The Jagged Emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 600 Lu Xun breaks out

Chapter 600 Lu Xun breaks out

As soon as Han Dang came to Quan Cong's tent, he didn't ask the captain of the guard outside the door to come inside to inform Quan Cong, but he directly opened the curtain and walked in.It can be seen that Han Dang is still a little anxious.

The captain of Quan Cong's guard originally wanted to step forward to stop Han Dang's rudeness, but after Han Dang turned his head and glared viciously, he didn't dare to move.

Seeing that Han Dang entered, Tai Shixiang originally wanted to follow the general etiquette and let Quan Cong's guard captain enter the internal communication again.But he still shook his head, since Han Dang entered like this, he shouldn't waste any more time on those red tapes.

So, Tai Shixiang pretended not to see, Quan Cong's guard captain had a very ugly face, and went straight into Quan Cong's big tent.

Seeing this, the captain of the guard turned green with anger.Perhaps because he was out of breath, he suddenly untied the sword from his waist and fell to the ground. Could it be that the captain of the guard is transparent like him?The annoyance of being ignored like this was immediately revealed.

Perhaps, Han Dang has done this more than once, otherwise the captain of the guard would not be so angry.

When Tai Shixiang entered the big tent, he saw that Han Dang had already taken his seat.

Quan Cong was dressed in military uniform, sitting upright in the middle hall, his face looked a little serious, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Tai Shixiang saluted Quan Cong.Seeing Tai Shixiang's appearance, Quan Cong couldn't help sighing secretly, the saying that a tiger father has no dogs and sons is really nonsense.Thinking about how brave Tai Shici was back then, but not wanting to give birth to such a useless son as Tai Shixiang.

With a smile on Quan Cong's face, he invited Tai Shixiang to his seat.

At this time, Han Dang spoke first, and asked Quan Cong, "General Quan, you should have received the letter I sent you. What do you think of the current situation?"

Quan Cong almost didn't even think about it, and gave Han Dang two simple and clear answers: critical.

It is indeed the word "critical", not just "dangerous" or "critical".Quan Cong's use of this word is very ingenious, because the degree of "critical" is much more serious than "dangerous" or "critical", that is, it is very "critical".

Han Dang and Tai Shixiang were all stunned.

Han Dang should say that he has already prepared for the bad situation, but he has not realized whether it will really become serious.

When Quan Cong said this, his martial arts exceeded his bottom line too much.If he and Tai Shixiang were not surprised, then it would be really strange.

Han Dang frowned and asked, "Why do you say that?"

Quan Cong sighed, and said: "The best result Lu Boyan is facing now is that the enemy has partially seen through his strategic arrangement, and has only made partial preparations for it. Therefore, Lu Boyan can still fight with his whole body when the time comes." retreat."

Old Han Dang blushed, and he probably guessed it in his heart. Quan Cong's ellipsis may be because he thought that because of his defeat in Yiyang City, he had revealed part of Lu Xun's strategic intentions to the enemy.

In fact, Quan Cong meant exactly that.But he is still relatively good at being a man, and he doesn't want to embarrass Han Dang as a veteran, so he said it so lightly.

Then, Quan Cong continued: "The most serious result is that Lu Boyan is completely defeated, and even Jiangxia, which you guarded, old general, has fallen. I just don't know if my land in Jiangdong will continue to be attacked by the Shu Han army."

Han Dang and Tai Shixiang both let out an exclamation at the same time.Jiangdong was attacked by the Shu Han army?This situation is almost more serious than when Cao Cao's army pushed into the Yangtze River during the Battle of Chibi.No wonder Quan Cong uses words like "critical" now.

Han Dang was really anxious, but making plans was not his specialty, so he immediately asked, "Then, General, what should we do next? In my opinion, it is impossible for my army to stay in Lukou Port for repairs." , I must go back to Jiangxia!"

Quan Cong nodded, but shook his head again, immediately confused Han Dang, and asked, "What does General Quan mean?"

Quan Cong said solemnly: "General Han, don't be so anxious. Cong has already issued an order for the navy to retreat, and they will return to Lukou Port as quickly as possible. At that time, I will separate some troops , join forces with your troops, General Han. Then, General Han, you will lead your army to raid the area south of Puqi and rescue Lu Boyan. At that time, it will be up to him how to save this crisis."

Han Dang sighed, nodded, and accepted Quan Cong's opinion.

Tai Shixiang was always supporting Quan Cong and Han Dang when they were talking, but never interrupted once, which didn't seem to suit his personality.

So, three days later, the first batch of Jiangdong navy returned to Lukou Port.Quan Cong immediately ordered them to go ashore to recuperate, and began to select strong men from among them.

Then, in the next few days, Quan Cong's Jiangdong navy returned one after another.Quan Cong has also selected about 6000 people from among them, and taught them all to Han Dang, who took them away.

Xiajun, Lu Xun's guarded place.

Under Lu Xun's defense, the city is really as safe as a rock.In fact, these days, Zhang Fei almost only stationed troops in the western area of ​​the city, and almost never made a decent attack.

In other words, Zhang Fei's actions really made Lu Xun feel puzzled.After all, the performance of Zhang Fei's army deviated greatly from his own prediction.

Then, just a few days ago, Zhang Fei suddenly became aggressive and dispatched a large number of scouts to seal off the area between Puqi and Xiajun.

