Chapter 592
Deng Ai has been waiting for Gai Meng to take the initiative to ask Zhang Fei to resign and assign him the task of going south to attack the enemy army in Liling.In that case, he can take the initiative to ask Zhang Fei for orders and take over the task instead of Gai Meng.

Moreover, for undertaking such a task, Deng Ai has more advantages than Gai Meng, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi.

First of all, Deng Ai's 6000-strong army is almost all infantry.They are troops suitable for fighting in hilly areas;

Secondly, Deng Ai is very familiar with the topography of Soochow.At that time, he followed Han Long's caravan to and fro in Jiangdong, and the prince asked him to secretly draw a map along the way, and made friends with many local Shanyue people.Therefore, Deng Ai decided that he was definitely the best candidate for a raid into Yangzhou;

Third, since Deng Ai wanted to succeed Gai Meng in the expedition, of course he had already made a plan in advance on how to defeat the enemy in Liling.

Therefore, judging from the above three points, Deng Ai feels very good about himself and believes that he can definitely make the greatest contribution in this war.

Judging from Deng Ai's achievements in Public Security City, when Chengdu rewards him in the future, it should be no problem to upgrade him to a level to get a real general number.

But the problem is, Deng Ai still wants to be a marquis, to glorify his family's lintel.Then, his contribution in Public Security City is obviously not enough.

Deng Ai was born in the Deng family of Nanyang, and the descendants of Deng Yu, the greatest hero of Emperor Guangwu of Han Dynasty, have been honored for a hundred years.But in Deng Ai's generation, it has already declined.The poor life experience and the glory of his ancestors made it impossible for Deng Ai not to become a figure who strives for fame.Of course, it can also be said that this has continuously inspired Deng Ai to make contributions.

In addition, Deng Ai also wants to marry Sun Yao now.The status of the Sun family as a wealthy businessman is naturally nothing, but the Sun family is a wealthy family in Jingzhou, which puts pressure on Deng Ai.Therefore, he felt that if he was not a Marquis, he would still be inferior to Sun Yao in terms of status.

However, after Deng Ai waited for nearly two days, he was really dumbfounded.Gai Meng did not go to Zhang Fei to resign from the task of going south to Liling, and it was time for Gai Meng's cavalry to set off from the camp.

—Didn't Gai Meng see the topographic map of Liling that he gave him?How is this possible, Ge Meng is not blind!Even though Gai Meng is blind, he still has two lieutenants, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi!It's impossible for both of them to be blind, right?
Deng Ai kept thinking like this in his heart.

So, Deng Ai really couldn't sit still.He had no choice but to come to Gaimeng's camp to see Gaimeng again.

When Gai Meng learned that Deng Ai was asking to see him, his expression changed, but now he doesn't welcome Deng Ai's arrival.But we are all colleagues, and now we are all fighting together, so we have to see each other.

However, Gai Meng did not go out to meet Deng Ai in person this time.

Deng Ai was led by Gai Meng's guard captain. After entering Gai Meng's camp, Gai Meng just stopped what he was doing, and he didn't come down to greet him in person. He just stood up from his seat, neither cold nor hot. He said calmly: "Oh, Captain Deng, you are here. You have been running to my place very diligently recently. Come, please take a seat."

Deng Ai nodded, and after taking his seat calmly, he asked insincerely, "General Gai, I wonder if you have read the battle map that General Gai sent the day before yesterday?"

Gai Meng had probably guessed Deng Ai's intentions in his mind before, and he might have come to inquire why he didn't ask Zhang Fei to resign.Now that Deng Ai couldn't wait to ask about the map, it further confirmed his guess.

Gai Meng couldn't help smiling, but it was a bit of a sneer.He didn't get angry, but said calmly: "I've seen it. Deng Ai's drawing is very good. It will definitely be of great help to our attack this time. Captain Deng is indeed a talent!"

Hearing this, Deng Ai couldn't help feeling a little hot on his face.After thinking for a while, he wanted to ask Gai Meng directly if he had seen the topography of Liling clearly.But he thought about it again, in this case, it is not obvious that he has trouble with himself?
Deng Ai laughed twice, and said: "Don't dare, it's the best thing for the general to help General Gai."

Gai Meng nodded, and said, "I don't know what's the matter, Colonel Deng, you came to see me today?"

