Chapter 579

At this time, a scream came from outside the tent.Sun Yuan was beheaded just like that.Then, Sun Yuan's head was carried into the tent by Lu Xun's guard captain on a tray.

Seeing that the bloody head really belonged to Sun Yuan, all the generals felt a little terrified, wondering if Lu Xun would raise the butcher knife to his neck next.Even when Xu Sheng saw such a situation, his face couldn't help but change a little.

When Lu Xun saw that the generals were in awe, he said, "Sun Yuan has been punished, and he deserved his punishment! From now on, all the armed forces will obey my orders. If there is anyone who does not obey my military orders, Sun Yuan will be the best!" example!"

As soon as Lu Xun said this, all the generals felt awe-inspiring, but they should still be dissatisfied in their hearts, they just dared not speak out.However, they no longer dare to behave as arrogantly as before.

At this time, the generals really realized that Lu Xun, a white-faced scholar, actually had a very strong side.

Seeing that the generals were just standing there in a daze, Lu Xun asked loudly, "Do you know?!"

The generals had no choice but to agree in unison, and they were temporarily obeying Lu Xun's authority.

After Gu Shao saw such a scene, he still admired Lu Xun's decisiveness in his heart. His method of killing one general and conquering the hearts of the generals was a good strategy.

However, Gu Shao actually has a different view on Lu Xun's approach.Lu Xun's method is indeed suspected of being eager for quick success.Now that Lu Xun is unpopular and has no achievements, it is impossible for him to suppress the generals by relying on his power alone for a long time.

Gu Shao frowned, but didn't say a word.Now is the time for Lu Xun to be high-spirited, not the time to give advice.

After Lu Xun rectified the generals in the army, the next step was to rectify the soldiers.

However, the news of Lu Meng's death was quickly learned by Zhang Fei, and then Liu Chan also got the news almost at the same time.

Originally, this should be an absolutely shocking news, but because Lu Xun temporarily replaced Lu Meng to exercise power, most of the people were psychologically prepared for Lu Meng's death.Therefore, now that the news has arrived, the impact has been reduced a lot.

And from here, we can also see Lu Meng's wisdom.He knew that he might die soon, and now that the army was in a state of war with the Jiangzhou army, his death would definitely shock the three armies greatly.Therefore, in order to minimize the confusion, he wanted to find an agent to be the governor first.

The result was as expected by Lu Meng, Lu Xun easily temporarily controlled the situation.On the other hand, the enemy army was not too excited about this, so they did not launch a large-scale attack on Xiangtan.And Lu Xun didn't seem to have any intention of leading the army to attack at all.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly.It can be seen that Lu Meng's ability is indeed strong enough.

However, the situation of the Jiangdong Army began to change slightly.Lu Xun did not move in Xiangtan, but he ordered Quan Cong from Lukou Port to lead the navy to attack the Jiangzhou navy.

The two sides fought for a full ten days at the mouth of Dongting Lake and the waterway of the Yangtze River. As a result, the Jiangdong navy was at a disadvantage and could only temporarily retreat to the Yangtze River in Jiangling City.This is already the bottom line for their retreat. In the past, Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng could kill themselves to thank Zhang Fei and his son Liu Chan.

And Quan Cong did not act aggressive, and did not continue to attack the Jiangzhou navy, but immediately withdrew the army, and then guarded the waterway from Yunmengze to the mouth of Dongting Lake.In fact, this also means that the Jiangdong navy has once again seized control of the waters of Dongting Lake.

Dongting Lake is the most important strategic goal set by Liu Chan before, and of course it will not be allowed to be lost again.Liu Chan was really in a hurry, and he didn't care who was in charge of the Jiangzhou navy. He immediately issued an order without asking Zhang Fei, asking Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng to snatch Dongting Lake. There are also many words that reprimand the two for their disadvantages in fighting.

After receiving Liu Chan's order, Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng immediately felt a little ashamed.On the one hand, the two of them asked Zhang Fei for instructions, but on the other hand, they had already started to reorganize their armaments and planned to launch a counterattack against Quan Cong's navy.

