Chapter 589
War is all about dominance.At that time, not only will your army not be able to control the dominance of how much it will lose, how can it control the dominance of victory?
When the generals heard what Deng Ai said, they all exclaimed.They also understood the meaning of Deng Ai's words.Huang Quan's combat arrangement, on the one hand, entails relatively high risks; on the other hand, it is easy to put one's own army into a passive position.

When Deng Ai said this, it seemed that he still had something to say.

In fact, Deng Ai felt in his heart that since he had said everything to this point, he was not afraid of offending Huang Quan.Therefore, Deng Ai continued to make the third point.

The problem with Huang Quan's arrangement is still that all the main forces have been put into the defense of the Jiangdong Army's four points.This means that our own forces are too concentrated, which is actually in the hands of Lu Xun.

Lu Xun is now fighting very close to the mainland of Jiangdong.If he is ruthless enough, in order to win this battle, he will continue to mobilize various resources from the mainland. It can even be said that if he wants to win even if Yangzhou is drained, then even if the Jiangdong Army doubles the reinforcements, They will all be defeated by Lu Xun in the area east of the Xiangshui River.

The reason why Deng Ai emphasized so exaggeratedly is just to explain that Huang Quan is now concentrating all his troops into the enemy's encirclement. Once the enemy really has enough resources, his own side will regret it.

Huang Quan didn't expect that Deng Ai would describe the plan he had thought out like this, and he immediately felt a little overwhelmed.But he wouldn't do anything to Deng Ai, he just felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.After all, what Deng Ai said was quite reasonable.

Therefore, Huang Quan had no choice but to ask: "Then Colonel Deng, what good strategy do you have here?"

Deng Ai cupped his hands to Huang Quan and said: "Huang Canjun forgive me, the last general just said so many words in a flash."

Huang Quan waved his hand, and said with a little embarrassment: "Lieutenant Deng, don't worry about this matter, you can talk about your own plan."

Deng Ai nodded and said: "Actually, since we all learned of Lu Xun's plan to encircle and wipe out our army on the east bank of the Xiangshui River, it is enough to show that Lu Xun's purpose is very clear, and there are only two."

Deng Ai laid out Lu Xun's two goals:
Lu Xun's first goal was to stop the war with war.

In fact, Lu Xun's purpose is exactly the same as Liu Chan's.Now both sides are tired of the Jingzhou war that has lasted for more than half a year, and both want to strike for peace.

But the problem is that neither side is willing to seek peace in a defeated posture.

Especially on Liu Chan's side, Guan Yu was killed by Jiangdong's army, and he was determined not to be defeated again to seek peace, or to take the initiative to send someone to Jiangdong to seek peace.Then, the only way left for Liu Chan is to force the Jiangdong people to take the initiative to sue for peace with the victory of force.

But Jiangdong people also have their own considerations.They were the invaders of Jingzhou, and they dispatched a large number of troops this time. As a result, they were completely defeated in Nanjun, and more than half of the famous generals were lost.

Then, almost all the territory that the Jiangdong army had previously conquered was lost, and the battle line retreated again and again, almost reaching the mainland of Jiangdong.Therefore, whether it is the lord Sun Quan, or anyone who is in the position of the commander-in-chief of the three armies, even if this person is not Lu Xun, he must win a victory to give an explanation to the people of Jiangdong.

Then, the Jiangdong Army can take this victory and also force the Jingzhou Army to cease fighting.Because at that time, the Jingzhou Army will lose the support of the Jiangzhou Army, and it will be almost impossible to continue to fight against the Jiangdong Army.Reaching peace between the two sides is the best policy.

Therefore, Lu Xun's calculation is actually exactly the same as Liu Chan's.

Lu Xun's second purpose is more likely to be a by-product of the first purpose, which is to establish his prestige among the army through a large-scale victory and suppress opposing voices.

Therefore, for both public and private purposes, Lu Xun can actually ask Sun Quan to use various forces to fight the last battle with the Jiangzhou Army.

But since Lu Xun's thoughts on the Jiangzhou army are so vicious, if he wants to chop up the Jiangzhou army as a piece of fat on his meat board, then of course our own side should not just treat them like this!

Deng Ai's words immediately seemed to ignite the fuse of the explosive package, arousing the anger in the hearts of the generals again.Everyone suddenly became turbulent, especially Zhang Bao, shouting that Lu Xun should be cleaned up completely.

Zhang Fei saw that his big tent was so chaotic, it looked like a vegetable market, is this still plausible?He calmed everyone down.

In fact, Zhang Fei's emotions were also aroused by Deng Ai's deceptive words just now, and the anger in his heart also rose.

Zhang Fei asked Deng Ai: "Lieutenant Deng, since you think we should teach the enemy a good lesson, how should our army defeat the enemy?"

Deng Ai said: "General Zhang, I'm afraid this battle should not only defeat the enemy army, but give the Jiangdong Army another unforgettable defeat like the battle in Nanjun."

