The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 590 Deng Ai's Scheming

Chapter 590 Deng Ai's scheming ([-])

Not long after Gai Meng left Zhang Fei's big tent and returned to his own tent, Deng Ai suddenly came to him.

Ge Meng felt a little strange.This Xiaowei Deng is considered friendly to him, and he only met him a few times when he was in Jiangling City recently.

At that time, Shizi summoned a group of officers from Public Security City to Jiangling City for vacation, and saw them off at Changhu Lake a few days later.Deng Ai then took his troops into Dongting Lake on a warship of the Jiangzhou Army, forcing Lu Xun's troops to abandon Yuannan City.

Since then, Deng Ai's troops have been merged with Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou Army, and they have fought together until now.

Moreover, this Xiaowei Deng doesn't like to socialize with people on weekdays, so he doesn't know why he suddenly came to him.

But everyone is serving under Shi Zi's command now, and the number of times they will meet in the future will only increase.Therefore, Gai Meng immediately went out of the tent to welcome Deng Ai in.

After the two of them were seated, Deng Ai explained his reason for coming.It turned out that Deng Ai came to give gifts.

Gai Meng was even more surprised, and asked with a smile: "Lieutenant Deng, why did you give me a gift?"

Deng Ai smiled but didn't answer, he reached out and took out a roll of brocade from his sleeve pocket.Only then did he stand up from his seat, walked to Gai Meng's desk and spread out the brocade silk, revealing a detailed topographical map with the words "Liling" marked on the upper right corner .

Deng Ai just pointed to the topographic map and said: "This is the gift that the last general gave to General Gai!"

Guy smirked.Of course he knows that Deng Ai is definitely an expert among experts in matters of geography. In fact, he has always praised Deng Ai's talent.Moreover, as far as Gai Meng knew, most of the combat maps used by Shizi were provided by Deng Ai.

Therefore, since Deng Ai is willing to send the map in person, of course Gai Meng has no reason to refuse, and immediately thanked Deng Ai.What's more, this is also an opportunity to have a good relationship with Deng Ai.

Then, the two put aside the topographic map and the war for the time being, and then talked about the recent situation of the son.

Gai Meng has been staying by Liu Chan's side recently, and just separated from his son not long ago, so he has a better understanding of Liu Chan's current situation.

Gai Meng and Deng Ai chatted for about a quarter of an hour, and Deng Ai also felt that the matter was over and he should leave.

Only then did Gai Meng send Deng Ai out of his tent.

After Gai Meng returned to his tent, he couldn't wait to spread out the topographic map and began to watch it carefully.He is beginning to study how his cavalry should annihilate the enemy's strategy near Liling.

Previously, what Deng Ai expounded in Zhang Fei's camp should be a big strategy for the entire next battle.This strategy is mainly used to break through Lu Xun's corresponding arrangement.

However, Deng Ai did not elaborate at the time, between the entire Jiangzhou Army and the reinforcements of the Jiangzhou Army, how the troops should be deployed when attacking, and who should lead the army to take which route, which direction to attack, etc. .

These detailed arrangements are actually to be taught to Huang Quan, who joins the army, to make arrangements.Facing Zhang Fei's huge army of tens of thousands of people, if he wanted to arrange it properly, it would definitely be a very headache.That's why Huang Quan suddenly asked Zhang Fei to give him three days to make arrangements.

The situation on Ge Meng's side is slightly different.

His army is a large cavalry with a well-organized system.When he set off from Nanjun, the preparations had already been completed.In order for the cavalry team to go into battle as soon as they arrived at Zhang Fei, Shi Zi specially equipped him with two lieutenants as assistants.

Therefore, this time, Gai Meng alone led the army to break away from Zhang Fei's large army and go south. How to make combat arrangements to defeat the enemy army lurking in Liling territory, he has the right to make arrangements on his own.

Therefore, Deng Ai obviously knew the situation on Gai Meng's side, so he sent him this topographic map of Liling in such a timely manner, which saved the trouble that Gai Meng didn't know anything about the local terrain.

At this time, Gai Meng was very grateful to Deng Ai in his heart.

After watching carefully for a while, Gai Meng had a good understanding of the terrain in Liling.Although this place was once known as the throat of Chudong, it was an important point connecting Jingzhou to the south of Yangzhou and entering the northern area of ​​Jiaozhou.

But in fact, in this era, because Jiaozhou is located in the south, it is still an undeveloped place and a sparsely populated area, so there is almost no room for Liling to be used as an important hub.

What's more, Liling is not a plain area like other places.Most of the place here is hilly and mountainous, which is the west branch of the northern section of the Luoxiao Mountains, and the plains only occupy a small part.Moreover, in the small area of ​​Liling, there are actually three relatively large tributaries of the Xiangshui River: Lushui, Zhaoling River, and Jianjiang River.

After seeing this, Gai Meng frowned immediately. Such a hilly terrain, coupled with many rivers obstructing it, is obviously not suitable for cavalry operations.Moreover, how could such a large cavalry team of his spread out in such a terrain to attack the enemy?
Gai Meng suddenly became a little confused. Since Deng Ai is an expert in geography, it is impossible for him not to understand that it is difficult for the cavalry to deploy in Liling.But why did he so confidently suggest that his cavalry should use high-speed mobility to defeat the enemy in Liling in front of Zhang Fei?
This seems to be a very contradictory thing!And it can already be regarded as a very low-level mistake.

After that, Gai Meng didn't think about other things, but felt that the reason why Deng Ai sent him this topographic map uncharacteristically was probably to make up for the mistakes he made now.

So, after keeping Liling's topography in mind, Gai Meng wondered if he should ask General Zhang Fei to change the order of the battle and send him another mission?

But Gai Meng thought about it, and felt that this was really inappropriate. People might think that he was picking and choosing because he was an army from Shizi.

Since this matter was related to the entire battle situation, and his cavalry team of 6000 men, after thinking about it, Gai Meng had no choice but to send someone to summon the two lieutenants Xiong Ping and Meng Xi to discuss this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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