Chapter 586

The number of Han Dang's troops was about 6000, and the distance from Tai Shixiang's front troops was only a dozen miles away. Their marching speed was not very fast.

But when he heard the news from Tai Shixiang that Tai Shixiang had led the troops from Yiyang City who had come to stop him, he probably had already chased dozens of miles away.

Rich military combat experience told Han Dang that Tai Shixiang might be in danger if he attacked so recklessly.Therefore, Han Dang immediately ordered the army to speed up and catch up with Tai Shixiang's front troops.

Yu Jin had already dispatched a large number of scouts to monitor the movements of Han Dang's headquarters.These scouts in Han Dang's headquarters will come to report the situation to Yu Jin every time they advance a mile.Yu Jin has a clear grasp of the movements of Han Dang's headquarters.

When he was three miles away from the western hills of Yiyang City, Yu Jin finally couldn't help showing a very faint smile on his face. He had been holding the right hand of the sword tightly, and let go of the hilt for the first time.

Han Dang's marching speed at this time, from the previous extremely fast, then slowed down.

In fact, when Han Dang approached the hilly area, he had already received a report from the scouts, saying that Tai Shixiang had entered the hilly area.

Han Dang's heart trembled at the time, knowing that Tai Shixiang might be caught in the trap.So, without hesitation, Han Dang once again led his army to chase outside the hills and mountains.Then, he didn't even need scouts to report back, he could vaguely hear the sound of fighting coming from the mountain.

However, Han Dang is a general with rich experience in marching and combat. Knowing that Tai Shixiang was caught in the trap, he still didn't immediately send troops to rescue Tai Shixiang.Because, since the enemy has counted on Tai Shixiang, it is impossible to ignore Tai Shixiang's own, which has a larger number of troops behind Tai Shixiang!

Therefore, Han Dang immediately sent an order to reorganize his own troops, and allocated 3000 troops to protect his two wings tightly.His purpose of doing this, of course, is to prevent enemy troops from rushing out from both sides and destroying his main formation.

Therefore, as long as the two wings are protected safely, Han Dang will then lead the army to slowly march towards the mountainous area, taking a step-by-step strategy to break the encirclement of the enemy army and rescue Tai Shixiang's troops.

In fact, Han Dang's plan should be said to be very cautious and correct.Therefore, when Yu Jin heard that Han Dang's men were staying outside the mountain and refused to go into the mountain to save people for the time being, he immediately admired Han Dang.A veteran is a veteran. Although his temper is still relatively irritable, he is still much more stable than young people using soldiers.

However, it's not that Yu Jin has no way to deal with this—even if you, Han Dang, don't enter the mountain, can I have nothing to do with you, Yu Jin?

Yu Jin immediately summoned the herald and asked him to immediately issue an order to Liao Sheng's men and horses who blocked Tai Shixiang's army, telling them to get out of the way immediately, to make way for Tai Shixiang's troops, so that they can rush out of the encirclement!

At this time, Tai Shixiang's troops should be said to have been completely disintegrated, many people had been captured and killed, and there were probably only 3000 people who were still in a state of resistance.

But why did General Yu let the three thousand enemy troops go?The herald felt very puzzled in his heart.However, as a herald, his main duty is to convey the commander's order to the troops everywhere, not to inquire or question the commander's order, otherwise the strictest military law must be to punish himself of.

The herald immediately took the order and left.

When the scouts came to report that Han Dang's troops had arrived two miles outside the hill and started to regroup, Liao Sheng followed Yu Jin's order and opened a path for Tai Shixiang's troops to rush out of the encirclement. way of life.

Tai Shixiang was overjoyed when he saw the situation, and couldn't help but look up at the sky, thanking God and his father Tai Shici for the blessing of the spirit in heaven, so that he didn't let him die here!
Tai Shixiang was so excited that he yelled and rushed out towards the intersection where he came.The scattered soldiers around regrouped and rushed out after Tai Shixiang.

Yu Jin randomly sent orders to ignite multiple beacons on the top of the mountain.Soon, a jet-black column of black smoke that was blown a little slanted by the wind in the mountains rose into the sky.

Seeing this, Liao Hua and Liao Sheng immediately led their troops to the north and southwest along the mountain.Their two armies will then go around the mountain road for about ten miles, and then attack out on the flanks, encircling the armies of Han Dang and Tai Shixiang again.

However, Lin Meng's troops were used to lure the enemy before, and then participated in the battle against the enemy. The soldiers were very physically exhausted.Therefore, Yu Jin asked the herald to send someone to notify Lin Meng, and asked him to lead some people to immediately block the intersection into the hilly mountains, and the rest of the troops were sent out to wipe out the remaining enemies in the ambush circle.

In fact, not only the three troops of Liao Hua, Liao Sheng, and Lin Meng received the news of the wolf smoke, but also the fourth army - Xue Kang's 4000-strong army, also saw it at this time.

