Chapter 583
Gai Meng, Xiong Ping, and Meng Xi, because they were in command of the 6000-strong cavalry, did not stay in Jiangling City any longer after receiving Liu Chan's call-up order, but set off immediately to go to Jiangling City first. The ferry of the Yangtze River in Jiangling City.

These three men did not go straight to Zhijiang camp to lead the army, and then transferred to the Yangtze River ferry.Because Liu Chan had already issued an order to the cavalry at the Zhijiang camp, telling them to set off immediately, go to the ferry to meet Gai Meng and the three of them, and then immediately boarded the boat and rushed to the front line.

Liu Chan himself will act with the infantry led by Liao Hua, and of course Yu Jin will also act with Liu Chan when he joins the army.

The reason why the infantry and cavalry did not start together was because the infantry moved more slowly.Moreover, it will take time for the troops assembled along the way to reintegrate, so their speed of action must be a lot faster than that of the cavalry. It is better to let the cavalry act first.

After Liu Chan rectified the 5000 troops in Wanjiangling City, a day had passed.He immediately took Liao Hua
Two days later, Liu Chan's men arrived at the Yangtze River Ferry in Jiangling City.At this time, almost all of Ge Meng's men and horses had crossed the river.Gai Meng immediately brought Xiong Ping and Meng Xi to meet Liu Chan, and everyone said goodbye to each other, and the three finally crossed the river.

By the time the 1 army around Liu Chan had finished crossing the river, another two days had passed.

At this time, Liu Chan suddenly received a letter from Shi Guangyuan.

After Liu Chan took it apart and looked at it, he was very surprised.Because in Shi Guangyuan's letter, he actually made a supplement to the forbidden strategy of using troops against Lu Xun.

Shi Guangyuan reminded Liu Chan in the letter that he knew all about Yu Jin's explanation, but there was one problem that Yu Jin ignored.That's what Quan Cong of Lukou Port is fighting fiercely with the Jiangzhou navy on the Yangtze River.

Why did Lu Xun want Quan Cong to make such a big fuss?The reason is probably that Lu Xun wanted to use Quan Cong to attract everyone's attention.Then, Lu Xun would secretly send troops to take the Yangtze River waterway, enter the Dongting Lake area, and log in near the south bank of Dongting Lake.

Judging from the current situation of the Jiangzhou Army, they are almost going to fight to the southern end of Jingzhou.In other words, the depth of the Jiangzhou army's rear has been stretched very long.

The current main force of the Jingzhou Army is actually still concentrated in the Nanjun and Xiangyang areas north of the Yangtze River.There are only two large-scale armies on the south bank of the Yangtze River:
One is in Wuling County.Since Wuling County had just been ransacked by the Wuxi Man, Liu Chan had to send his subordinate Xue Kang to lead a 4000-man army to defend;
The other branch is in Public Security City, with no more than [-] people.This army was actually newly recruited by Deng Ai, and the veterans had already been taken out by Deng Ai to join the war.Therefore, the combat effectiveness of this army in Public Security City is very weak.

In fact, the Jiangzhou Army also had garrison troops in Yiyang City, but in fact there were only 3000 people in it, which was enough to defend the city.

Shi Guangyuan listed these detailed data, nothing more than to tell Liu Chan that in such a vast area in the south of Jingzhou, the troops stationed by the Shu Han side are only 9000 people, and the distance between them is still very far. There is a lack of correspondence between them.

Therefore, Shi Guangyuan told Liu Chan that this is likely to lead to two fatal weaknesses:
First, Lu Xun can send an army to log in on the south bank of Dongting Lake, and first besiege Yiyang City with a small number of troops.Then, the enemy led the remaining troops deep into the southern hinterland of Jingzhou, directly cutting off the food road of the Jiangzhou army.At that time, the Jiangzhou Army must be caught in a dilemma.

Second, if Lu Xun's collection is big enough and he has enough troops to invest, his goal will not be just to target the Jiangzhou Army's food supply.Lu Xun's army will directly cross the Yuanshui River and rush to Xiangtan to occupy it with lightning speed.

At that time, combined with Lu Xun's strategy predicted by Yu Jin, the Jiangzhou Army will suddenly fall into an embattled situation.The roads of the Jiangzhou Army in all directions were completely cut off by the Jiangdong Army.At that time, the Jiangzhou Army will definitely have nowhere to go.

When Liu Chan saw this, his scalp was almost numb in shock.I used to think that Lu Xun used to lure Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou army to go deeper, and then sent an ambush from Liling to completely defeat Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou army in one fell swoop. This is already a very big finish.

