The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 597 The Great War Opens

Chapter 597 The Great War Begins ([-])
Finally, the carts were pushed to the edge of the moat, and concentrated near the wooden bridge.They are going to cross the river one after another from there.

At this time, the archers of the Jiangdong Army were already passing through the crenels of the wall and shooting rockets at the car.But the effect of the rockets they fired was not very good, and the rockets were quickly extinguished by Zhang Baojun.

Zhang Bao didn't want to give the enemy a chance.He immediately issued an order to the archery team to let the archers among them continue to advance for a certain distance in the direction of Liu Yangcheng.After arriving at what they think is a suitable position, they can freely snipe and kill the enemy archers on the top of the city!

Thanks to the help of the archers, many archers of the Jiangdong Army were shot and killed.The threat of rockets that rushed to the car was greatly reduced immediately.

The first rushing car was safely pushed onto the wooden bridge.However, the weight of the cart was too heavy. As soon as the wheels were on the bridge, there was a creaking sound coming from under the wooden bridge.

After the entire car was on the bridge, the huge weight caused the wooden bridge to bend.As the wheels of the cart rolled, the wooden bridge trembled violently, and some of the soldiers pushing the cart almost couldn't stand still because of it.This gives people an extremely dangerous feeling: Will the rushing car overwhelm the wooden bridge?
Finally, the first rush car passed the wooden bridge smoothly.Then, the second rush car also passed.

But the accident still happened. When the third car was pushed into the middle of the wooden bridge, the wooden bridge finally couldn't support it anymore.

With a bang, the planks and strips around the car finally broke.The wheels of the cart fell off, and the soldiers pushing the cart scattered and fled in all directions.

Then, there was another loud noise, and the whole car broke the wooden bridge and fell into the moat below.

But the wooden bridge was not completely damaged, only the side where the rushing car passed was damaged, and it only needed to send someone to build it again.

Zhang Bao didn't feel much pain because of the loss of a dashing car.This time he took the waterway, and the large siege equipment he transported was not just a rush car!He has plenty of time behind him, slowly use other equipment to play with this Xu Sheng slowly!

When Xu Sheng was on the top of the wall, he saw that Zhang Baojun's car had an accident, a schadenfreude smile appeared on his stern face.

But Xu Sheng couldn't be happy for too long.Because Zhang Baojun's two rushing cars were enough to put a huge pressure on the defense of his Liuyang city wall.

At this time, there was only a loud noise like a thunderstorm, and Xu Sheng only felt that the top of the city under his feet swayed slightly.

It turned out that the first car had already arrived at the foot of the city and began to crash towards the city wall.

In order to prevent the enemy from setting fire to the chariot, Zhang Baojun's siege troops finally exerted all their strength and increased their siege efforts.They had to capture at least a section of the city before they could stop the enemy from attacking the chariot.

Although there are good protective facilities on the rush car, it is difficult to stop the kerosene pouring from above.Because once kerosene is ignited, it can continue to burn for a long time.When you rush into the car, your whole body and hands are made of wood, no matter how you protect yourself, you will still be ignited in the end.

Therefore, under the command of the officers, the siege troops quickly climbed up the ladders they erected, and constantly fought desperately with the enemy troops at the top of the city.

Facing the imposing soldiers of Zhang Bao's army, Liu Yangcheng's defenders really felt a little flustered.However, he can be regarded as an army of hundreds of battles, and he has rich combat experience. Under the command of the officer, he kept throwing stones and rolling trees to the city, struggling to stop Zhang Bao's army from attacking.

All of a sudden, the sound of killing and screaming became one.However, in fact, the loudest sound on the battlefield should be the sound of crashing cars.

At this time, the second car was already in place and began to hit the wall.It is completely conceivable that what a shocking scene it was!

Soon, under the impact of the two rushing vehicles, the rammed earth of the city wall began to partially fall off, and a cloud of smoke like a yellow mist drifted out.