Xue Kang's troops have been lurking tens of miles away according to the order.However, after learning the news that Han Dang's army had landed from Dongting Lake, Yu Jin had already issued an order to Xue Kang to secretly move the army to the west of Yiyang City's western hills and hide twenty miles away.

Then, once Han Dang's troops came around his ambush site, Xue Kang's troops could not launch a surprise attack, but secretly followed behind Han Dang's troops, waiting for Yu Jin to issue him a combat order.So at this time, Xue Kang's troops had already arrived three miles behind Han Dang's troops, completely cutting off the retreat of all Han Dang's troops, and they were still advancing towards Han Dang's troops at high speed!
Han Dang should be said to have no knowledge of the situation behind him.The scout team he scattered in the rear had already been killed by Xue Kang, or they were completely isolated. Without access to Han Dang's troops, they would no longer be able to provide information for Han Dang.

What's more, Han Dang is still quite nervous now, all his attention is focused on rescuing Tai Shixiang's troops, and it is difficult to be distracted to take care of the situation behind him.

Just when Han Dang was preparing his troops urgently, a group of chaotic figures suddenly appeared in the direction of the entrance of the mountain, raising a lot of smoke and dust.Looking at its formation, this should be an army that rushed out.

Han Dang's heart trembled, secretly guessing that Tai Shixiang's troops had been completely wiped out by the enemy, and the enemy came out of the mountain to continue fighting with his troops, right?

If this is really the case, Han Dang feels very incredible in his heart.Because according to previous intelligence, within a hundred miles of the surrounding area, there is only a [-] Jiangzhou Army with combat effectiveness stationed in Yiyang City.

Even if the defenders of Yiyang City will fight again and ambushed Tai Shixiang's 4000 troops with 6000 troops, it is impossible to defeat Tai Shixiang's troops in a short time, let alone completely annihilate them. up!
This is also one of the reasons why Han Dang was able to calmly reorganize the army outside the mountainous area, trying to go into the mountain step by step to rescue the troops of Tai Shixiang.

Therefore, seeing an army rushing out of the mountain at this time, Han Dang's first thought was: enemy army!But where did the enemy find so many troops to destroy Tai Shixiang's troops?

However, there is little time left for Han Dang to think now.Han Dang immediately ordered the troops at the front of the army to spread out to both sides to avoid being attacked by the enemy.Then, Han Dang ordered the archers to come forward and prepare to strike the enemy at random.

It seems that Han Dang is still relatively cautious now, adopting the principle of putting defense first.He also wanted to observe the situation of the enemy army first, after all, he was not so clear about the situation of the enemy army now.

After the "enemy army" approached, Han Dang's men suddenly found out that the troops that went out of the mountain were not Jiangzhou Army, but were all wearing the uniforms of Jiangdong Army!

In other words, Tai Shixiang has now successfully broken through.

Han Dang was overjoyed, because this is enough to show that the number of enemy troops is actually very small, and it should be the 4000 Jiangzhou army stationed in Yiyang City, so even the 6000 troops under Tai Shixiang's troops couldn't besieged. .

Han Dang immediately sent an order to the whole army to disarm.

But to Han Dang's surprise, Tai Shixiang's men and horses ran for their lives in a hurry, fearing that there would be pursuers coming from behind.Therefore, when they saw Han Dang's men and horses, they didn't make any cheers. On the contrary, they just continued to run away with their heads buried.

As a result, Tai Shixiang's army quickly began to contact Han Dang's army formation, impacting the formation of Han Dang's headquarters.

When Han Dang saw this, his face turned livid with anger.He had no choice but to convey the order to let the soldiers step forward to intercept the rebels.

However, something happened that surprised Han Dang even more.

Xue Kang's troops had already arrived behind Han Dang's headquarters, and immediately charged towards Han Dang's headquarters.

When Han Dang heard a loud shout of killing coming from behind, he immediately turned his horse's head to look.His big eyes suddenly widened, and it turned out that the visitor was a large army in Jingzhou uniforms!
But where did this Jingzhou army come from!The nearest public security city is still hundreds of miles away!So does it mean that my previous guess was still wrong, and the enemy may have more than 4000 people!

Han Dang's expression suddenly became even uglier.His front army formation was now being attacked by his own people, and the enemy's surprise troops followed behind him, and the situation suddenly became very bad.

Han Dang had no choice but to immediately order someone to look for Tai Shixiang, hoping that he would gather up his defeated soldiers as soon as possible, and stop rushing into the formation like this.

Then, Han Dang ordered that the rear of the entire army turn around and counterattack the enemy.Now that his retreat has been cut off by this army, it seems that only by defeating them can he retreat safely.

Han Dang's troops randomly started a fierce battle with Xue Kang's troops.

Not a moment later, Han Dang's people finally found Tai Shixiang who had been shot in the shoulder by Drift, and got accurate information that the number of enemy troops surrounding him was probably tens of thousands!

(End of this chapter)

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