Now according to what Shi Guangyuan said, Lu Xun actually wanted to completely encircle and wipe out the Jiangzhou army!
Moreover, judging from the situation stated in Shi Guangyuan's letter, it seems very reasonable.Because after Shi Guangyuan's supplement came, why Quan Cong's navy fought so hard can be well explained.

Liu Chan's reaction was quick, and he immediately thought that no matter whether the army's intention to attack from Dongting Lake was to keep an eye on Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army's grain road or Xiangtan City, he should first Destroy it!
Liu Chan continued to read Shi Guangyuan's letter.

Shi Guangyuan suggested to Liu Chan that since he had sent Gai Meng's cavalry to the front to support the Jiangzhou Army, Zhang Fei would not ignore their advice and attack the Jiangdong Army recklessly.Then, Liu Chan shouldn't have to rush to meet Zhang Fei too much.He can lead the infantry to wipe out the invading enemies near Yiyang City!

After seeing this, Liu Chan's eyes flashed, Shi Guangyuan really had a tacit understanding, which was exactly the same as what he was thinking now.

There is a piece of hills in the west of Yiyang City and south of Zishui.Although the terrain there is not very complicated, it should be barely enough for a simple ambush.In other words, Liu Chan should rush to Yiyang City as quickly as possible now, enter the hilly area west of Yiyang City first, prepare for an ambush in advance, and then wait for the enemy to appear.

After Liu Chan read Shi Guangyuan's letter, he couldn't help shouting for God's blessing.Yu Jin, and now Shi Guangyuan, all came out to give him advice, so that he could predict the enemy's opportunities in this war, which is really a very, very lucky thing.

Then, Liu Chan himself calculated various factors in the south of Jingzhou, such as the breadth of the territory and the number of his own troops, the route of the grain road, and the counterattack of Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army, etc., and the result was that Lu Xun sent If this army wants to complete the task, the number may reach 1 to [-] people.

This is a huge army. Lu Xun is currently in a tight situation on the front line, and it is absolutely impossible to transfer troops from there.

Liu Chan checked the battle map repeatedly by himself, and finally set his sights on Jiangxia, which is actually not far from Lukou Port.In other words, Lu Xun may be taking a risk. He is going to mobilize almost all the troops under the command of Han Dang stationed in Jiangxia to copy the Jiangzhou Army's rear!
Thinking of this, Liu Chan couldn't help laughing out loud.One of his ultimate strategic goals is Jiangxia County.If he wiped out Han Dang's army near Yiyang first, then as long as the Jiangzhou army takes down Xiajun, and then joins forces to go north and take down Puqi, then Jiangxia will not have to attack hard at all, there is already an empty city !

Thinking of this, Liu Chan was already extremely excited.

However, Liu Chan quickly thought of something.Although the [-] infantry team led by Liao Hua has a lot of troops, but to encircle and annihilate an enemy army with a number of more than [-], that is something only a god can do.

Therefore, Liu Chan immediately wanted to ask Zhijiang Daying to send more troops to his side.But after thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate.Now that I have dispatched an army of 6000 people from Nanjun, I have to leave Shi Guangyuan with troops to support the battle in Xiangyang City!

Therefore, Liu Chan had no choice but to set his mind on Wuling County.Liu Chan immediately issued a call-up order to Wuling County, and all the 4000 troops stationed there to defend against the Wuxi Man were sent to Yiyang to join him.In this way, coupled with the 3000 Jiangzhou Army stationed in Yiyang City, the total number of troops Liu Chan can use has reached 7000.

At that time, it should be enough to use these troops to encircle and wipe out Han Dang's troops.Even if there are really not enough soldiers and horses, it is entirely possible to severely damage Han Dang's army.

So Liu Chan immediately called Yu Jin and Liao Hua to explain the matter.Moreover, Liu Chan said that they must now change the battle plan again.

Liao Hua and Yu Jin were surprised.But after listening to Liu Chan's explanation, the two were relieved and agreed to Liu Chan's plan to ambush the enemy near Yiyang.

Therefore, Liao Hua immediately issued an order to the whole army to march towards Yiyang City as the commander-in-chief of the army.The whole army took action immediately.

Then, Liu Chan immediately issued a call-up order to Wuling County.Liu Chan ordered the army to set off for the vicinity of Yiyang City immediately after seeing his order. There must be no mistakes, otherwise it will be dealt with by military law.

The reason why Liu Chan gave the order in such a stern tone was because he was afraid that the army would deliberately delay him on the road because of the distance from Yiyang City and the hot weather.

(End of this chapter)

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