Deng Ai came here, of course, to ask about the topographic map.But he felt that he couldn't ask directly now, so he had to ask: "General Gai, do your troops really want to set off today?"

Of course, Gai Meng gave a very positive answer. In front of Deng Ai, he would definitely not hesitate, so when he answered, he didn't even frown.

Seeing Gai Meng's decisive answer, Deng Ai felt a chill in his heart. He knew that he might be self-defeating this time, so he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Deng Ai said hastily: "But General Gai, don't you want to study Liling's battle map in detail?"

Gai Meng smiled inexplicably, and said, "I, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi, two lieutenant generals, have studied the topographic map of Liling very thoroughly. Is there something wrong with that map?"

Deng Ai coughed lightly, looking rather unnatural.Gai Meng saw Deng Ai's embarrassing performance in his eyes, but he felt a sigh of relief in his heart.

Deng Ai didn't know that Gai Meng talked about him in such a way that he was deliberately teasing him, deliberately making his heart feel anxious and restless.

When he couldn't get the answer he wanted at all, he had no choice but to say again: "Actually, the general feels that it is a bit too hasty to dispatch troops in advance this time. General Gai might as well ask General Zhang Fei for orders and set his dispatch time A few days later, I will use it to study Liling's topography in detail. This should be more secure."

Of course, Gai Meng knew the intention of Deng Ai's words, but he wanted to let himself see clearly the hilly terrain of Liling, which was not suitable for large cavalry operations at all.

But Gai Meng didn't agree, and immediately said righteously: "Lieutenant Deng, how can I refuse the time to send troops here? The army's combat orders have been conveyed to all departments of the army. What about the affairs of an army, and drag down the actions of the whole army?"

Seeing Gai Meng's tepid appearance, Deng Ai really had the urge to jump up and tell Gai Meng everything.

Deng Ai asked again: "I don't know how General Gai is going to fight the battle of Liling next?"

Gai Meng saw that Deng Ai was almost irritated, not to mention that he was going to lead an army to attack today, and there was not much time left.Therefore, Gai Meng felt that it was time to confess to Deng Ai, and it would be all right to humiliate him at the end.

Gai Meng smiled and said, "Lieutenant Deng, according to Liling's hilly terrain, it is really not suitable for our large cavalry team to fight."

Just when Gai Meng's words came to this point, Deng Ai couldn't help but let out an ah.It turned out that Gai Meng had long known that Liling was not suitable for cavalry operations.But what makes Deng Ai feel strange is, why did Gai Meng insist on going south to fight?

Gai Meng followed up with Deng Ai at high speed. Even so, they have already formulated a set of combat plans that can defeat the enemy according to the situation in Liling.

Not long after, Deng Ai walked out of Gai Meng's tent with a fever on his face, looking a bit lost, and felt very ashamed in his heart.Although he thought he was smart, the patients were not idiots, and it was impossible for him to play around like this.

After Deng Ai left, Xiong Ping and Meng Xi entered Gai Meng's camp.

Xiong Ping immediately smiled at Gai and said, "General Gai, we all saw it on the road just now, and Deng Ai walked away in despair."

Gai Meng also laughed, and told how he talked with Deng Ai and humiliated Deng Ai.Now, even Meng Xi couldn't help laughing.

After everyone finished laughing, the anger towards Deng Ai that had been suppressed in their hearts was almost released.Then, the next thing to do is business.

Gai Meng then asked Xiong Ping and Meng Xi, "We are about to go south in secret at midnight today. The preparations for the troops of the two generals must be completed by this afternoon. Otherwise, I'm afraid The departure time will be delayed."

Xiong Ping smiled and said: "General Gai, don't worry, our troops will definitely be ready in the afternoon."

Only then did Gai Meng feel relieved, but he still ordered cautiously: "Although it is said so, our attack this time is of great importance, and all preparations must be the most meticulous, and there must be no mistakes in the slightest." .”

Xiong Ping and Meng Xi saw that Gai Meng spoke solemnly, so they didn't dare to joke, so they accepted the order.

Then, Meng Xi reported: "General Gai, our army's scouts have almost collected the necessary information about the enemy army in Liling."

Before midnight that day, Gai Meng took Xiong Ping and Meng Xi to bid farewell to Zhang Fei and Huang Quan.Their army pulled out of the boundary of Xiangtan at exactly the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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