Chapter 594
After Huang Quan returned to Daying, it was already very late.

But Huang Quan can't rest yet, although his body is really exhausted, and he urgently needs to take a good rest.

Huang Quan still needs to arrange the defense of Xiangtan.Therefore, he summoned Shi Liang immediately.

When Shi Liang surrendered to Zhang Fei earlier, he had already made it clear to Zhang Fei that it was absolutely impossible for him to help Zhang Fei attack Jiangdong Army.

Zhang Fei is a man of faith, and because he likes Shi Liang, he did not take Shi Liang with him this time, but left him in the camp.

Now that Shi Liang died because of Gan Ning, Zhang Fei made it clear that it is impossible to return to Jiangdong.So it can be said that it is impossible for this Shi Liang to defect and go back to Jiangdong again, he is a trustworthy person.

Therefore, Huang Quan decided to let Shi Liang be in charge of the training and defense of the entire army camp, which is reassuring...

On the other hand, in Xiajun City.

Lu Xun has been stationed in the Xiajun City government office for some time.Looking at the moonlight in the sky, I couldn't help recalling a series of things that happened recently.

Lu Xun's army defending the front line of the Xiangshui River had already retreated to the rear in an orderly manner under his orders.In order to make their tricks more realistic, Lu Xun also ordered them to retreat step by step, and even appeared a little flustered.

However, several days had passed, and what Lu Xun had longed for, the grand occasion of Zhang Fei immediately leading the army across the Xiangshui River desperately did not appear for a long time.

Such a situation made Lu Xun feel a sense of frustration. Could it be that Zhang Fei has already seen through his plan?

But Lu Xun also felt that the probability of such a thing happening was extremely small.The territory spanned by the operation of troops for this battle is almost unprecedentedly large.Its scope includes the Yangtze River waterway, the Dongting Lake area, the rear of Zhang Feijun in the south of Jingzhou, the two counties of Guiyang and Lingling, and even the local area of ​​Yangzhou where Jiangdong is located.

Lu Xun really didn't believe it. Although a reckless man like Zhang Fei had Huang Quan as a member of the army, Huang Quan was not a first-rate adviser, so it should be impossible to see his strategic intentions.

However, Lu Xun didn't expect that Zhang Fei had no tricks to see through, but that didn't mean that Shu Han had no tricks to see through.First came Yu Jin, and then Shi Guangyuan. One of these two had extremely rich experience in war, and the other had top-notch strategies.The two men had already seen through his intentions thoroughly after they complemented each other through communication and negotiation.

When Lu Xun intended to wipe out Zhang Fei's army, Liu Chan had already quietly cleared his encirclement.

Therefore, Lu Xun is waiting in Xiajun City now. Although he is a little restless, he must wait until Zhang Fei crosses the Xiang River!
As for Liu Yang, Xu Sheng was really not in a hurry.As the most senior military officer under Lu Xun, he could of course know about Lu Xun's combat arrangements immediately.

At that time, when Xu Sheng heard about Lu Xun's large-scale military action, even he, a veteran general, was so shocked that he couldn't speak anymore.

At such a moment, Xu Sheng suddenly had a thought that should never be done.Xu Sheng actually felt a little inferior, he was not even as good as a powerless literati!
If Lu Xun's battle is successful, it will be a great credit.Lu Xun not only wiped out the Jiangzhou soldiers and horses, greatly weakening the enemy's strength, but also accomplished a goal that Lv Meng did not complete before his death: to use force to force the Shu Han to come to negotiate peace, and to abolish the Jiangdong Army's defeat in Nanjun. regain dignity.

In other words, by then, Lu Xun's position as the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces in the east of the Yangtze River will be firmly established.Then, Lu Xun will continue to work in that position in the future.

Xu Sheng is a round older than Lu Xun, and Lu Xun is now in his prime, so it is almost impossible for him to live longer than Lu Xun.

