Chapter 580
After seeing the messenger go back, Zhang Fei sneered alone.The Jiangdong people killed Guan Yu, so what is there to talk about with them now?
Therefore, Zhang Fei not only refused the conversation with Lu Xun, but also sent an order to Zhang Bao, who is now commanding his right wing, to let the soldiers check their weapons again and get ready to attack.

Huang Quan, who joined the army, felt that Zhang Fei's behavior was a bit out of style and inappropriate, so he stepped forward to persuade him: "General Zhang, you should go out and talk to Lu Xun."

Zhang Fei sneered and said, "Do you think Lu Xun really wants to talk to me? He's just making a gesture, thinking that I, Zhang Fei, are reckless, so he must be unwilling to go out and talk to him." Talk about it. Besides, I really don't bother to talk to him now, Lu Xun, so I really don't go out to talk to Lu Xun. My reaction is indeed expected by Lu Xun. But then again, for me, doesn't it? Is there anything to lose?"

Huang Quan was stunned when he heard it, and he didn't react for a long time.Is General Zhang Fei really reckless or fake reckless?

A quarter of an hour later, Lu Xun did not show any signs of coming out, and he clearly thought that Zhang Fei would not come out to talk to him.

Lu Xun looked coldly at the Jiangzhou army's formation, and said with a sneer, "Zhang Yide is indeed a reckless man, and he will eventually be defeated by me!"

Then, Lu Xun immediately sent an order to get the whole army ready for battle.

Seeing this, Zhang Fei immediately gave the order to attack Zhang Bao on the right.Zhang Bao's army immediately began to move in the direction of Jiangdong Army.

The long-lost battle between the two sides finally started at the end of this summer.

After the two sides fought for an hour, the army behind Lu Xun who hadn't yet fought suddenly began to retreat slowly.Then, the Jiangdong Army's front-line combat troops also turned into fighting and retreating.At the beginning, they retreated relatively neatly, but as time went by, the army began to become a little scattered.

Zhang Fei took advantage of the opportunity to lead his army to bite the enemy tightly, refusing to relax at all in pursuit.It wasn't until the pursuit was three miles away from the Jiangdong Army's camp that Zhang Fei stopped the pursuit when he saw that Xu Sheng had led an army to form a formation on the flank.

It seems that when Lu Xun attacked earlier, he had already arranged the supporting army.It seems that this Lu Xun's mind is quite careful.

Now, the number of Zhang Fei's troops is of course more than Xu Sheng's, but the problem is that his army is now in a state of pursuit, and the army is also in a relatively scattered state.Zhang Fei was not a fool, if he led his army to kill Xu Sheng's well-organized army formation like this, it would be tantamount to defeating himself.

Therefore, it is very reasonable for Zhang Fei to stop chasing Lu Xun's army immediately, and then lead the army to retreat slowly.

After returning to Xiangxiang, Zhang Fei was very happy because he won a rare battle.Immediately let Huang Quan record the achievements of those who made military exploits.Then, he sent an order to go down to provide extra meals for the soldiers.He himself also summoned the generals to hold a celebration banquet.

However, Zhang Fei still really appreciates Lu Xun today.He used Xu Sheng to set up an army formation outside his camp, which was tantamount to adding an insurance against his possible defeat.Moreover, Xu Sheng's army did play a role at the last moment, almost completely neutralizing the impact of Zhang Fei's army on the Jiangdong Army camp.

So, after the dinner party, Zhang Fei was not drunk.Because, now he needs to have a clearer mind to evaluate the combat effectiveness of the Jiangdong army in Lu Xun's hands.

After Zhang Fei made some comparisons before and after, he found that the combat effectiveness of Lu Xun's current army had obviously declined.

Zhang Fei thought about it until late at night, the moon had already risen in midair, and it was so quiet that only the frogs and crickets outside were still calling.

Zhang Fei felt that the reason for this was either Lu Meng's death, which had a great impact on the morale of the Jiangdong Army. How could it be possible for the army to retreat in such a hasty manner after persisting for such a short time?

However, the above two reasons are all tangled together, just like a knotted silk ball, it is very difficult to untie it completely.

Therefore, Zhang Fei can only come to one conclusion in the end: Maybe one of the above reasons actually exists.

Then, in the next ten days, Lu Xun continued to attack Zhang Fei, and both sides won and lost.However, Zhang Feijun has won more times.

At the same time, on the Yangtze River, the battle between Quan Cong's navy and the Jiangzhou navy led by Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng was still indistinguishable.

