very serious issue, but Sun Quan didn't think about it that much.It can be seen from this that Sun Quan's move was indeed very hasty.

Xu Sheng's letter of appointment came to Xiangtan Daying with Lu Xun, but it was not Lu Xun who read out the letter of appointment, but Gu Shao, who joined the army of the right governor Sun Jiao.Perhaps it was also to balance the mentality of the right governor Sun Jiao, so Sun Quan sent Gu Shao, whom Sun Jiao trusted, as Lu Xun's supervisor.

Another identity of Gu Shao is Gu Yong's eldest son.Gu Yong, together with Zhang Zhao, opposed the appointment of Lu Xun as the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

However, Gu Yong is somewhat different from Zhang Zhao. Zhang Zhao strongly opposes it, and his goals are very clear.Gu Yong mildly objected, that is to say, there was room for discussion on Lu Xun's appointment.

The slight difference in attitude between the two actually meant that it was impossible for Sun Quan to choose Zhang Zhao's son Zhang Cheng as Lu Xun's supervisor.Therefore, Gu Shao actually represented Sun Quan's appeasement attitude towards the opposition.After Gu Shao took office, because of his father's gentle attitude, it was unlikely that he would intentionally interfere with Lu Xun's military operations.

The third point is that Gu Shao married Sun Shangxiang, and Lu Xun married Sun Ce's daughter. They both belong to the clan and can be said to be real relatives.With such a relationship, the space for cooperation between the two should be greater than the possibility of confrontation.

So, Sun Quan appointed two people in this way: the governor Lu Xun, and the military supervisor Gu Shao; then he asked Gu Shao to bring a letter of appointment for Xu Sheng's promotion, which temporarily settled the forces of all parties and let everyone do it. When the power is equalized, the chaotic situation will be stabilized!
Those who can see this, who would dare to take advantage of Sun Zhongmou's sophistication?This is definitely a terrible monarch.

However, at this time, Sun Quan seemed to have forgotten a member of the clan——Quan Cong.In fact, Quan Cong once occupied a place in the election of the Grand Governor.

However, Quan Cong is now serving as the governor of Lukou Port, and is in charge of the navy at Lukou Port.That almost means that almost all the naval forces set up by the Jiangdong Army in Jingzhou are now in the hands of Quan Cong, and half of Lu Xun's military power in Jingzhou is divided.

Under such circumstances, it seems understandable if Sun Quan deliberately did not grant Quan Cong the title.

On the other hand, Xu Shengming knew that he could not touch Lu Xun now, so he accepted Sun Quan's letter of appointment wholeheartedly.It can be seen that he really didn't want to understand the deep meaning of the lord's heart, and he really needs experience in tactics.

As for the promotion of Xu Sheng and the appointment of Gu Shao as the supervisor, Lu Xun didn't think too deeply about it, but felt that it was a matter of course.It can be seen that Lu Xun is indeed still young, and his experience does have shortcomings.

Therefore, what the young Lu Xun had to face next was the resentment and dissatisfaction of the generals who had been instigated by Xu Sheng in the dark.If he can't handle it properly, then it's impossible for him to fight this battle smoothly, and then he will be the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

Regarding this point, Xu Sheng had a little selfishness.Because, at that time, he will be the best candidate to replace Lu Xun.Of course, Xu Sheng is not a very selfish person, and he doesn't want the army to lose the battle. This is almost an unbearable loss for Jiang Dong, otherwise he would not accept Sun Quan's letter of appointment willingly.

Lu Xun was not a fool. After Lu Meng passed away and he lost his supporter, he knew that the only person he could rely on was himself.Then, he will start to rectify the army alone.

Early the next morning after returning to Xiangtan, Lu Xunsheng's tent was ready.

Looking at the generals in the battle below, Lu Xun said calmly: "Generals, the Jingzhou army is going south all the way. They followed along the way and captured all the big and small cities along the way. It was once Yiyang City, which was expected to be able to stop the enemy, fell before it lasted long. Today, our army has retreated to Xiangtan, and then there are Changsha, Lukou and Jiangxia. In the past, it was our Jiangdong I am native. How should I deal with myself when the time comes?"

As soon as Lu Xun said this, he was a little offended.

