Chapter 593
The day after the cavalry of Gai Meng, Xiong Ping, and Meng Xi left, Zhang Fei also issued an order to the entire army to attack.

According to Huang Quan's arrangement, their attack this time was mainly in three directions: Xia Jun, Wu Chang and Liu Yang.

As it can be expected, in order to lure the Shu Han army into their trap, Jiangdong Army must not be able to launch an attack on the Shu Han army at the beginning, but will only rely on the city for defensive warfare, delaying time until Han Dang's troops and When Liling's ambush arrived.

Therefore, Huang Quan didn't need to send too many of his own troops to target the enemy's psychology. Anyway, everyone now needs to buy time for themselves.Huang Quan gave Zhang Fei, who was mainly attacking Xiajun's direction, but arranged for the main force of 6000 people to attack.

Because Xiajun is related to the safety of Jiangxia County and Lukou Port, its position is so dangerous that Lu Xun personally guards it.According to the intelligence returned by the scouts, Xiajun's current enemy army should number around 6000.

Then, Huang Quan taught Deng Ai to deal with Wuchang's enemy army. The generals guarding Wuchang were Zhu Ran, with a number of about 5000.Now, Deng Ai's team has a total of 6000 people. If Zhu Ran is used to delay time, there is almost no possibility of defeat.

In addition, Deng Ai has always been shrewd in fighting, and it is even more impossible for him to lose to Zhu Ran.Therefore, Huang Quan is very relieved of Deng Ai's team.

Moreover, because Wuchangdi is in the middle of Xiajun and other three places where the Shu Han army attacked, Huang Quan also hoped that Deng Ai would be prepared.If necessary, help Zhang Fei's army.

The third group of troops was used to attack Liuyang City.This group of people will teach Commander Zhang Bao.Since Liuyang City is located in the southernmost and easternmost position among the three cities, this is also the closest place to the Yangzhou mainland that enters Jiangdong.

Therefore, Liuyang City was originally the most secondary location among the three cities for the Shu Han army to attack, but because of a fierce attack on Liu Yang, it would put the greatest pressure on the Jiangdong Army.As a result, Huang Quan equipped Zhang Bao's army with the largest army, reaching 8000 people!
However, even if Zhang Bao commands the most troops, it doesn't mean that he will fight this battle easily.Because the local general guarding Liuyang City this time is said to be Xu Sheng and Xu Wenxiang!He still has 4000 troops on hand.It is definitely more than enough to guard a small Liuyang City.

In fact, a more suitable arrangement for Liu Yangcheng's direction should be to swap Deng Ai and Zhang Bao.Deng Ai had confronted Xu Sheng head-on in Public Security City for several months.Among the generals of the Shu Han here, I am afraid that there is no one who understands Xu Sheng's use of troops better than him.

However, if he turned into Deng Ai, then the situation this time would be completely let go: when he was in Gong'an City, it was Xu Sheng who besieged Deng Ai's army with heavy troops.Now it's the other way around, and Deng Ai led the army to attack the city defended by Xu Sheng.

However, Huang Quan did not actually arrange it this way.Of course he knew about the fight between Deng Ai and Xu Sheng.But Huang Quan has his own considerations.

Deng Ai now only has 6000 troops in hand, and if he uses it to attack Liu Yangcheng with bluff, it is obviously insufficient in momentum.If Huang Quan transfers an army from the Jiangzhou Army to teach Deng Ai at this time, the Jiangzhou Army may not be convinced; moreover, the style of Deng Ai's army is similar to that of the Jiangzhou Army trained by Zhang Fei. The style is completely irrelevant, and the effect of mixing and using it cannot be very good.

Therefore, Huang Quan finally weighed, he could only let Deng Ai lead the army to attack Wuchang, and let Zhang Bao lead the army to attack Liuyang City guarded by Xu Sheng.

But in the final analysis, although Xu Sheng is really good at fighting, Zhang Bao lacks experience in fighting, but this should not cause a big problem.

To put it bluntly, the Shu Han army has now made a very clear judgment on the enemy's strategic intentions.The three armies of Zhang Fei, Deng Ai and Zhang Bao.The three cities of Lu Xun, Zhu Ran and Xu Sheng were all used to attract the attention of the enemy and delay time.

So, as long as Zhang Bao doesn't take Xu Sheng's way too rashly, everyone will just freeze like this, waiting for their own surprise soldiers to appear, and then will be the key point to decide the outcome of this great battle!

Therefore, Huang Quan was more at ease and let Zhang Bao lead the army alone to fight Xu Sheng.