That is to say, in Xu Sheng's life, he probably won't be able to touch the position of chief governor again, and he can only become Lu Xun's foil until his death.

In fact, the reason why Xu Sheng had such dejected thoughts was that even he himself felt that the possibility of Lu Xun's victory in this battle was very high.

But Xu Sheng also has his own dignity that he must maintain, and the pride that he must maintain as a famous general.Since he knew that Lu Xun would make great contributions, Xu Sheng didn't want Lu Xun to give him a little credit.

Therefore, Xu Sheng asked Lu Xun for orders at that time, and he wanted to go to Jiangxia County.The excuse he gave to Lu Xun was: the great battle in southern Jingzhou was of great importance, Han Dang's army had already set out from Jiangxia County, and Jiangxia County had become completely empty.But Jiangxia is definitely a place where nothing can be lost.Therefore, he wanted to guard the rear for the army.

This excuse is really low-level, and it doesn't take anyone with a discerning eye to see that there is something wrong with it.A smart person like Lu Xun, of course, immediately knew that Xu Sheng didn't want to help him fight the war.

Therefore, it is of course impossible for Lu Xun to leave Xu Sheng for Jiangxia just because of this.There are really not many generals under Lu Xun who can stand alone now, and Xu Sheng can't go to the front line immediately.Lu Xun immediately persuaded him to stay.

When Xu Sheng saw Lu Xun, he said nothing and didn't let him go to Jiangxia.Xu Sheng also proposed to Lu Xun that he wanted to guard Puqi.It is the rear of Xiajun, and it is the most important stronghold leading to Jiangxia County. It is a place that cannot be lost.

Lu Xun was stunned for a moment.Because I would like to ask, Xu Sheng went to Jiangxia and went to Puqi. Is there any big difference between the two?Of course not.

Therefore, Lu Xun once again rejected Xu Sheng's request.Moreover, Lu Xun's attitude became tough immediately.He used his authority as the governor to forcibly assign three locations: Xiajun, Wuchang and Liuyang, and asked Xu Sheng to choose one to guard at random.

Based on Xu Sheng's state of mind at the time, of course he immediately thought of one thing: try to make as little effort as possible for Lu Xun's wedding dress.Therefore, among the three cities, Liu Yang, whose strategic position was the most secondary, became the place guarded by Xu Sheng, which was logical.

In fact, Lu Xun liked Xu Sheng to guard Xiajun and share some military affairs for him.But seeing what happened like this, he couldn't take back what he said, so he had to send Xu Sheng to Liuyang City.

Then, Lu Xun summoned Zhu Ran and arranged for him to guard Wuchang City.Zhu Ran did not reject Lu Xun's arrangement, and naturally accepted Lu Xun's order.

In fact, Zhu Ran really has a good impression of Lu Xun.Zhu Ran is also a full-fledged scholar, and his martial arts are actually very loose, so he still prefers Lu Xun, a frail scholar.

Moreover, Zhu Ran's status is already very high now, and there is no need to be jealous of Lu Xun's position as the governor like other generals.

Moreover, as Sun Quan's favorite minister, Zhu Ran was doomed to have no need to support others as the governor.If he wants to support, he will only support himself in the position.

But therein lies the problem.Now Zhu Ran has no chance, no prestige in the army, no qualifications, and all the conditions are immature.Moreover, it is impossible for him to hope that luck will befall him once again just like it befalls Lu Boyan.

Therefore, it should be said that Zhu Ran's attitude towards Lu Xun is very indifferent.Lu Xun is now the governor of the Jiangdong Army, and he is just a general serving under the command of the governor.The governor issued an order to himself, so he just tried his best to complete it.

Therefore, the two generals Zhu Ran and Xu Sheng gave Lu Xun two completely different impressions.

Not long after, Lu Xun finally got the news that Zhang Fei's army had crossed the Xiang River.

Lu Xun was overjoyed immediately.He immediately issued an order to prepare for war to the troops everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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