General Zanwu Zhonglang Sun Yuan was furious immediately, this person is not a relative of the Sun clan, but a relative of the Sun clan, he is considered a dignitary.Therefore, he was able to become a general of Zhonglang at the age of less than 30 years old.

Sun Yuan immediately stepped out, pointed at Lu Xun, and cursed: "Lu Boyan, how dare you say that? When the governor Lu Meng was here, you bewitched the governor not to fight. All those who advocated sending troops were forcibly suppressed by you. Then, after you left Xiangtan, you actually strictly ordered us not to attack. Now, you are here to say how powerful the enemy army is! You have to be ashamed!"

Sun Yuan's angry reprimand was indeed not groundless, at least it was well received by the generals below. It immediately caused a commotion among everyone, and everyone started discussing it, as if they didn't care about Lu Xun who was sitting high in the middle In the eyes.

However, among the generals below, there were two who stood out from the crowd: Gu Shao and Xu Sheng.

Although Xu Sheng was still dissatisfied with Lu Xun, he accepted Lu Meng's suggestion, so there was no need to tear himself apart with Lu Xun when the situation could not be changed.Moreover, now that Sun Yuan came to the fore, he himself didn't have to.

Gu Shao thought differently.He is now Lu Xun's supervisor. To put it bluntly, he is Sun Quan's spokesperson, and he is used to see Lu Xun's actions.If the authority in his hands is true, it will definitely scare people to death.Then, of course, there is no need for him to join the ranks of the generals below.

Lu Xun's eyes swept across the hall, but his face still looked so calm.

Lu Xun wasn't surprised that Sun Yuan jumped out as an early bird to oppose him.Sun Yuan's talent is not good, and his temper is also very arrogant. He is a person who cannot be easily provoked.

Lu Xun looked at Xu Sheng and Gu Shao again, and saw that the two looked calm, as if they had nothing to do with themselves.Lu Xun couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, knowing that he was indeed very, very unpopular!What is the use of height weight?There is no one to support me!

Thinking of this, Lu Xun has already made up his mind. He has to create conditions by himself now that he has no conditions.

Suddenly, the pair of white hands on the road slapped on the table in front of him.Then, without saying too much, he took Sun Quan out, put it heavily on the table, and reprimanded Sun Yuan loudly: "Sun Yuan yelled at Shuaitang, the following offends the superior, disobeys military discipline, and damages my authority. If you damage our military discipline, you will be executed according to the law!"

Speaking of this, Lu Xun called his guards to the outside of the lobby, and asked them to immediately capture Sun Yuan on the spot, push him outside the tent and behead him.

With Lu Xun's actions like this, the generals in the hall were once again in an uproar.

They never imagined that Lu Xun, who had just assumed the post of governor, was trying to make friends with generals like them, and would kill them as soon as he appeared?How dare he have the guts to do this?
The generals immediately looked at me and I looked at you, unable to make up their minds for a while.Xu Sheng and Gu Shao still acted as if they were staying out of the matter, watching all this indifferently, as if they wanted to see what Lu Xun would do next, and whether it would be difficult for him to ride a tiger.

In fact, Sun Yuan is really a bold person, and he really doesn't want to believe that Lu Xun will kill him.Therefore, even though he was held up by Lu Xun's guards, he didn't struggle or beg for mercy at all, and even looked at Lu Xun with a sneer on his face, full of provocation.

Faced with such a situation, Lu Xun would explode no matter how well-preserved he was.

Lu Xun got angry, and suddenly grabbed the sword on the table, threw it to a guard, and said loudly: "This is the previous lord's personal sword. I entrusted Mr. Kan Ze to bring Xiangtan to the governor. Now you use it." The general, Sun Yuan, has been executed!"

As soon as Lu Xun said this, it was really a big deal. It was really a matter of maintaining the authority of the Lord and him, the commander of the three armies.

At this moment, Sun Yuan finally felt that something was wrong, but he still cursed unrepentantly: "Lu Xun, how dare you kill me? How dare you kill me?..."

Lu Xun slapped his hand heavily on the table again, and said angrily, "I, Lu Boyan, will not kill you today, how can I issue military orders in the future! Kill!"

Lu Xun waved his hand, and the guards immediately dragged Sun Yuan out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the generals immediately came out to intercede for Sun Yuan.Lu Xun put on a straight face and refuted everything.

(End of this chapter)

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