The navies of both sides immediately fought on the Yangtze River waterway near Yunmengze.

Just when the attention of both parties was attracted to the Yangtze River, there was a sudden movement in Lu Xun's camp.Lu Xun finally led his army out.By this time, it was almost autumn.

A soldier quickly ran into the big tent and reported to Zhang Fei the news that Lu Xun was leading the army to the battle.

Zhang Fei was overjoyed when he heard the words. Since he led his army to Xiangtan, he had sent people to Lu Xun's camp in the scorching sun to call for battle almost every day, but Jiangdong's army was like a shrinking tortoise, refusing to come out to fight no matter what.

Well now, those tortoise sons have finally crawled out of the hole!

Recently, Zhang Fei has often heard people mention that Lu Xun is a well-known scribe in Jiangdong, and he really wanted to meet him.

Therefore, Zhang Fei immediately promoted his tent to be a general, summoned Huang Quan, who joined the army, Deng Ai, and Zhang Bao who had rushed over from Nanjun to join him, and ordered them to go to gather their troops and set off.

The generals immediately got ready. They waited for today's battle, and they waited for almost half a summer, and they were really suffocated.

However, in the eyes of the generals, what is this Lu Xun?Not to mention that he is just a frail scholar, since he replaced Lu Meng, he has never dared to lead an army out to fight a battle with the Jiangzhou army.This person is so cowardly that he was able to become the governor. It seems that Jiangdong is doomed this time!

In fact, even a person like Deng Ai who is very cautious by nature is full of contempt for Lu Xun at this time.

In fact, the mentality of the generals is actually very bad.They all forgot at this time, how Lu Xun blocked the advance of the Wuxi barbarian army with an absolutely inferior force, and how Lu Xun blocked their Jiangzhou army in Yuannan City.All these experiences seemed to be wiped out under the proud state of mind.

After Zhang Fei waited for the generals to prepare their soldiers and horses, he immediately led his army out of the camp and headed towards the direction where Jiangdong's army had come.

After Zhang Fei led his army for more than ten miles, he got the information that Lu Xun's army had already lined up in front.Zhang Fei immediately stopped the army in place.Then, after Zhang Fei finished organizing the array, he slowly moved to the opposite side of Lu Xun's army.

Lu Xun was wearing a white armor at this time, and there was also a white horse under his crotch.He watched very calmly the Jiangzhou Army approaching slowly

At this time, the herald came to Lu Xun and reported: "Commander, all the messengers of our army have assembled, and you can issue orders to the whole army at any time."

Lu Xun just nodded, and even showed a faint smile to the herald on his extremely handsome face.

A quarter of an hour later, the Jiangzhou Army finally stopped opposite the Jiangdong Army. The distance between the two sides should be about one and a half miles.This distance is actually very short, but outside the shooting range of any long-range weapon of the opponent, you can still see the situation on the opposite side clearly, and it is indeed the best distance.

Lu Xun saw that the Jiangzhou Army's formation was organized very neatly, and the distance between the positions was also chosen very well. He couldn't help secretly praising Zhang Fei in his heart, as expected, he was no ordinary general.

Lu Xun immediately called an orderly over, and whispered to the orderly to make a call.The messenger nodded and said: "The villain obeys the order, and he must live up to the entrustment of the governor."

Then, the messenger immediately rushed to the rear of the army, mounted a horse, and rushed towards Zhang Fei's army formation.He was holding a white flag in his hand, clearly as a messenger to negotiate with Zhang Fei.

The messenger came outside Zhang Fei's army, thinking that he was already close to the shooting range of the bow and arrow, so he reined in the horse.

Then, the messenger turned to the Jiangzhou army and shouted loudly: "The villain was ordered to come and inform General Zhang Fei that my governor wants to meet with General Zhang before the battle."

After the messenger finished speaking, without waiting for Zhang Fei's reply, he immediately turned his horse's head and ran back.It can be seen how frightened he was in facing the murderous Jiangzhou army alone.

(End of this chapter)

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