As for the remaining troops of the Jiangzhou Army, there are still about 4000 people.According to Deng Ai's strategy, they will stay in the big camp in Xiangtan as the backup and reserve force of the attacking troops.When Shizi's men and horses come to meet up, there will be at least 2000 people here.This is an estimated figure after taking into account the troops of Shizi, after defeating Han Dang's army and causing necessary losses.

Then at that time, with the existence of this huge backup army on the Shu Han side, the battle situation will definitely be completely invincible.

However, Huang Quan must also consider one point now.As for the Jiangdong army, the total number of troops stationed in the three cities of Xiajun is only about 5000.However, the troops Lu Xun received from Lu Meng should be more than this number.Therefore, the remaining ones who did not show up should have a small-scale army, the number of which is estimated to be between 5000 and [-].

Then, Huang Quan had to consider a question, where did Lu Xun put the remaining troops?How will Lu Xun use the remaining troops next.

Moreover, due to the existence of Lu Xun's army that has not surfaced, it also highlights Deng Ai's suggestion to leave a third of the Jiangzhou Army as a backup arrangement. Maybe it was just a prudence at the time, but now it seems to be So wise!

Huang Quan thought about the battle map for two days.He finally came to a conclusion: Lu Xun's army may be in two places now.One, it was placed by Lu Xun in Puqi City, north of Xiajun.This is a very prudent decision.

Because Xiajun passed by, the only stronghold was Puqi.If Pu Qi goes there, it will be Jiang Xia.Now Han Dang has almost spared Jiang Xia's soldiers and horses to block the back of Zhang Fei's army, and it has become an undefended empty city.

Of course, Huang Quan has not yet received the news that Liu Chan has defeated Han Dang's army, and Han Dang's side has detoured farther. Of course, it is impossible for Lu Xun and Huang Quan to know about Han Dang's defeat first.

Therefore, Huang Quan's reasoning is actually tenable.

Huang Quan is actually not sure about the second location.He felt that Lu Xun might send that army to Liling.But this is really just speculation, without any factual basis.In comparison, Liling really needs to ambush a relatively large army, so that it can quickly defeat Zhang Bao's army from the flank as soon as it appears.

The Liling army, after lifting Liu Yang's siege, will of course join Xu Sheng's army and Han Dang's army coming from the west.Then, they will encircle from both sides, and the remaining troops of Zhang Fei and Deng Ai will be there.At that time, Lu Xun's large-scale strategic encirclement intention will be fully realized.There was no possibility of Shu Han's army escaping.

Therefore, from this point of view, at least Huang Quan believed that it seemed plausible that Lu Xun would mobilize scarce manpower from himself to reinforce Liling.

In fact, I really have to say here that from the complexity of the many affairs that Huang Quan handles, we can fully see how complicated and heavy Huang Quan's work is.

This once again shows that joining a large army is definitely not something that ordinary people can take on. It definitely needs people with the highest intelligence to be able to afford it.At the same time, this also shows that although such a position as joining the army is high and powerful, not everyone is willing to take it.

As a result, after Huang Quan arranged the dispatch of the army, he finally let out a long breath, and almost collapsed.He immediately fell down on the table, not wanting to move at all.

However, even if the arrangements for dispatching troops are completed, the next thing Huang Quan has to deal with will definitely not be easy.Because the troops left in Xiangtan will be left to him to manage.Of course, there are also the most important military logistics work.

At noon this day, it was finally time for the army to attack.

Zhang Bao's troops were the first to attack.He has the most troops, but Xu Sheng has the fewest troops to deal with.Therefore, the task of raiding Xiangshui was naturally handed over to his troops.However, this should be a relatively easy task, with only slight resistance from the enemy.

After Zhang Bao's men cleared the enemy forces along the Xiangshui River and firmly occupied the landing site, Zhang Fei and Deng Ai's men would immediately start crossing the river.

Well, this also means that the last major battle in Jingzhou that everyone has conceived in their hearts has also begun.

That night, Zhang Bao successfully completed the task.The armies of Zhang Fei and Deng Ai then crossed the river at the same time.

Huang Quan personally sent Zhang Fei to the edge of the Xiang River.

Zhang Fei held Huang Quan's hand and said solemnly: "Huang Canjun, you have really worked hard these days. My second brother's revenge has almost been avenged, and our expedition should be coming to an end soon. Then, my camp will be handed over to you."

Huang Quan nodded, and said: "General Zhang, you can attack with confidence, I will definitely guard the camp."

Huang Quan then sent Zhang Fei to the warship.

(End of this chapter)

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