In Jiangling City, inside the Shizi's mansion, the moon is also rising in the east at this time, and the faint light is sprinkled on the plants and trees in the courtyard, as if a layer of transparent white wax has been painted on the leaves.

Liu Chan put down the watch in his hand and looked out the window. The table was full of all kinds of battle reports and intelligence constantly sent from the front.

Liu Chan felt a little strange about Lu Xun's slightly unusual behavior recently.He originally thought that it was reasonable for Lu Xun's new official to want to make contributions, so it was understandable to send troops to fight Zhang Fei.

However, why did Lu Xun order the Quan Cong navy in Lukou Port to attack?And judging from the current situation, the attack strength of Quan Cong's navy is significantly greater than that of Lu Xun's headquarters.

Liu Chan immediately took out the battle map of Jingzhou, frowning and looked at it.He knew that he had been preoccupied with the reconstruction of Nanjun recently, and now that Lu Xun had made such a change, Zhang Fei seemed to have no countermeasures for it.

Liu Chan originally trusted Zhang Fei a lot.At least, in the current period of silence, it means that everyone has begun to release a tacit understanding to each other: this battle has been fought so far, both sides are exhausted, and there is no need to continue to fight hard.

Therefore, Liu Chan has always felt that no matter how powerful Lu Meng or Lu Xun are, they are well aware of such a tacit understanding.They may be able to come up with some clever strategies to cause losses to Zhang Fei, but they are already powerless to change the current situation.

Therefore, if one of the two parties really wants to keep fighting, it will be extremely unfavorable for both parties.Because it's late summer and fall is just around the corner.At that time, Cao Wei will have sufficient food and grass preparations, and I don't know what big move he will make.

But at that time, if Jingzhou continues to fight against the Jiangdong Army, what will Cao Wei do if he suddenly sends troops?Who will benefit at that time?Of course there is only Cao Wei.

Whether it is the dead Lu Meng or Lu Xun who is in power, with the knowledge of the two of them, it is impossible for them not to see this.

Therefore, judging from such a general environment, Zhang Fei is very safe no matter what, and it is impossible to repeat the mistakes of Guan Yu.

However, now that Lu Xun's behavior is abnormal, Liu Chan has to pay attention to the war in the south again.

Early the next morning, Liu Chan got the front-line information: Lu Xun suddenly gave up Xiangtan City, crossed the Xiangshui River, and went to Changsha!
Faced with such a piece of news, Liu Chan was really a little confused.He immediately took out the map and looked at it over and over again for a long time, but he couldn't figure out why Lu Xun gave up Xiangtan, the most important stronghold west of Xiangshui River!

Liu Chan felt a taste of conspiracy.In fact, as long as it is on the battlefield, it is full of conspiracy all the time.It's just that Lu Xun's conspiracy is even more serious this time.

Liu Chan immediately summoned Mi Fang, Yu Jin, and even Liao Hua, Gai Meng, and Meng Xi who had been outside the city to rectify their armaments were also called into Jiangling City.However, Shi Guangyuan, the military commander of the Zhenjun, and others are still far away in the camp of Zhijiang, so they can't quench their thirst far away, so they haven't been notified for the time being.

After the generals entered the living room and took their seats one by one, Liu Chan didn't want to waste time, so he stood up from his seat and walked down the middle hall, where a battle map had already been hung up.

Liu Chan took a small wooden stick from Zhuge Qiao's hand, combined with the latest information he got, and introduced the current situation:
According to the latest information, Lu Xun has now led his army across the Xiang River.After reinforcements, its strength is now between [-] and [-].In addition to focusing on defending Changsha City, the Jiangdong Army has also strengthened its armaments in various counties along the Xiangshui River. Several cities echo each other and have formed a new line of defense.

If the Jiangzhou army crosses the river to attack one of these points, it will inevitably lead to encirclement counterattacks from other places, and it can be said that it will affect the whole body.

Liu Chan finally asked: "What do you guys think about this?"

The faces of the generals suddenly became very dignified.They also got a lot of news about the front line. At first, they still underestimated Lu Xun, but now, after hearing what Liu Chan said, they all realized how powerful Lu Xun was.

As for who can see why Lu Xun made such a layout, it's probably hard to say.

Mi Fang seemed to want to perform again because she performed well during the battle in Jiangling City.He immediately spoke first and said, "Your Majesty, since Lu Xun has deployed his troops in this way, why not let General Zhang Fei divide his troops to attack in the same way? In that case, I see how Lu Xun's various cities will respond to each other? "

(End of this chapter)

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