Chapter 587

Han Dang was dumbfounded immediately.Because the news from Tai Shixiang was absolutely fatal to Han Dang.Because this means that the situation he thought was fairly safe may now be surrounded by the enemy.

Han Dang is really in a hurry now, he doesn't want to bury this huge army of tens of thousands of people here all at once!

Han Dang immediately passed on the order, don't care about defeating Xue Kang's troops, just make a gap in Xue Kang's troops to ensure that the troops can break through.

Han Dang absolutely didn't dare to think about the bright future of taking Yiyang City and sealing off Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army.All he thought about now was that he was lucky to be able to lead his army to escape to Dongting Lake from here.

Therefore, Han Dang launched the most violent attack against Xue Kang's troops next.Xue Kang's numbers were relatively small, and the army gradually became overwhelmed.

After Yu Jin got the news, he had to order Lin Meng's army to come out of the mountain and attack Han Dang's army from both sides.But Lin Meng's army is small, only 2000 people, and it is a tired army, so it can only play a diversionary role and temporarily reduce the pressure on Xue Kang's troops.

However, Xue Kang was indeed desperate, and finally even his own guards were thrown into the battle, and he was also in the front, with many wounds already appearing on his body.

After Xue Kang persisted for more than an hour, the men of Liao Sheng and Liao Hua finally appeared.Immediately, their troops dispersed and surrounded Han Dang and Tai Shixiang's entire troops.

Since then, the encirclement has finally been completed.

An hour later, the sky was getting late, and the battle was finally over.After all, Han Dang and Tai Shixiang succeeded in breaking through with three to 4000 people. This is mainly because the number of Shu troops participating in the battle is still relatively small, otherwise Han Dang's troops will definitely be wiped out.

When Yu Jin came out of the mountain and rushed to the battlefield outside the mountain, he saw a mess everywhere, blood-stained flags, all kinds of broken long and short weapons, and countless corpses of soldiers on both sides of the enemy and us. dropped on the ground.

Yu Jin sighed, maybe he was really old, or because he had experienced too many things, his fighting spirit began to weaken.He used to watch scenes like the one in front of him with a strong sense of excitement, but now it seemed that his mood suddenly became a little depressed.

Yu Jin called the herald and asked him to send someone to call Xue Kang over.In this battle, Xue Kang contributed a lot.

Later, after an inventory, the results of this battle were very good: a total of 4000 enemy troops were eliminated and 2000 were captured. The whereabouts of the rest of the enemy troops are unknown, and they should have fled to surrounding areas.

However, Liu Chan's side was not without losses. There were nearly 500 casualties and 800 dead, of which 1000 were from Xue Kang's troops.

Xue Kang's troops only had 4000 people, and they lost one-third of them all at once, which shows how fierce their blocking battle was at that time.

Liu Chan got Yu Jin's command and successfully wiped out a large number of Han Dang's troops. After Han Dang fled in a hurry, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Soon after, Yu Jin brought Xue Kang to meet Liu Chan.

Xue Kang really hadn't seen the prince for some days, he was very excited, and immediately stepped forward to salute Liu Chan.

Knowing that Xue Kang had made great contributions this time, Liu Chan was also very happy, so he praised Xue Kang a lot.Then, Liu Chan asked about the situation of Han Dang's remnants.

Yu Jin replied: "My lord, the last general has ordered General Liao Hua to lead his army to continue the pursuit. I believe that General Liao Hua will definitely drive Han Dang's remnants back to Dongting Lake. Moreover, after this big defeat, I believe that the short The Jiangdong Army has no more troops in the time, and it can be used for another landing operation!"

Hearing this, Liu Chan couldn't help but burst out laughing.He immediately sent an order to reward the three armies in Yiyang City tonight.

That night, Liao Sheng returned with his army.The next task of his troops is to clear the ceramic Jiangdong soldiers around and help Lin Meng's troops clean up the battlefield.

However, because Liao Hua's men had to chase all the way to Dongting Lake, they would not be able to return until at least the next day.But it doesn't matter if there is no Liao Hua, Liu Chan immediately held a banquet in the Yamen of Yiyang City, rewarded the generals who had contributed a lot, and then asked Zhuge Qiao to hurry up and send out documents of victory to all parties.

At noon the next day, Liao Hua's headquarters finally returned.They achieved some more results during the pursuit, and then fought against Han Dangyong's broken army at the Dongting Lake, annihilating the 1000-man army, but they could only watch helplessly. Han Dang and his troops were picked up by Quan Cong's warship.

Liu Chan immediately made a great contribution to Liao Hua, and asked him to go back and have a good rest.

Since time is very urgent now, it is impossible for Liu Chan's men to stay in Yiyang City any longer.Therefore, Liu Chan asked Xue Kang's troops to stay in Yiyang City to rest, and to monitor all movements of the enemy troops on the south bank of Dongting Lake at all times.

