Chapter 585 Enemy Landing ([-])

Two hours later, Tai Shixiang's army was less than twenty miles away from Lin Meng's army.

Then Lin Meng called the herald and told the order: "Pass on my order. Today's battle with the Jiangdong Army is to defend the rear for General Zhang Feijun. I will take the lead! Let the army set off immediately!"

Lin Meng got on her mount again and urged all the men and horses under her to set off.Then, Lin Meng ordered his troops to march.

Tai Shixiang was not more than 30 years old, and his figure was not burly, but rather thin.This person doesn't look like a military general, but a Wen Sheng.In fact, this person is really a bit uncivilized and unmartial. His father Tai Shi Ci's martial arts has not even learned the third level.If it weren't for his father's shade, he wouldn't know how he would have survived in the Jiangdong Army.

Tai Shixiang's front team walked all the way, passing through many villages and towns, some of which were deserted due to the chaos of war, and some of which were still human, and there was no sign of fleeing in advance.After Tai Shixiang saw such a situation, his heart immediately settled down.Because this shows that the enemy did not know in advance that his army was coming, so that even the local residents did not notify them to retreat.

At this time, a scout galloped over and reported to Tai Shixiang: "General, the enemy's troops are found less than fifteen miles away from our army!"

"Oh?" Tai Shixiang suddenly recovered his energy and asked, "How many troops are there in the enemy army?"

The scout replied: "It should be between 4000 and [-] people."

Seeing the enemy army come so soon, it seems that the time for him to make a contribution has finally arrived.Tai Shixiang couldn't help being overjoyed, and shouted: "Okay, very good, now it's time for me to make meritorious deeds!"

Then, Tai Shixiang sent someone to the back to report the situation here to Han Dang.

Only then did Tai Shixiang give the order loudly, then the troops rearranged their formation and followed him to meet the enemy troops for a while.Tai Shixiang immediately led his men and killed Lin Meng in the direction where Lin Meng came.

When Tai Shixiang killed three or four miles away, Lin Meng could already see the billowing dust and smoke ahead, as well as the appearance of Jiangdong Army soldiers rushing to the front, which was really very powerful.

No, Lin Meng suddenly called the herald and ordered: "The whole army retreats!"

The herald was stunned.This Lieutenant Lin just now was proud to boost the morale of the army, and asked everyone to fight bravely to be the first to kill the enemy. Now that he has not contacted the enemy army, he will run away first?

Seeing that the herald didn't move, Lin Meng immediately gave him another order.Then, Lin Meng first turned his horse and rushed to the rear.

The herald was helpless, so he had to let his messengers pass on the order, and the 4000 people had to turn around and gallop towards the original road.

Tai Shixiang took the lead at this time and had already seen Lin Meng's army.

Seeing that Lin Meng's army retreated in such a desperate manner, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, thinking that Lin Meng's army was scared away by his momentum.

Tai Shixiang immediately ordered the army to quickly pursue the enemy.

During the retreat of Lin Meng's army, chaos seemed inevitable, and some scattered troops fell behind.

Facing these enemies, of course Tai Shixiang would not be polite, and immediately ordered the archery team to go over, and the arrows rained down for a while.People kept screaming and being shot.

Lin Meng was also walking around at this time, and from time to time organized troops to fight back against Tai Shixiang's army.But in order not to be entangled by the enemy, he had to grasp the degree of counterattack, and try to arouse Tai Shixiang's anger and run away. Lin Meng secretly sighed, the task assigned by General Yu Jin was really too difficult. It's even more thankless!
But Lin Meng's operation to lure the enemy was successful.Tai Shixiang was really furious when he saw that he couldn't catch the enemy in front of him no matter what, and sometimes he was bitten back.He didn't care about it, he just kept ordering to hunt down the enemy fiercely.

Soon, Tai Shixiang's army chased thirty miles away, leaving Han Dang's headquarters far behind, and even he was about to enter the hilly area west of Yiyang City, and he didn't even notice the change in the situation .

Yu Jin was standing on a mountain peak at this time.With a straight face, his expression was much more serious than usual, with his hand on his saber, he stared intently ahead.

In fact, Yu Jin was not in a hurry. He had already received information that Lin Meng's operation was successful, and that Tai Shixiang was leading an army to chase here.Therefore, the reason why Yu Jin seemed so serious was just a habit developed in the military over the past few decades.

Soon, scouts came to report to Yu Jin: "General Yu, the enemy troops have already begun to enter the mountains!"

Yu Jin nodded, called the herald over, and said, "Send a signal to the two generals Liao Hua and Liao Sheng that they must wait until all Tai Shixiang's troops have entered the encirclement before launching an attack!"

