The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 596 The Great War Opens

Chapter 596 The Great War Begins ([-])
As Zhang Bao's siege troops passed the wooden bridge, the archers behind them stopped shooting immediately.But the bow and arrow team didn't turn around and retreat immediately, Zhang Bao gave them an order to stay in place to rest and stand by. It seemed that Zhang Bao didn't want to give up using the trump card in his hand.

At this time, Zhang Bao's main formation suddenly spread out towards the two wings, leaving a huge passage in the middle.Then, there was an unexpected rumbling sound from behind the army formation, as if the ground was shaking because of it.

Xu Sheng was surprised to find on the top of the wall that a figure rushing into the car appeared behind the opponent's main formation.The tall figure of Chongche, bathed in the sun, had a brown luster, shining with the murderous intent of death, and cast a long black shadow on the ground.

While the car was moving forward, the surrounding area was tightly protected by sword players, rumbling forward slowly.

It is precisely because of bringing such a huge amount of equipment with them that Zhang Bao's army had to choose the road of Liu Shui, otherwise it would take a lot of manpower to transport it here.

Seeing such a huge monster, Xu Sheng suddenly felt his neck was a little cold.

Then Xu Sheng immediately realized that things were going to go wrong.He originally thought that Liuyang City should be as solid as a rock with its own guards, but Liuyang City's first line of defense: the moat, such a wide moat, was taken care of so easily.Now that the enemy army has dispatched large siege equipment like a charging car, things are really not good now!

Xu Sheng immediately felt very annoyed in his heart, and also complained that his luck was too bad, why he chose to guard Liuyang City by himself, so that he met such a lunatic as Zhang Bao.However, Xu Sheng really didn't want to understand why Zhang Bao's army launched such a high-intensity attack on Liu Yangcheng.He originally thought that Liu Yangcheng's attack should be the weakest.But judging from the current situation, it seems that this is not the case!
What Xu Sheng thought was actually not much wrong.Zhu Ran is indeed living a relatively leisurely life now, but there are sporadic confrontations with Deng Ai's army.There was no large-scale and high-intensity confrontation between the two sides at all.

But the situation with Lu Xun has changed a lot now.Because the battle report of Liu Chan's victory over Han Dang's army had reached Huang Quan, and Huang Quan immediately forwarded it to Zhang Fei.

There is no reason for Zhang Fei not to act now. In order to intercept the news of Han Dang's army's defeat and prevent it from being sent to Lu Xun, Zhang Fei needs to march and surround Xiajun where Lu Xun is.

Otherwise, once Lu Xun knew the news that Han Dang had been defeated, he would be able to deduce that all the combat arrangements he had made before had been seen through by the enemy.Then, of course, it is impossible for him to continue to stick to the original combat arrangement.If Lu Xun immediately withdraws his troops because of this, then all the arrangements Zhang Fei made before will be in vain.

And since Zhang Fei was about to act, Huang Quan had to act too.He knew that the troops that Zhang Fei brought out earlier were not enough to surround Xia Jun heavily.He changed his previous battle plan without hesitation, and sent all the troops stationed in Xiangtan to reinforce Zhang Fei's side.

After this army arrived at Xiajun as quickly as possible, in addition to helping Zhang Fei besiege Xiajun, they also sent troops to completely blockade the area between Xiajun and Puqi to the north of Xiajun.In this case, Zhang Fei completely cut off all communication between Lu Xun and the outside world.

Enter Liu Yang City.

Guo Fu, a Zhonglang general under Xu Sheng's command, is now the commander of the defense force at the top of the city.He is still relatively tall, probably about eight feet tall.He is a typical Jiangdong man. Although he is strong, he doesn't have much beard on his face.

Guo Fu's troops were already fighting with Zhang Baojun's siege troops.However, his attention was quickly attracted by the rushing car coming from afar.

Looking at the tall figure of Chongche, Guo Fu couldn't help but tremble in his heart.He can be regarded as a person who has experienced hundreds of battles on the battlefield, but now he feels a little trembling for no reason.

He immediately sent someone to the tower to ask Xu Sheng what they should do when the enemy's chariot came over.

Xu Sheng looked at the guards sent by Guo Fu to ask for instructions. In order to calm people's hearts, he pretended to be very calm on the surface, and said lightly: "Such a trivial matter, do you still come to ask me for instructions? This general has put the whole The front of the city has been handed over to Guo Fu for defense, and of course other things have also been taught to him to handle by himself. You can go back and tell Guo Fu, as long as those rushing cars can’t get close to the city wall, it’s fine.”

In fact, to put it bluntly, Xu Sheng can only think of using fire to attack the enemy's charging cars and burning the charging cars.However, this method is of course a common method, and it is relatively uncreative.Xu Sheng believed that Guo Fu should be able to imagine it.

After Guo Fu received Xu Sheng's reply, he was overwhelmed with gratitude for Xu Sheng's absolute trust in him.After thinking for a while, he immediately sent an order to the archery team, which was resting below the city, to prepare for another dispatch.Moreover, the bow team will be equipped with more rockets this time.

Then, Guo Fu ordered people to go to the treasury in the city to bring all the tung oil stored there for use later.

At this time, Zhang Bao's siege troops had been attacking for a while.

The soldiers of the siege troops were still climbing up the ladder, and the sound of shouting and killing continued to come out.

Not long after, three huge vehicles approached the moat of Liuyang City.

At this time, the bow and arrow team of the Jiangdong Army reappeared.However, Zhang Baojun's archery team has been waiting for them for a long time.Before they rushed to the car, they quickly pressed down to a hundred meters below the city.

Therefore, as soon as the bow and arrow team of the Jiangdong Army appeared, before they had set up their bows and arrows, they suddenly discovered that the bows and arrows in the hands of Zhang Baojun's archers had already aimed at the city.

Immediately afterwards, there was a swishing sound from the front, and a black rain of arrows suddenly appeared in the sky, and quickly covered the city.Immediately, more than a dozen archers of the Jiangdong Army were shot down.

Then, Zhang Baojun's archers continued to shoot, suppressing the Jiangdong Army's archers with no way to fight back.

The cooperation between Zhang Baojun's various units was so perfect and timely, and the reaction was so quick, as if they could predict the enemy's opportunity every step of the way, which made both Xu Sheng and Guo Fu feel a little dumbfounded.

However, what Xu Sheng and Guo Fu didn't know was that it was impossible for Zhang Bao to make such a detailed offensive arrangement.These offensive steps were all formulated by Huang Quan and Deng Ai with the help of Zhang Bao after detailed discussions.Therefore, the action steps of Zhang Bao's current battle should be said to have been planned long ago, and he is just following the rules now.

However, seeing how the enemy was almost helpless to fight back like this, Zhang Bao's heart was really refreshed, and a smile bloomed on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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