Chapter 582
Now that Liu Chan felt that Yu Jin's views were correct, the next step was for everyone to start discussing how the Jiangzhou Army should deal with Lu Xun's counterattack.

In fact, Liu Chan did have a certain strength now, and he supported the Jiangzhou Army's operations as quickly as possible.

In Xiangyang City, the two brothers Guan Xing and Guan Suo are already gathering and training the army.Their army will break through the Xiangshui River as quickly as possible according to the battle plan Liu Chan made for them before, and then occupy the newly established Tuntian Xiaowei area in Lejin.Then, the people will help the army grab Cao Wei's food as quickly as possible, and retreat back to Xiangyang City as quickly as possible.

So although the scope of such an operation is not particularly large, it still requires a strong backup army to prepare.Otherwise, once the Guan brothers fail in battle, Xiangyang will suffer next.Therefore, this support army is to help the Guan brothers hold the Xiangyang area firmly.

And this army is now ready to march westward to Xiangyang City in Zhijiang Camp.This army is equipped with a cavalry team of 6000 men and an infantry team of 6000 men.In fact, as long as this cavalry team is deployed along the Xiangshui River, Le Jin's army will never be able to cross the Xiangshui River.

Even, if the Guan brothers crossed the Xiangshui River and encountered danger, this cavalry team could immediately cross the Xiangshui River to help their army as quickly as possible.

However, the situation in southern Jingzhou is not developing according to Liu Chan's original expectation.Therefore, after discussion, everyone felt that it was time to change the purpose of this cavalry team.

The generals suggested to Liu Chan that this cavalry team should be recruited to fight in the south of Jingzhou, because the cavalry team has the highest mobility.No matter how quickly Lu Xun's war arrangements are made, they can support Zhang Fei's army immediately.

Then, they can draw another 5000 troops from Jiangling City. On the way, they can also join the troops who are working in agriculture.So when they arrive at the port, the infantry can gather at least 1 people.

In other words, the troops that the Jingzhou Army rushed to help this time can hit more than 6000 people.

As for Xiangyang City, Nanjun can only provide them with more infantry as a supplement.It's just that if it is handled in this way, the danger of the Guan brothers' sending troops will increase.

However, after discussion, everyone believed that even if the Guan brothers lacked the help of the cavalry, they could still rely on the infantry to firmly hold the front line of Xiangshui.

Even if the Guan Brothers' army was in danger in Nanyang County, at most they would get less.And this loss seems to be compensated from the Jiangdong Army.

Yu Jin had already told the generals earlier that the current combat area between the Jiangzhou Army and the Jiangdong Army was completely flat.It was almost autumn at this time, and if there was enough time, their army could attack quickly to keep the autumn-ripe farmland from being deliberately destroyed by Jiangdong's army.

And the land in the south of Jingzhou is very fertile, and the grain output should not be lower than that of Nanyang County, which was once known as the largest county in the world.

Therefore, under the balance of the two, Liu Chan feels that what is needed now is a matter of time, and then everything will become easier.

As a result, new combat deployments were immediately formulated.

The generals also ended the military meeting of the day, and got up to bid farewell to Liu Chan.

Before Yu Jin walked out of the Shizi Mansion's gate, he was called by Zhao Feng again.

Yu Jin felt a little funny, Shi Zi always seemed to like to send Zhao Feng to call him back when he was about to leave.Isn't that fun?
Yu Jin shook his head with a smile, and asked Zhao Feng with a smile: "Lieutenant Zhao, is your son looking for me to go back to discuss something?"

It was rare to see such a playful smile on Yu Jin's face, and Zhao Feng was immediately amused.Because he also remembered that recently he would always chase Yu Jin to stop him, and then take him back to see the prince.

However, Zhao Feng will not do that this time, he said with a smile: "General Yu, please forgive me. However, the last general did not come this time to tell you to go back to see the prince. The prince just asked the general to ask the general that you are fighting What was said at the meeting should be the result of long-term deliberation, right?"

Yu Jin nodded, and said without any concealment: "Yes, I have thought about it for a long time. During the period, I also wrote to Shi Guangyuan and asked him a lot of questions."

Zhao Feng nodded when he heard this, and a look of admiration suddenly appeared on his face.Then, he bowed his hands respectfully to Yu Jin, and said: "My son also asked the last general to express his gratitude on his behalf. Thank you General Yu for his wonderful combat explanation today."

A bright smile suddenly appeared on Yu Jin's face, and there seemed to be excitement on his always serious face.Then, Zhao Feng bid farewell to Yu Jin, turned around and went back to report to the crown prince.

Yu Jin looked at Zhao Feng's leaving back and nodded appreciatively.However, his praise was not for Zhao Feng, but for his son Liu Chan.Now he likes this elder son Liu Chan more and more. He has thought about many things very thoughtfully, and it is indeed a very comfortable thing to work with him.

Especially just now, the person who was clearly presiding over the meeting was Shi Zi himself.But after he spoke, maybe he felt that his ideas were not as brilliant as his own, so he handed over the small wooden stick that symbolized the chairing of the meeting to himself without hesitation.

Then, Shizi just stood beside him and became an audience. Like other generals, whenever he had doubts, he would ask himself questions without hesitation. He really didn't think of the question of maintaining his majesty.

Yu Jin couldn't help but compare Liu Chan and Cao Cao.The difference between the two is so great that it is almost impossible to compare them.

But Yu Jin believes that with the growth of the prince's generals, their future talents must surpass Cao Cao's!I'm afraid that at this time, no one has more right to speak than himself on this point.

So that night, Liu Chan issued three documents one after another, two of which were orders and one was a letter.

The two orders were given to Shi Guangyuan in Zhijiang County and Guan Xing in Xiangyang City.Liu Chan ordered Shi Guangyuan to stay in the Zhijiang camp to reorganize the army. As long as he was notified by Guan Xing, he would lead the army to Xiangyang City and help the Guan brothers to counsel military affairs; the order to Guan Xing was to let him postpone the crossing for a while. Jiang time, it is important to act safely.

That letter was, of course, addressed to Zhang Fei.Liu Chan informed Zhang Fei of the content of the battle meeting, hoping that he would not rush into the army, but wait to see if Lu Xun would really give up the defense on the front line of Xiangshui and continue to retreat.On his own side, he will immediately lead the army to support his battle.

In the end, Liu Chan told Zhang Fei earnestly that the battle in Jingzhou should indeed end sooner.Even if Lu Xun was stubbornly unwilling to end it, he would have to coerce him to end it.

The next day, Liu Chan began to issue a battle plan.

This time Liu Chan is determined to lead the army in person and serve as the commander himself.Recruiting Yu Jin to join the army, Gai Meng commanded the cavalry of 6000 men, with Xiong Ping and Meng Xi as deputy generals.This cavalry team can start across the river first, and rush to join the Jiangzhou army at the fastest speed.

Then, Liu Chan recruited Liao Hua to command all the infantry, and gathered the soldiers who rushed over along the way, with Liao Sheng as his lieutenant general.

(End of this chapter)

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