The herald looked at the old general Yu Jin in admiration, then immediately turned and left to tell his subordinates to send out the signal.

The formation of Tai Shixiang's troops at this time, it should be said that after entering the mountainous area, it has become scattered due to the road.

But Tai Shixiang was obviously not a famous general like his father Tai Shici, so he didn't realize it at all.He didn't even realize that he had led the army into a lowland in the mountains.It is surrounded by hills on all sides, forming a closed terrain, which is a dangerous place.

Usually, as long as he is a general who can fight, he usually tries his best to avoid entering such a terrain.They would rather take a longer detour than be ambushed in such a terrain.

However, Tai Shixiang obviously did not have such an awareness.He really led people straight into the low ground.

After all Tai Shixiang's troops entered the urn, countless flags of the Jingzhou Army suddenly appeared on the surrounding hills, and there was a loud cry of killing!
On the top of the mountain, on the edge of the cliff, and outside the forest, rows and groups of figures emerged from the places where they had ambushed before, and they waved their flags and shouted.

Tai Shixiang looked at the situation on the surrounding hills and knew that he was lured into the ambush by the enemy, so his face suddenly turned pale.

Tai Shixiang didn't have much combat experience, so he really panicked at this time.He could only think of retreating, and immediately ordered the army to retreat.

But this ambush was arranged by Yu Jin himself, how could Tai Shixiang run away so easily?

At this time, Liao Hua's headquarters began to move. They are now condescending and facing the side of Tai Shixiang's troops at the bottom of the valley.

"Rolling stone attack!" Liao Hua ordered loudly.These rolling stones were prepared by them when they were waiting for Han Dang's army to come over these days, and they were waiting for them to drink a pot when they came over.

Following Liao Hua's order, the soldiers pushed down the mountain with a huge rolling stone with a diameter of two or three meters that had been prepared.

There were bursts of rumbling sounds from the top of the mountain, and dozens of large rolling stones rolled down from the mountain as if roaring.

After they overwhelmed the bushes distributed along the way, they jumped up. After jumping a few more times on the hillside, they resumed their rolling and rushed into the frightened enemy soldiers and horses running down the hill. .

After the first wave of rolling stones, Yamashita didn't know how many enemies were crushed into meatloaf, but he saw a huge blood-red mark being dragged out on the ground.Beside the traces, there are still many corpses that can no longer move, obviously the corpses of people who were knocked into the air by rolling stones.

However, some Jiangdong troops were relatively lucky, but they were crushed by rolling stones.But these people are definitely doomed in this life, and they will become disabled if they don't die.

Liao Hua was already accustomed to such killing scenes, so he passed on the order in a very cold blood, telling the soldiers to continue to launch rolling stones, completely crushing the enemy's confidence.

As the second wave of rolling stones was pushed down, there was another loud rumbling sound on the mountain.

The Jiangdong army is already in a daze now. Tai Shixiang is indeed not expected to be a general and lead an army to fight. His mental state is almost on the verge of collapse.He just looked up at the behemoths rolling down from the mountain one by one, and let out a horrified cry, not knowing that he should look for a favorable place to reorganize the rebels to break through.

Therefore, facing such an incompetent general, the Jiangdong Army could only disperse in a hurry, and all scattered and fled.

Run, run quickly, this is the only thought in the hearts of the entire Jiangdong Army.

As a result, countless Jiangdong soldiers rolled or crawled, rushed or squeezed, or used their hands and feet, or dragged them alive. In short, they did everything possible, exerted the survival instinct of human beings, and desperately headed towards the original path when they came. flee away.

The situation under the general Yu can be seen clearly.He immediately asked the herald to send a signal to Liao Sheng's troops, and asked Liao Sheng to lead his army to block the retreat route of Tai Shixiang's army.

On Liao Hua's side, the tumbling boulder was still running rumblingly along the mountain, pressing down on the enemy soldiers and horses down the mountain, leaving a huge trace full of blood on the ground!
After Liao Sheng waited for the signal, all the men and horses who had been recharging their energy for many days rushed out from their hiding places, completely blocking the retreat of Tai Shixiang's army.Then, Liao Sheng led the army and launched a fierce attack on Tai Shixiang's defeated army.

Seeing that Liao Sheng had already engaged the enemy, Liao Hua immediately sent an order to stop the rolling stone.Then, he ordered the army on the mountain to rush down the hillside and completely annihilate the enemies below!

Seeing this, Yu Jin once again asked the herald to issue an order to Lin Meng's army who had lured the enemy, and Lin Meng immediately led the army to turn around and attack Tai Shixiang's rear!

(End of this chapter)

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