Hearing this, Zhang Fei couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face. The beard on his face moved, and he laughed loudly: "This is very much in line with the general's wishes. Captain Deng, tell me quickly!"

Deng Ai told Zhang Fei and the generals that it is indeed a necessary step to send a large force into the enemy's encirclement to attract the enemy's full attention.On this point, he and Huang Quan's views are completely consistent.

However, this large force should not be the entire force of the Jiangzhou Army, as long as two-thirds is almost the same.However, for this large force fighting across the Xiangshui River, it was definitely a very difficult battle.They must withstand at least the pressure from the enemy's Xia Jun, Wu Chang and Liu Yang.

Then, the remaining one-third of the troops can stay in Xi'an on the Xiangshui River as a reserve team on standby.Once the troops crossing the river are unable to resist, they will go up to support them with cameras.Even, when the situation is at its worst, this army can go to help its own army retreat smoothly.

Deng Ai's arrangement is indeed more prudent and safe.

Next, Deng Ai will talk about how to defeat the enemy.

Deng Ai believes that the key to defeating the enemy lies in the 6000-man cavalry team brought by Gai Meng.

Gai Meng's cavalry team can go south from Xiangtan, detour secretly to the area north of Liling and hide in secret.After the Jiangzhou Army crossed the Xiangshui River and started a war with the Jiangdong Army, the Jiangdong Army lurking in Liling must be dispatched to raid the Jiangdong Army's flank.And the enemy troops coming out of Liling were on the way, and it was time for Gaimeng's cavalry to wipe them out.

As long as Gai Meng's cavalry team wiped out this Liling army, Lu Xun's original perfect encirclement circle, together with Han Dang's troops in the rear of Xiangtan, would be wiped out, and two missing corners would be exposed!
The ambush circle that Lu Xun spent so much effort to set up was broken.

But in Deng Ai's view, this is just to destroy an enemy army, and the losses caused to the enemy army are not fatal enough!

When the generals heard the words, they all exclaimed in their hearts that this Deng Ai has such a big appetite!

Deng Ai then suggested that Gai Meng's cavalry team only need to severely injure the Liling troops, because this can already guarantee their invincibility.

Then, Gai Meng's cavalry team will make a considerable detour next.Gai Meng was able to lead his army to use the high mobility of the cavalry to attack Yangzhou in one fell swoop, take the road near Yichun to the north, and suddenly copied the rear of the two cities of Wuchang and Liuyang.

At that time, the situation will be completely reversed: it is not the Jiangdong army that is encircling and suppressing the army of Shu Han, but the army of Shu Han is encircling and suppressing the heavy troops they deployed in Wuchang and Liuyang.

After our own army captures Wu Chang and Liu Yang, they can suppress Xiajun, an isolated stronghold, with a large army.At that time, it will be impossible for the Jiangdong army to retreat into the Jiangdong mainland even if it does not retreat across the board.

At that time, Jiang Xia's army must have been wiped out by Shizi, and he is no longer able to defend. Taking it down should no longer be a problem.

Then, the last place everyone has to solve is Lukou Port.

When Deng Ai's words came to this point, there was a burst of cheers in the big tent.

It can be seen that what they agreed with might not be that Deng Ai's arrangement was superior to Huang Quan's, but that Deng Ai's previous words had aroused their anger towards the Jiangdong Army.

Inspirational words are sometimes scary, but sometimes they can also improve people's morale.

So, seeing everyone so excited, Zhang Fei actually felt his heart beat too.

Therefore, Zhang Fei temporarily shelved Huang Quan's previous plan, and asked the generals to start discussing whether there were any omissions in Deng Ai's plan.

After discussing for more than an hour, everyone made some small changes to Deng Ai's plan.Then, it will be handed over to Huang Quan, who joined the army, to make overall arrangements for the various configurations of the attacking troops.

Due to the great mission of this attack, there are a lot of troops dispatched, and the tasks assigned to each army are also very complicated, so Huang Quan had to suggest to Zhang Fei that it is impossible for a large army to start operations immediately.

In other words, Zhang Fei must give Huang Quan enough time before he can make all kinds of preparations and the armies under Zhang Fei's command can really move.

It can be seen that Huang Quan is not so easy to join the army.Almost all the arrangements of Zhang Fei's army require him to make the arrangements himself.Otherwise, no matter how brave Zhang Fei is, his army will not be able to move, so how can he go out to fight?
Zhang Fei is very familiar with military affairs, so of course it is impossible to forcefully ask Huang Quan to settle the matter immediately and let him lead the army across the Xiangshui River to fight tomorrow.

Zhang Fei asked Huang Quan, "Huang Canjun, how many days do you need to prepare to send troops?"

Huang Quan cupped his hands and said very solemnly: "It will take three days."

Zhang Fei nodded and agreed to Huang Quan's request.

Then, he turned to Gai Meng and said, "General Gai, your army has traveled a long distance, so you need to rest for two more days. Then, you can go south to the area north of Liling one day earlier."

Gai Meng immediately accepted Zhang Fei's order.

(End of this chapter)

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