Of course, Lu Xun can probably be polite to Zhang Fei's move, it should be to cut off his communication with the outside world as much as possible.

But what happened next was unreasonable. Zhang Fei actually divided the originally small army into more than a thousand people and forcibly cut off the line from Puqi to Xiajun.But is it necessary to do so?

Next, something even more incredible happened.Zhang Fei sent reinforcements there, and then Zhang Fei actually increased the army between Puqi and Xiajun to an astonishing 6000 people!

The reason why 6000 people are mentioned here is that it is too much to use 1000 people to garrison there, and Zhang Fei actually used the precious [-] troops!

Therefore, as time passed, Lu Xun felt that the situation was getting more and more wrong, and his mind was full of bad premonitions.

Then, Lu Xun suddenly thought of something: he was not smart but was misled by his cleverness, thinking that Zhang Fei had already entered his trap, but in fact he was the one who fell into Zhang Fei's trap, right?But how is this possible?
The time finally came to the day agreed between Lu Xun and Han Dang, but there was no movement from Zhang Fei.This added to Lu Xun's anxiety.

Lu Xun still tried his best to calm himself down, hoping for a miracle to happen, Han Dang's army was just late.

Three days later, Lu Xun was desperate, knowing that something must have happened to Han Dang.

But at this time, Lu Xun found out that Zhang Fei's reinforcements had arrived again, and they were all Jingzhou troops, surrounding the small city of Xiajun.These Jingzhou troops were of course sent by Liu Chan to reinforce Zhang Fei's troops.

But Lu Xun is mentally strong, and he is not the kind of person who can easily give up.He decided to break out.Only after going out from Xiajun can he regain control of the overall situation. Although it is not possible to win a big victory by encircling and wiping out all the enemy troops, it should still be possible to defend Jiangxia County.

It is too scary to have a strong enemy like Lu Xun who is not discouraged by defeat.Such people always think about how to win in the future, instead of being disturbed by the temporary failure in front of them, and they are always so energetic and full of fighting spirit.

Therefore, Lu Xun immediately sent an order to gather 6000 troops to break through.The remaining nearly 6000 troops stayed behind to continue guarding Xiajun.Because Xia Jun can't throw it away for the time being, he has already issued an order to the remaining troops to stand firm, so that they will not fight to the last man, and they are absolutely not allowed to surrender to the enemy!
The movement of Lu Xun's army quickly reached Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei immediately gathered 6000 men and horses, and went straight to the north of Xiajun City to join the 6000 men and horses there. The [-] troops immediately lined up in the field outside the city to welcome the arrival of Lu Xun's men and horses.

Zhang Fei's six thousand soldiers lined up in a row, mighty and mighty, and looked really murderous.

Lu Xun's men appeared soon, because the number was only half of Zhang Fei's, so the formation was naturally not as grand as Zhang Fei's.

Zhang Fei was in the midst of the Chinese army, and the drums behind him were beating loudly.

Zhang Fei then waved his right hand, and the Chinese army formation moved immediately, marching towards Lu Xun's troops in a neat formation.

Zhang Fei is different from Liu Chan.Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for Liu Chan and his generals to dispatch the Chinese army first.They have always attacked from the strongest right-wing formation.

Then, depending on the situation, they will send out the most vulnerable left-wingers to fight immediately.Once the men and horses on these two wings have stabilized, the Chinese army will dispatch again.In this way, it is easiest to achieve stability in one's own army formation, and it is not easy for a certain wing to be suddenly broken by the enemy.

In any case, Zhang Fei's use of troops in this way has a much higher risk factor than Liu Chan's use of troops.

Lu Xun frowned when he saw Zhang Fei mobilize the Chinese army, but the entire army remained motionless.It seems that there is no intention of attacking yet.

Seeing that Lu Xun's army did not attack, Zhang Fei sneered and ordered the left-wing army to move out.Then, the right wing formation also moved accordingly.

So, Zhang Fei's army protruded from the center, with the two wings behind, and killed Lu Xun's men.

At this time, Zhang Fei also led his 300-man guard to drive forward and quickly entered the Chinese army formation.It seems that Zhang Fei did this because he wanted to personally lead the army to rush to the front line.

Such a situation, if placed in Liu Chan's place, would definitely be regarded as a blatant violation of the "command commandment".However, Zhang Fei is not the Jingzhou Army here, Liu Chan can't control him at all, let alone Zhang Fei, it's almost as good to let Zhang Fei manage Liu Chan.

What's more, with a brave man like Zhang Fei, there seems to be no enemy general who is still alive or healthy in the world and can fight him.

As far as Cao Wei was concerned, Zhang Liao still had a chance, but he was seriously injured by Xiong Ping, and it is said that he is now dying.Then there's the jaw opening.However, he was still a little short.Or, Wang Shuang, who was serving under Cao Ren, might be able to fight Zhang Fei for a hundred rendezvous without losing.

However, if it comes to the Jiangdong army, Tai Shici has passed away, and the only remaining Zhou Tai has also been killed by Liu Chan's design, Han Dang would not have been able to cut vegetables with Zhang Fei...

It's no wonder that Zhang Fei is so arrogant to go to battle when he meets the army under the command of Lu Xun, the governor of Jiangdong.Let me ask, among the opponent's army, is there anyone who can hurt a hair on him?The answer is very clear, not at all.

(End of this chapter)

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