The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 591 Deng Ai's Scheming

Chapter 591 Deng Ai's Scheming ([-])

When Xiong Ping and Meng Xi learned that Deng Ai personally sent them a detailed topographic map of Liling, their first reaction was exactly the same as that of Gai Meng, and they were quite surprised.However, because there is indeed a lack of maps on my side now, the two of them couldn't help being grateful to Deng Ai.

However, when the two of them saw the topographic map, they were immediately dumbfounded.With such a terrain, if you go south from Xiangtan and then attack the enemy troops coming out of Liling, you still have to cross a Lushui River!Then, after crossing the river, it was still a low hilly land.What they are leading is a cavalry team, and it is a large cavalry team, how can it be used like this? !
Xiong Ping became angry at that time, and his gratitude to Deng Ai suddenly turned into anger, and he shouted: "What's going on? How can we go to fight in such a terrain! That Deng Ai arranged it like this, and he is What is Ann thinking?"

Xiong Ping's yelling actually said what Ge Meng didn't want to think in his heart: Deng Ai should be deliberately trying to set a trap for them.

Even a person like Meng Xi who was relatively calm at first frowned immediately after hearing Xiong Ping's words, and his complexion also became unsightly.

However, Meng Xi didn't say anything.Because he really couldn't figure it out, why did Deng Ai do this?Perhaps Deng Ai made an omission purely because he didn't pay attention?

Then, Meng Xi thought, the reason why Deng Ai sent them this topographic map was to make up for the mistakes he made earlier?

Gai Meng felt that no matter what purpose Deng Ai had for suggesting to Zhang Fei that his cavalry should attack Liling, it was not so important now.The most important thing now is how to properly handle this matter.

Therefore, Gai Meng waved his hand to Xiong Ping and said, "General Xiong, this is not the time to talk about these things. Regardless of whether Captain Deng made a mistake on purpose, he still sent us this topographic map."

Xiong Ping lost his temper again, and shouted: "Are we going to let it go like this? I'm upset, so I'll go to Deng Ai and see if I don't break all the limbs of that three-legged cat!"

As Xiong Ping said, he turned around and was about to walk out of the tent.Before Ge Meng could speak out to stop Xiong Ping, Meng Xi had already stood up from his seat, reached out and grabbed Xiong Ping's shoulder, and said, "General Xiong, now is not the time to do these things."

Meng Xi suddenly looked at Gai Meng, and really wanted to warn Xiong Ping about the turmoil that Gai Meng and Zhang Bao caused in Dangyang.Of course Xiong Ping is very clear about this matter.However, since Gai Meng was right in front of him, Meng Xi had no choice but to shut up.

Seeing Meng Xi grabbing his shoulder, Xiong Ping asked angrily, "Why are you grabbing me, let go!"

Meng Xi shook his head, it seemed that he was not ready to let go, and said: "General Xiong, please calm down. General Gai said that now is not the time to care about these things. We should say now that we are all sitting in the same boat Even if you want to find Deng Ai, the three of us should do it together!"

Xiong Ping's temper is a little hot, but he is not a reckless man who cannot control his emotions.After hearing what Meng Xi said, his heart moved, and he felt that what Meng Xi said was quite reasonable.

When Meng Xi saw Xiong Ping moved, he probably gave up the idea of ​​going to Deng Ai to settle the score immediately, so he took his hand off Xiong Ping's shoulder.

Seeing this, Gai Meng admired Meng Xi's calmness and decency in handling things.He asked Xiong Ping and Meng Xi to sit down again.

Then, Gai Meng said: "You two, since the terrain in Liling is not suitable for our cavalry team to fight, then we have to discuss what to do next."

Xiong Ping immediately said: "General Gai, what should we do? We can't fight in such terrain at all. Of course we have to report the actual situation to General Zhang Fei and ask him to change our combat order!"

Guy nodded.

In fact, he did have the same thoughts as Xiong Ping in his heart.After all, they are fighting now, and the battle depends on the lives of people, and people will never live again after they die.Therefore, he didn't want to make fun of the lives of the soldiers.

Also, most of the horses of their cavalry were captured from Cao Wei. Only those who have personally participated in the Nanyang County War can understand how hard it is to get them.Therefore, he didn't want the war horse to suffer any losses.

Therefore, out of the consideration of the above two points, Ge Meng is more inclined to Xiong Ping's point of view.

But here is not a word, and Gai Meng cannot make a final decision, otherwise Xiong Ping and Meng Xi would not have been called to discuss.

Therefore, Gai Meng looked at Meng Xi and asked, "Lieutenant Meng, what do you think about this?"

Meng Xi's face turned serious, and he said something astonishing: "General Gai, the last general thinks that we should continue to take on the task of going south to Liling to fight."

Xiong Ping immediately became angry again, and said angrily: "Meng Xi, what nonsense are you talking about! Do you know that you are joking with the lives of our cavalry team!"

Gai Meng and even Meng Xi are brave and strategic generals, and they are very rational and disciplined in doing things. It is impossible to make impulsive decisions because of momentary indignation.

Gai Meng stopped Xiong Ping's yelling, and continued to ask Meng Xi, "Lieutenant Meng, why do you say that?"

Meng Xi cupped his hands and said, "General Gai, General Xiong, if I'm not wrong, the reason why Deng Ai sent us this topographic map now is probably to force us to take the initiative to express our feelings to General Zhang Fei and ask for it. Abandon this combat mission."

Meng Xi really had a clever mind. After a while, he finally thought of a new aspect.

But Ge Meng and Xiong Ping were both dumbfounded.

Gai Meng immediately asked: "But why did Deng Ai act in such a twists and turns?"

Meng Xi said calmly: "Because as long as we voluntarily give up the task, the task of attacking Liling will most likely fall into Deng Ai's hands!"

But when Deng Ai did this, he was still acting in a twists and turns.The entire current combat arrangement should be said to be proposed by Deng Ai. Why didn't he take the initiative to ask for orders, but deliberately waited for his side to voluntarily give up the mission?

Both Gai Meng and Xiong Ping couldn't figure it out. Meng Xi's thinking seems to be judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Meng Xi went on to explain: "Of course Deng Ai could ask for his order at that time. However, we need to pay attention to one point. If we take the initiative to ask General Zhang to lift the order, it will appear that we are timid and afraid of fighting, and we will be punished by others." The generals looked down upon him. And Deng Ai was temporarily ordered to take responsibility at this time, but it showed how selfless he is! And if this is the case, the result is that our cavalry can indeed get the most appropriate combat arrangements, which is even more important to the entire battle situation. Still good..."

Gai Meng and Xiong Ping were both dumbfounded at the same time. Did this Deng Ai really have such a scheming plan to hit dissidents and achieve his own reputation and military exploits?
Xiong Ping was so angry that he yelled, "Okay, let's go south to Liling! We must win a battle and show that bastard Deng Ai!"

It seems that Deng Ai went too far this time.I'm afraid he didn't even think that he would meet an opponent like Meng Xi, and he could clearly see his hidden intentions so deeply.

Sometimes, jealousy does make people lose their way.However, although Deng Ai was selfish, he was not too confused because of this, completely disregarding the interests of the entire army.He finally managed to turn the situation around, which shows that his heart is not evil.

(End of this chapter)

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