Xu Sheng saw that the tung oil hadn't moved to the top of the city until now, so in order to relieve the pressure caused by the rushing car, Xu Sheng had no choice but to let the archer team continue to move forward and shoot at the rushing car.There is no other way.

As a result, the Jiangdong Army's rockets once again shot towards the car in a concentrated manner.Moreover, those archers will soon face the sniping and killing of the sharp archers in Zhang Bao's army under the city.

However, in fact, the Jiangdong Army's rockets still did not achieve any effect.Because the top of the rush car is a triangular roof like a tile house, which has been covered with a layer of cooked cowhide.As soon as you shoot the rocket, it will be bounced off by the layer of cooked cowhide, and it is impossible to ignite the car at all.

But not being able to ignite does not mean giving up.The archer's shooting can't stop until at least the tung oil is delivered.It's just that when the time comes, the Jiangdong Army's archery team will still be able to survive the sniping of the sharp archers, and how many people will be left alive.

At this time, Zhang Baojun's siege troops finally attacked Liu Yang's city.They fought with the enemy on the top of the city.Behind them, more and more companions boarded the city wall.

At the same time, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army also began to show their brave side.Under Guo Fu's command, they desperately launched a counterattack against Zhang Baojun's soldiers.

The soldiers of both sides fought fiercely together.

Soon, the blood on the ground began to gather, and there were waves of desperate screams and fierce shouts from around.

Human life, at this moment, can only be liquidated with a blade.

Such a brutal battle actually happened on the first day of the two sides' engagement?Xu Sheng's face suddenly turned livid.He decided he couldn't go on like this any longer.

Therefore, Xu Sheng immediately sent his own guards to support Guo Fu.Only then did the situation at the top of the city gradually stabilize.

At this moment, the person Guo Fu sent to transport tung oil to the treasury in the city finally returned.

Guo Fu was overjoyed and immediately organized people to go down to the city to bring the tung oil up.Then, he organized his men to continue to attack the enemy, and he must drive the enemy out of the city.

A quarter of an hour later, the tung oil was finally moved to the top of Liuyang City.

Guo Fu's mood suddenly became much lighter.He was going to order someone to move the tung oil to the city where the car hit.However, both sides of the section of the city wall have actually been separated by Zhang Baojun, apparently to prevent Jiangdong's army from approaching the top of the charging car.

Guo Fu was furious, and had no choice but to let Xu Sheng's guards attack that section of the city wall instead.Because only by defeating the enemy army there, can he carry out his fire-charging chariot!
The combat effectiveness of Xu Sheng's escort team is indeed unquestionable.Half an hour later, they successfully repelled Zhang Bao's army.

Guo Fu immediately ordered someone to pour out the tung oil and pour it on the top of the car.A rocket went down, and a rushing car fell into the flames.

Seeing this, the other rushing car didn't dare to continue hitting the city, but immediately chose to retreat.

However, the city wall of Liuyang City has already been hit by a car at this time and a crack has been opened.I'm afraid that if it takes a while longer to hit the car, the top of the city may really be smashed through.

With the retreat of Chongche, Zhang Baojun's offensive posture gradually weakened.

After Zhang Bao's army carried out two more waves of attacks, it was just now that the troops were withdrawn.

Even so, Zhang Baojun's strength greatly shocked the proud Xu Sheng.Moreover, he already knew that the commander in chief of the local army was Zhang Bao, the eldest son of Zhang Fei.

Zhang Bao had fought between Huya Mountain and Shuanghuan, and he learned the specific situation later.He really couldn't figure out why Zhang Bao's use of troops changed so much, it seemed to become very detailed and precise all of a sudden.

——Is this the so-called "tiger father has no dogs"?As soon as Zhang Bao returned to Zhang Fei's command, he immediately showed extraordinary military talent?
Of course Xu Sheng couldn't understand the reason, because he knew very little about Zhang Bao.And with his ingenuity, of course he can tell that the above thoughts are just his own wild thoughts, which are pure nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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