In other words, Xue Kang will now lead his troops to temporarily station in Yiyang City, and there is no need to go back to Wuling County to garrison Wuxi Man.As for Wuling County, Liu Chan had already asked Nan County for help and asked Mi Fang to send an army to station there.

Then, Liu Chan will take Yu Jin and Liao Sheng to lead his troops, leave Yiyang City, and go straight to Xiangtan to join Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army.

And because Liao Hua's headquarters had just returned, Liu Chan agreed to let them stay in Yiyang City for another day of rest, and set off after a day.

In the direction of Xiangtan, the 6000-man cavalry unit commanded by Gai Meng has arrived in Xiangtan for more than two days.

Of course, Zhang Fei welcomed Liu Chan's reinforcements very much, not to mention that this was a "super-large" cavalry unit.In fact, as far as Zhang Fei knew, the scale of the cavalry that came over was unmatched by anyone in the entire Shu Han regime.

As a result, when Gai Meng led the cavalry team to arrive, Zhang Fei was too excited, and also because he couldn't bear the urgent curiosity in his heart, he actually led the future to meet Gai Meng's three generals.

When Zhang Fei watched the road ahead slowly approaching, when the colorful war horses were reflected in the bright sunshine, the excitement in his heart could of course be seen.

The speed of the horses of the cavalry team had already slowed down three miles away, and now all the men and horses were assembled into three army formations, and the sinking products were distributed in a font.

These three army formations were led by Gai Meng, Xiong Ping, and Meng Xi respectively. Gai Meng's headquarters was in the front, and Xiong Ping's and Meng Xi's troops protected the flanks on both sides.

At that time, seeing such a spectacular scene, although Zhang Fei's generals were used to seeing big scenes, they were still quite shocked in their hearts.

Zhang Fei even suddenly had a premonition in his heart that the cavalry team sent by the prince to support him may become the main force of the three armies to fight against Cao Wei in the future.

Zhang Fei also had a premonition that with such an elite army in Liu Chan's hands, almost anyone's army in the Shu Han would no longer be his opponent.

From his side, there are constant news coming from Chengdu, saying that it is the Queen Wu of the King of Hanzhong. Since she gave birth to a boy, her arrogance has become quite arrogant recently. in camp.

It is said that Chen Zhi, who was caught by the prince for violating the law and discipline, and was ordered never to use him after being dismissed, has also joined the Wu family's camp.It is said that in order to re-appoint Chen Zhi, people from the Wu family are now helping him desperately lobbying various officials of Dongcao.

What was even more surprising was that Ma Su and Ma Youchang, who had been dismissed by the crown prince along with Chen Zhi, were treated lightly because the crown prince cared about his elder brother Ma Liang.But it is said that this person, because of his relationship with Chen Zhi, has faint signs of joining the Wu family camp.

However, for these news, Zhang Fei certainly believed that Liu Chan should have known about them a long time ago.

In addition, Liu Chan now controls all the armed forces in Jingzhou, and even the Guan brothers are devoted to him, and his power can be said to be at the height of the sky.In addition, Liu Chan also participated in the war against Cao Wei and this time against Jiangdong, and his achievements are really great.

Coupled with the support of the Jiangzhou Army in his Zhang Fei's hands, Zhang Fei believes that, let her Wu's dance in Chengdu, and when the war here is over and A Dou returns to Chengdu, As long as you stretch out a finger lightly, you can crush all the forces Wu has worked so hard to organize like a flea.

After thinking of these, Zhang Fei's heart really felt better immediately.

But when he saw that the general who led this huge cavalry team stood out from the crowd, he turned out to be a tall, but very fair general, he couldn't help being stunned.

Zhang Fei couldn't help but have some doubts. Could it be that the general in front of him is Gai Meng, who is said to be a brave fighter?This person should not be called Gai Meng, he should be called Gai Wen!This person's appearance is completely opposite to my black Zhang Fei!

Moreover, Zhang Fei had heard about the matter between Gai Meng and Zhang Bao, and it was impossible for Zhang Bao not to know Gai Meng.So, he immediately called Zhang Fei to inquire, and got Zhang Bao's confirmation that this person was Empress Gai Meng.Zhang Fei couldn't help feeling a little happier.

At this time, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi, like Gai Meng, stopped their respective formations at the same time, and then rushed to Gai Meng's side.

The three of Gai Meng were surprised and honored that Zhang Fei would come out to greet them in person.A leading general and two lieutenants had just left the main force and came to see Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei actually greeted the three of them very kindly.Such a scene immediately made Zhang Bao very dissatisfied.And Deng Ai was actually a little uncomfortable in his heart.His own army was the first under Shizi's to come to support the Jiangzhou army. At that time, Zhang Fei didn't come out to welcome him so enthusiastically!
This is the scene of the cavalry team that Zhang Fei greeted Gai Meng at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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