The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 599 Quan Cong Withdraws His Army

Chapter 599 Quan Cong Withdraws His Army
In Han Dang's defeated army, there were only about 3000 people left in the final count. The rest of the troops were either killed or captured, but more still fled in all directions, and no one could be found.

Since Han Dang is far away from Jiang Xia, it is impossible to return to Jiang Xia for a while.In addition, the loss of his army was too heavy, and he needed to reorganize his armaments.Therefore, Han Dang could only station the defeated army in Lukou Port, make some adjustments, and then slowly return to Jiangxia.

However, Han Dang is not a person who does not know his priorities.He quickly sent the news of his defeat to Lu Xun's side at a fast speed, reminding Lu Xun that Liu Chan had already started to reinforce Zhang Fei's side.

Even worse, from all indications, the ambush set up by the Jingzhou army was well prepared, and it was not the aid that Yiyang City received temporarily.The enemy may have already known the news that he was going to send troops to Yiyang City from a certain channel.Therefore, Liu Adou's army drove to Yiyang City early, waiting for him to die in the past.

In fact, whenever he thinks of this, Han Dang feels angry and scared. The army of more than 1 people lost seven or eight thousand people, and finally lost a whole thousand troops. He was chased and almost fell into Dongting Lake Became a water ghost.Being treated like this, it is impossible for Han Dang to feel lucky to escape from death no matter what.

But what surprised Han Dang was that when his people were going to Xiajun with the message, they were intercepted by Zhang Fei's men.As a result, he even sent three groups of people there, but he was still unable to enter Xiajun and get in touch with Lu Xun.

At this time, Han Dang had a strong premonition that something was really going wrong.

Then, Han Dang immediately ordered someone to send a letter.Of course, this letter was not for Lu Xun, and Xia Jun couldn't get in at all.His letter was addressed to Quan Cong, telling him to come back and discuss with himself as soon as possible, this matter is really too big.

Quan Cong is still on the Yangtze River, facing a stalemate with the naval forces led by Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng, and has also received news of Han Dang's defeat.After thinking about it carefully, he was not only surprised that Han Dang's army would be surrounded and wiped out by the Jingzhou army, but also smelled a hint of danger from it.Perhaps, this is a good intuition.

Moreover, Quan Cong also felt that the appearance of a large number of Jingzhou Army troops in the south of Jingzhou was a very dangerous signal.This may be a coincidence, or it may be Han Dang's attack, which was discovered by the enemy long ago.Therefore, Liu Adou led the army across the Yangtze River a long time ago, set up an ambush near Yiyang City to wait for him, and obediently went there to die.

If it's a coincidence, it can only be said that Liu Adou's luck is so good that even the heavens don't want to favor Jiangdong people anymore.Well, this also means that it is completely in vain to fight the Jiangzhou navy so hard.

If the Jingzhou army intends to set up an ambush in Yiyang City, it may mean two situations:

First, the Jingzhou army learned of Han Dang's actions on the way to support Zhang Fei's Jiangzhou army, so they set up an ambush to destroy him;

Second, the Jingzhou army was basically targeting Han Dang's actions and sent troops to set up an ambush outside Yiyang City.Then this situation is really dangerous.Because this cannot be ruled out, Liu Adou has already seen through Lu Xun's strategic arrangement.

Well, in fact, this also means one thing, Quan Cong thought in his heart very annoyed: This also means that he has worked so hard to attract the attention of the Jingzhou army, but others have already regarded him as a monkey up...

From the above layer by layer, all of them showed Quan Cong's astonishing analytical ability.

Therefore, even if Han Dang did not send a letter to Quan Cong, Quan Cong had already decided to teach the army to his deputy commander-in-chief, and he would rush back to Lukou Port immediately.

But Quan Cong is also here, showing his not decisive side.Now that the situation has undergone such a sudden change, it is not very meaningful for his navy to confront the Jiangzhou navy again. It is better to retreat to Lukou Port immediately to deal with the worst situation. !

However, Quan Cong did not do this, he lacked the decisiveness of Lu Xun to do what he said, or, it can also be said that Quan Cong was a bit too "moderate" in his handling of things.But sometimes, taking the middle path is not the best choice.

Therefore, Quan Cong received the letter from Han Dang on the way very close to Lukou Port.After he saw the letter, his whole heart turned cold: Why did the enemy waste a lot of troops to seal off the area south of Puqi?The answer is ready to come out, stop the Jiangdong Army from sending the news to Xiajun, and cut off contact with Lu Xun!

That is to say, the army of the Shu Han is probably already at a certain level. From Han Dang's attack, it can be seen that Lu Xun's arrangements in this war.

Of course, there is still not enough evidence for Quan Cong to judge that the two armies of Shu Han have completely seen through Lu Xun's arrangement.With Quan Cong's personality, he can only give the above uncertain answers.

Thus, Quan Cong finally knew that he had to make a difficult decision now: he finally issued an order to his navy to retreat.Let them return to Lukou Port for assembly as quickly as possible, and then I will issue new combat orders.

Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng had already received Liu Chan's instruction and informed them of the Jiangdong Army's strategic arrangements. Quan Cong's navy was just acting.Therefore, facing the retreat of the Jiangdong navy, the two of them were not too surprised by it.

On the contrary, Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng followed the order left by Liu Chan and immediately mobilized their entire army and navy to pursue them.They did this, but they did not encounter the enemy's counterattack. Everything seemed a little unbelievable. The Jiangdong navy, which was originally imposing, really retreated in such a haste.

However, under the determination of the Jiangdong navy to retreat, this actually means that it is impossible for the Jiangzhou navy to achieve great results.

In fact, the greatest achievement of the Jiangzhou navy was nothing more than the sudden and easy re-control of the mouth of Dongting Lake and the control of the Dongting Lake area.

As for the result of the battle, Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng had previously discussed it, and felt that with their current strength, it was impossible to recapture Dongting Lake overnight.But that's how the miracle happened.

It should be said that Fan Jiang and Zhou Cheng had very good luck, and it was entirely because the general situation helped them a lot.

After Quan Cong returned to Lukou Port, he immediately went straight to his tent. After all, he is now the real Governor of Lukou!

Han Dang's position is definitely higher than Quan Cong's, but this is Quan Cong's territory, and Quan Cong is in charge of everything. Han Dang and Tai Shi Xiangna are just guest troops stationed here temporarily.Therefore, Quan Cong unceremoniously immediately ordered someone to invite Han Qian to come to his big tent to discuss military affairs.

In fact, Han Dang had already received the news that Quan Cong had returned to Lukou Port.So before Quan Cong ordered people to go find Han Dang, Han Dang had already dragged Tai Shixiang along and rushed to Quan Cong's big tent.

Han Dang is now wearing a white shirt, with a full beard and a rather tall figure.Although he is old, he still does not lose the mighty power of the year.After these few days of rest, he had already lost the look of depression from the previous defeat, and his mental state was still very good.It can be seen that people who have seen a lot of strong winds and waves have a much stronger ability to withstand setbacks than ordinary people.

And Tai Shixiang, who followed Han Dang closely, looked a little embarrassed.He was also wearing a robe, but the arrow wound on his left shoulder was still bandaged.Moreover, at such a young age, he couldn't keep up with Han Dang's pace. He could only trot from time to time to catch up with Han Dang.It's really funny.

(End of this chapter)

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