Chapter 584 Enemy Landing ([-])

When Liu Chan set off, he first called for the scout captain of the whole army, and asked him to immediately spread all the scouts in his hands to the surrounding areas towards the south bank of Dongting Lake.

These scouts actually have two functions: first, to monitor the situation on the south bank of Dongting Lake around the clock, and to monitor the movement of the enemy troops landing; Arrive secretly near Yiyang City.

Moreover, Liu Chan also gave the scout captain the power to report the information he has obtained to him at any time.It can be seen that Liu Chan now attaches great importance to the intelligence system.

Then, Liu Chan ordered Zhuge Qiao to activate all the secret agents hidden in Jingzhou and Jiangdong to help him collect information from multiple directions.

After Liu Chan assigned these tasks, he just mobilized his entire army to attack as quickly as possible.
Along the way, apart from rushing, Liu Chan and Yu Jin kept discussing about the front line and how to annihilate the enemy near Yiyang City.

When Liu Chan's troops had completed two-thirds of the journey, the scout captain finally brought him useful news, saying that his scout team had captured the spies sent by the enemy ashore to investigate intelligence.After they were interrogated, the information they received showed that the Jiangdong Army had indeed deployed a large army on the Yangtze River.

But it seems that out of secret needs, the spies sent by the enemy army came from Lukou Port. It is not known how many people there are in that army, and who is the leader of the army.

Liu Chan sighed secretly that the enemy army was very meticulous in their work.However, from these signs, it seems that it can be deduced that this army should be used to land on the south bank of Dongting Lake.

Yu Jin couldn't help sighing at this: "The enemy is hiding their whereabouts so secretly, it must be a bad person. My son, I think our army will speed up the march again, and seize the time to enter the hilly area west of Yiyang City."

Liu Chan nodded and said: "In that case, I will let General Liao Hua deliver the order!"

One day later, the intelligence spied by Zhuge Qiao's side in Jiangdong was finally sent to Zhuge Qiao.

After Zhuge sorted it out, he immediately came to report to Liu Chan.

Shi Guangyuan's guess was indeed correct, and Liu Chan's guess was indeed accurate.According to intelligence, this Jiangdong Army, which attempted to attack the Jiangdong Army's rear, was indeed used to copy the Jiangzhou Army's rear route.

This army really came from Jiangxia County, just as Liu Chan guessed. Once the time is right, they will find a place to land secretly on the south bank of Dongting Lake.The chief will be the veteran Han Dang, and the deputy will be Tai Shixiang, the son of Tai Shici.

After having this information, Liu Chan immediately sent it to Zhang Fei.After Zhang Fei saw the information, he didn't need Liu Chan to give him any advice, he should know what to do.

Two days later, Liu Chan's army finally arrived near Yiyang City.Lin Meng, the defender of Yiyang City, had already waited for Liu Chan's order to lead the defenders of Yiyang City to accept the leadership.Therefore, Lin Meng personally led someone to welcome Liu Chan into Yiyang City and live in the Yiyang City government office.

All the troops led by Liu Chan stayed in the hilly mountains west of Yiyang City.Liu Chan handed it over to Yu Jin and Liao Hua, and chose a favorable terrain to arrange it.

In fact, Liu Chan just felt nervous when he was on his way. After all, he didn't know the exact time when Han Dang's army landed.

Now that they have arrived at Yiyang City, everything seems easier.Liu Chan now has Yu Jin, a veteran of many battles, in his hands. Liu Chan may have to practice for a few more years before he can catch up with his combat experience.Therefore, Liu Chan's first thought was to hand over the army to Yu Jin, who joined the army, and Liao Hua, the chief general, to command the army.

What his son can do for them now can be said to have been done, so the next thing is to see what kind of battle Yu Jin and Liao Hua can fight for themselves.

Liu Chan was lying in a small pavilion in the courtyard of the Yiyang City Government Office, the western sky had been dyed an orange-red sky by the afterglow of the setting sun.

He couldn't help but feel very comfortable in his heart. A war with good generals is indeed relatively easy. He only needs to provide them with conditions, and then leave all the combat operations to them.

Thinking of this, Liu Chan couldn't help showing a smug smile on his face.The bright red light from the sky made his fair face also turn red.

At this time, Xia Houyun walked over quickly and saluted: "My son, there is news from the general that Captain Xue Kang's troops have arrived sixty miles away from the hill to the west of the city."

Hearing this, Liu Chan sat up immediately and said, "Convey my order to Xue Kang's subordinates, let him lead the army to find a hidden place and hide temporarily. He must wait until the battle on the hills west of the city begins before he leads the army to defeat Han Dang. The rear of the army is completely blocked!"

Seeing that Shizi is so energetic now, Xia Houyun couldn't help being a little stunned.Then, he immediately took the order and left. He didn't know if he was in a trance, and he almost fell when he went down the steps.

Liu Chan could only laugh it off, this Xia Houyun really lacked experience, he didn't even let him go to the front to kill the enemy, he was so nervous now.Liu Chan could only shake his head and smiled wryly.

Three days later, the scouts who were scattered on Dongting Lake to conduct enemy reconnaissance also received news that a large number of Jiangdong warships suddenly appeared at the mouth of Dongting Lake, and the enemy might be about to start action.

The judgment of the scouts was obviously correct.Because almost at the same day, Zhang Fei faced the enemy's defense line in the direction of Xiangshui, and some places began to show signs of retreating.All this shows that Adou's prediction of Lu Xun's trick is correct!
——Fortunately, even if A Dou informed me, otherwise, my army and I would all die here without a burial in the near future!
Zhang Fei couldn't help but trembled in his heart, and said that it was really God's blessing.

Then, Zhang Fei immediately sent the news here to Yiyang City.However, this news is actually of very limited help to Liu Chan, but it is extremely useful for judging the situation of this battle.

At this time, Liu Chan also sent all Lin Meng's troops out of the city to join Yu Jin and Liao Hua in the battle.

Another two days passed, and Han Dang's army finally landed on the south bank of Dongting Lake.

Out of security needs, Yu Jin sent Lin Meng to lead an army to meet the enemy.It is said to meet the enemy, but in fact it is to lure the enemy, and gradually lure Han Dang's army into the hills and mountains west of Yiyang City.

As for Lin Meng, as the guard of Yiyang City, the enemy must have already found out his identity, and it would be best to let him go out to lure the enemy.

At this time, a scout came quickly, stopped the horse in front of Lin Meng, and reported loudly: "Lieutenant Lin, the five thousand troops from the front of the Jiangdong Army have already moved over here, less than fifty miles away from our army! "

Lin Meng now has a full 5000 troops in the headquarters, and he is not afraid of the enemy's [-] troops, so he ordered: "Investigate again!"

The scout had to call directly, and immediately galloped away, not daring to delay for a moment.

At this time, Lin Meng ordered all the troops behind him to stop and rest.Then, Lin Meng called Yu Yuan, his lieutenant general, and Lin Meng asked him to immediately send someone to inform General Yu Jin and Liao Hua that the 1 front troops of Han Dang's army had arrived.It can be judged from this that Han Dang's army should have more than [-] troops.In other words, the number of Han Dang's men and horses may have exceeded Shi Zi's previous prediction.

After Yu Yuan promised, he immediately turned around and ran away to find someone to deliver the news.

(End of this chapter)

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